Environmental Science

Getting a look at what was the need of bringing rechargeable battery in  use was its
versatility. Money of course but there are other important considerations, reliabilty,
charging and maintenance .
Rechargeable batteries have been in the market for a while and we might probably not be
known how to use them at once. When we drive car, we use rechargeable battery which have
been around for a long time with the development of technology, these rechargeable batteries
have better performance than they used to be earlier.
As I got the option for a rechargeable battery it was a boon for me to get rid of recharging it
again and again ,changing battery every now and then and most worst is that you may  not
get the enough power and performance of each type you own .so as soon I got it was a
relaxing and very reliable offer me to eagrly choose it.
I could easily remember the time when running out of battery in short time was a regular
and the worst part of it was that I used to run out of power in some meetings or
 But now its a changed technology to use is a rechargeable battery and we can even rely
upon it several times better than the older one.It has better durability and much economical
when sensed in long term usage and much much easy to adopt it in all sort of purposes.
There are numbers of manufacturers which make rechargeable batteries and the price of
these batteries varies according to the brand and quality of  product. Generally
rechargeable are rated by amperage unit in milliwatts per hour or mAh. There are many
improvements in the technology due to which we get batteries which can even withstand a
quick charge that  recharge it in several minutes. It can be used in the toys, music players
and cameras which need repeated quick and frequent recharging.

They come in various styles for the use in different types of combination of batteries. We
can even possess a car charger which is very handy to use and if you want to recharge your
batteries while on the move or travel. A good quality battery always has a safer life cycle
and will have higher performance for longer period of time.we must  not  compromise the
quality for a cheaper price. A battery must be purchased from a recognized banner or
brand.There are many gadgets or devices which we use daily which have some or the
 other type of rechargeable batteries in them these batteries are very different than the
regular batteries because of the chemicals used in it. We cannot recharge a regular battery
as the battery might burst and  all may ruin the charger too moreover it may result as
potentially dangerous to human being sometime leading to sudden explosion during

Every year and at least two billion used batteries are disposed into solid waste facilities in
the United States and other surrounding states. This is an increasing problem,
fundamentally due to the extensive use  in the field of new technologies that made possible
that almost everyone owns at least a wireless electronic device which uses diverse types of
batteries for the power supply. Think of the millions of laptops, digital camcorders, cell
phones, wireless hand tools, flash lights, toys, gadgets etc. sold in the market just within
the recent  years and we can  see the real environmental challenge of safe disposal and
recycling it is ahead to  all of us.
Most  of the chemicals  ingredients used for making these rechargeable batteries are highly
toxic and require a consistent treatment for handling and usage in which we, as users who
care about the environment, can do our part avoiding that used batteries are thrown away
openly in garbage or dustbins with other household waste.
When improperly disposed, heavy metals have very high potential to leach slowly into
soil,air or groundwater. Batteries contribute over 85 percent of the total mercury and over
57 percent of the cadmium in solid waste streams dumped today as waste without any
concern. When burned, heavy metals like mercury  may vaporize and escape into the air
which further become more serious problem causing various diseases.
We too can contribute to reduce hazardous these waste, starting with prevention  for
instance, must check if we have on hand used batteries before buying more of it.
Batteries are constantly being formulated and improved technologically, so we can check
the labels and look for manuals of batteries that have less mercury and lesser heavy metals
 used in it.
We must consider using rechargeable batteries in more power intensive devices, depending
on the specific use, which may be result in a better option than using disposable batteries, it
will certainly bring environmental and financial benefits.


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