The Role of Wireless Technology in Society.

Wireless technology is a global innovation through which its various functions in traditional form are made mobile and accessible without spatial limits. The antecedent to the continuous development of wireless technology is the necessity to bridge communication gaps. Different challenges and difficulties in communication and networking have prompted the development of wireless technology. (Rhoton, 2002) Apart from facilitating effortless communication, wireless technology also smoothen the progress of data or information transfer and offer entertainment on the go for its users. (Firestone, 2008)
    Due to the benefits and contributions of wireless technology, it has been adapted, developed, and established in different fields. Wireless technology may be for personal use through the utilization of cell phones, wireless Internet connections, and handheld devices such as PDAs (Firestone, 2008, p. 5). In the field of medicine, wireless technology is being utilized in order to improve networking and communications for a more efficient mode of providing medical services to patients. For instance, cardiac pacemakers are equipped with wireless technology for the purpose of correcting heart rhythms. (Firestone, 2008, p. 5).
Wireless technology also contributes to the field of business and commerce by providing a means by which corporations may expand and grow by relying on wireless technology for setting up and operating e-commerce. (Wheeler, 2004 Tsai, 2003) In education, wireless technology is instrumental in assisting academic institutions resolve certain problems that hinder the development and enrichment of the teaching and learning process. (Sharma  Nakamura, 2003) By and large, wireless technology has played an important part in modern society. With this in mind, the remainder of this text will look into the various influences of wireless technology to
The Influence of Wireless Technology to Man and Society   
    Initially, the presence of wireless technology creates a sudden need or demand for these kinds of devices. Various groups in society have assigned the roles or uses of wireless technology, whereas if nonexistent, these particular needs will peter out or cease to exist. For instance, most adolescents nowadays would regard mobile and smart phones essential parts of their daily lives, while this need was nonexistent beforehand. In the workplace, the use of wireless technology has also prompted the need for individuals to be well-versed about technology and how it is used. Working adults primarily regard these devices wireless technology devices as utilitarian business tools teenagers and young adults look at them as a platform for entertainment (Miller, 2004, p. 324).
    The influence of wireless technology in expanding the needs of man may be explained by the Theory of Needs by Abraham Maslow. According to Maslow, human need is a psychological construct composed of five levels physiological, safety, social, ego, and self-actualization (Taniar, 2009, p. 58). Wireless technology offers benefits that appeal to different human needs as explicated by Maslows theory. Wireless technology meets physiological and material needs the safety features of technology appeals to security needs wireless technology facilitates social interaction the knowledge and skills in utilizing and understanding wireless technology appeals to a mans pride or ego various wireless technological tools may be used in different aspects of life to accomplish success and make work more efficient, etc.
    Aside from human needs, wireless technology also affects an individuals culture of human beings in modern society. The platform of technology has changed the structure of society too much. For instance, impersonal communication or interaction has become common, lessening the value of personal interaction among individuals. Wireless technology also strongly influences the perspectives of individuals, which are reflected in their language. From an evolutionary view, we are seeing a new case in which the adoption of new technology affects language, including vocabulary and rules of grammar in practices. And these practices ultimately affect the common language, and language itself (Castells, 2007, p. 184).
    As previously mentioned, wireless technology also affects decision-making processes and priority setting. These arguments are palpable by observing purchasing decisions of individuals and the reason by which people choose to purchase wireless technology over other objects or goods. An example of this would be the popularity of mobile phones as opposed to telephones with fixed lines. (Shi, 2004) Cultural influences of wireless technology, that are inherent in decisions and priorities, are evident in adoption rates and styles (Shi, 2004, p. 8) of human beings. For instance, Cultural factors affect the preference for mobile phones over fixed phones they also influence handset sizes and style preferences (Shi, 2004, p. 8).
    In addition, the priorities of individuals change with the various contributions and opportunities that wireless technology plays in an individuals life. Technically speaking, Consumers may want different levels of detail in information depending on the situation. In a wireless world, we believe that they tend to prefer information in a compact form because they will tend to use wireless devices while on the go and because of technology limitations (Pal  Rangaswamy, 2003, p. 67). Thus, the priority of human beings have shifted from directly accomplishing their goals and objectives in the different aspects of their lives to the identification and acquisition of various tools and instruments by which the arduous process may be simplified and made less complex for them. Furthermore, the priority of human beings, which have led to heavy reliance on wireless technology, is to make life less difficult by looking for ways by which difficulties may be lessened. Customization of wireless technology to address the difficulties of individuals in accomplishing roles and responsibilities in different areas of life has been the priority of modern society.
    Finally, wireless technology leads to the ability of man to create and innovate. This is palpable in the increasing development of technology. The existence of Global Positioning Systems, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Broadband Internet, 3G and 4G technologies have proven that technology is heading towards one direction and the capacity of man to develop technology fuels it.
    Overall, the major arguments presented above reveal that wireless technology, when it comes to man and society, has generally influenced and transformed culture. First, the existence of wireless technology along with the various benefits and contributions that it offers to man, appeals to human needs in various levels. Thus, man perceives wireless technology to be a need. Second, wireless technology influences decision-making processes, specifically in terms of purchasing or consumerism. Third, in relation to the second argument, wireless technology affects the priorities of man. From a goal-driven society, people have become more conscious or aware of the need to create several ways in which the accomplishment of goals and objectives in various areas or fields of life will become more efficient and less difficult. Finally, wireless technology enables man to create or innovate. The features of wireless technology allow man to fulfill his functions in different areas of his life, as well as to improve technology to fit the needs of man.


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