There has been a reported decline in performance in science at higher grade levels which calls for a review of the existing instructional strategies to correct this situation. The proposed study seeks to determine the viability of an integrated curriculum approach in teaching and learning science at 11th grade. The study will determine the effect that an integrated curriculum has on the levels of academic performance, behavioral development and personal skills acquisition which help determine its overall impact on gain from the education system. A quasi-experimental design will be adopted in the study whose participants will be teachers and 11th grade students.

The introductory chapter is aimed at addressing various issues that are central in the formulation of the proposed study. This chapter presents a background review of the problem, the problem statement, the research purpose, the research question and objectives, rationale of the study and lastly the significance of the study. This chapter is aimed at developing an overall understanding of the issues that will be covered in the study.

Statement of the Problem 
The importance attached to education in general is derived from the relevance of formal education in dealing with professional and personal obligation. Exams from this dimension can be looked at as platform for determining the levels of knowledge that has been retained. The high levels of failure recorded in science exams at 11th grade are a manifestation of a problem that undermines the rationale of teaching science in formal education. On the other hand, the importance attached to science in the modern world cannot be ignored in developing education curricula if objectivity is to be attained. It is noteworthy that the education system is charged with providing avenues through which members of the society can develop an understanding of the factors that affect their lives. This implies that ignoring science by not addressing failure undermines the rationale in education.
Use of integrated approaches has proven successful in varied aspects of education and even without educational settings. Businesses as an external example have adopted the principles of total quality management as an approach to improving the services and products that they offer their customers. A review of the systems involved in total quality management reveals that it involves an integrated approach to systematic improvement of organizational operations. Within educational settings, there has been an increase in emphasis on the need to address various learning issues for instance behavioral and personal development and not just academic aspects. This is a manifestation of an integrated approach to viewing the efficiency of an instructional strategy adopted within a classroom setting (Supiano, Fitzgerald, Hall, Halter,  Jeffrey, 2007). The use of activities, teaching aids and involvement of students in classroom activities which is representative of an integrated approach to instructional delivery are associated with improved performance. This is seen in areas of language development and is viewed as being central to the high emphasis placed on inclusive approaches and increased interaction within educational setting (Pennee, 2007). However, there has been minimal research on the applicability of integrated approaches to teaching science especially at the 11th grade. Another aspect that comes out clearly is that the use of an integrated approach to science delivery has only been analyzed with respect to the potential effect that has on the academic performance recorded by student. However, gains from education transcend academics to include behavioral development as well as social awareness. This is a gap in the existing studies that should be addressed as value attached to an integrated approach to delivery in science is analyzed.

The Topic
The topic of the study is A quantitative analysis of the effect of an integrated classroom on students performance. The effect of a pedagogical approach on students performance is the general area that the study will focus on. It is noteworthy that the internal classroom organization is highly influential on interaction between students and transmission of information.

Research Problem
It is of critical importance that the strategies adopted in learning be designed in a manner that addresses social needs. High levels of failure in science are not just an educational issue rather it has social ramifications considering the multiple activities that involve direct application of sciences. The seriousness of failure in sciences is brought out in the fact that it has an implication of failure in adopting positive values and poor behavioral development (Foster, 2008). The failure of the existing strategies to meet the academic goals may be a reflection of their inadequacy in addressing other critical educational attainment issues. The proposed study has been developed to determine the relevance of an integrated program approach to science delivery on various facets of educational gains.

Personal interest in the development of science is one of the reasons for carrying out the study. I have always been interested in the development of science and recent personal observations have led to the conclusion that there is need for the adoption of new strategies in teaching and learning science at higher grade levels. Another important factor that adds to the rationale in developing the study is the existing gap in literature. Without an effective theoretical platform for the infusion of integrated science programs in teaching and learning science at the 11th grade, there is little practical development that would be attained. The need to develop awareness on the potential harbored by infusion of integrated science programs in teaching and learning science which would lead to increased research in this specific area is the other rationale in formulating the study.

Background and justification
The attention to high school science student achievement has increased due to the Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) and the impending requirements of federal programs such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) (Lumpe, 2008). NCLB is the latest federal legislation that enables the theories of standards based education reform, which is the belief that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education (United States Department of Education, 2002). Ideally, NCLB should improve the quality of education by requiring schools to improve their performance. The NCLB emphasizes reading, writing, mathematics and science as core academic areas.

The State of Florida has been committed to perfecting a workable system of accountability for public schools (Florida Department of Education, 2009). The Florida Statewide Assessment Program that begun in 1971 has been an important element in addressing accountability. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) was designed to meet both the requirements of the Comprehensive Assessment Design and the rigorous content defined by the Sunshine State Standards. The FCAT became the test required for high school graduation for the class of 2003. In 1999, with the second administration of the FCAT, school accountability for student performance on the FCAT went a notch higher with the release of the results. The results from this administration were used in assigning school letter grades.

The States Accountability program grades a school by complex formula that looks at both current scores and annual improvement on the Grade 9 and 10 Reading and Mathematics, Grade 10 Writing and Grade 11 Science FCAT. The FCAT is part of Floridas overall plan to increase student achievement by implementing higher standards. The FCAT, administered to students in grades 3-11, consists of criterion referenced tests (CRT) in mathematics, reading, science and writing, which measures student progress toward meeting the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) benchmarks. According to the 2009 FCAT subsection of the science Grade 11 test, school designated for this study, 12 of 254 students assessed obtained a mastery score of 324 (passing rate). The 2008 FCAT subsection of the science Grade 11 test show that 10 of 265 students assessed obtained a mastery score of 324 (passing rate). These percentages indicate low student achievement in sciences (Florida Department of Education, 2009).

Deficiencies in Evidence
Researchers Helfich, Dixon  Davis (2006) believed that the curricular impact of science on students is directly related to the effective integration of content and method of instruction. Science teachers must consider the best blend of content, activities, and instructional methodology when constructing their curriculum (Pickens  Eick, 2009). However, studies show that students have difficulty connecting science to their own lives (Skrok, 2007 Pickens  Eick, 2009). Students think of science, as well as other subjects in their schools, as separate domains of knowledge that are not applicable to them. Some students are unaware of what science entails in the real world which leads to low appreciation and even development of a negative attitude towards science (Muller, 2002). The poor attitude developed by students result in poor scores in sciences (Stakes,  Mares, 2005). Children with positive attitudes are more likely to sustain learning and to pursue subjects they enjoy (Pell  Jarvis, 2001). Stakes  Mares (2005) posit that students positive attitudes toward science significantly impact on their persistence in science. This is mainly due to the motivating effect associated with a positive attitude towards science which results in persistence. Attitudes are learned and hence can be affected by stimulating students positive experience in learning science (Stakes  Mares, 2005).

Mattern  Schau (2002) suggest that a large number of urban students lose interest in science and develop negative attitudes through middle school. Urban school environment often tend to have few resources, large enrollments, little equipment and less experienced teachers. Urban schools often tend to have larger percentage of minority students than non-urban school. This is posited as being potentially influential on the levels on students appreciation and of science which disproportionately impact on minority students (Jones, Howe,  Rua, 2000).

According to Burger  Nadirova (2008), research in science education calls attention to the persisting problem of the alienation of young people from science and stress the importance of continuing inquiries into students attitudes toward science to understand and remedy the problem. History shows that science laboratory experiences have been seen as avenues for illustrating, demonstrating, and verifying known concepts and laws (Buck,  Cordes, 2005). The reform efforts in science education emphasize engaging students in experiences as opposed to rote demonstrations (Muller, 2002). As educators and policymakers search for ways to motivate more students into pursuing advanced studies and careers in math and science, the connection between childrens motivation and achievement has received increasing attention (Bennett, Lubben,  Hogarth, 2007).

The National Center for Education Statistics data show that both boys and girls tend to lose interest in math and science as they move from elementary to high school females interest and confidence falls off sharply (Gonzales et al, 2004). Most American students continue to perform poorly in science compared with other industrialized nations (Gonzales et al, 2004). This is a sad state considering the importance attached by the American society on competence in science and technology. There is therefore an urgent need to determine the factors that are central to the dropping performance in sciences despite societal awareness on their importance.

Educational attainment has, in recent times, taken on an integrated approach where achievement is looked at in varied dimensions (Pickens  Eick, 2009). Studies on the efficiency of inclusion and other classroom strategies view achievement in the academic, behavioral development and development of social skills perspectives (Pickens  Eick, 2009). Another aspect that has yet to be accurately conceptualized is the mix of factors that result in loss of interest in sciences by both boys and girls. Loss of interest is a result of the development of a negative attitude due to environmental, social and personal factors (Pickens  Eick, 2009). These are issues that have to be addressed for they play a vital role in determining the systems that teacher should have in place and policy makers have to emphasize on in correcting the failing state of science education in the US.

The proposed study could have tremendous effect on the specific strategies adopted in science education leading to the development of strategies that are relevant to various facets of education. Moreover, the proposed study will develop findings that provide a path that can be used in finding a cure to the ailing science education within the US. This is important to the development of science in the society and its future application in various areas that affect human development. Therefore, the study is of great significance to knowledge development as well as practical growth and adoption of strategies that will better teaching and learning approaches in science. This implies that the study will affect student educators parents teachers and has the potential of affecting all institutions that are influenced by the education system.

Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of grade 11 integrated science courses on students achievement as determined by the science subsection of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and their teachers. This study will compare the performance of eleventh grade students enrolled in an integrated science curriculum and honors chemistry course to eleventh grade students using a non integrated science curriculum.

Research Questions
The following research questions and objectives will aid direct the study so as to address its overall aim

Will the implementation of an extensive integrated science program result in an increase in science scores as measured by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test

Is there a significant difference in the achievement of students enrolled in two science curriculum groups (integrated science and honors regular science class) on the sub- scores of the science FCAT

Chapter 2 Literature Review
This chapter presents a thematic review of works done by other researches in the same area. The main aim of the chapter is to develop a good understanding of the problems that will help determine the areas of focus and shaping the methodology that will be used in the study.

Pros Associated with Integrated Curriculum
The subject of curriculum integration has been under discussion for the last half century, with a resurgence occurring over the past decade (Pickens  Eick, 2009). Knowledge development, the increase of state mandates relating to educational issues, fragmented teaching schedules, concerns about curriculum relevancy and a lack of connection and relationships among disciplines have been all cited as reasons to move towards an integrated curriculum (Jacobs, 1989 Pickens  Eick, 2009). Thus increase in research on integrated curriculum is a result of changes in requirements placed on the education system.

Learning is more powerfully enabled when curricula are integrated such that connections are established between subject areas rather than as fragmented islands of information or knowledge (Drake, 1993 Ending, 1996 Lewis  Shah, 1999). Prior research support the premise that integrated curricula produce superior educational results through classroom instruction that incorporates various subject matters as interconnected whole rather than separate subject areas. Hellish, Dixon  Davis, 2006, believed that the impact of science on students is directly related to effective integration of content and method of instruction. Science teachers must consider what would be the best blend of content, activities and instructional methodology when constructing their curriculum (Pickens  Eick, 2009).

John Dewey (1938) posited that there is a necessary condition between the processes of actual experience and education. According to Heflich, Dixon,  Davis (2001), the vast majority of students often view science as something that is stagnant. For some, science is dynamic though teachers fail to create this image n their students minds. Educational research spots the value of scientific inquiry as a motivational tool (Canton, Brewer,  Brown, 2000). Theobald (2006) showed that in allowing students to control the direction of their investigations, mirroring the work of real scientists, they not only discover important scientific concepts but also have fun.

Students understanding science for lifelong learning is a goal that requires emphasis on teaching science for understanding rather than isolated facts. This approach in teaching science allows for the integration of science concepts with relevant application in society including technology (Nieswandt  Shanahan, 2008). It is important to make science relevant to students personal life which makes science worth studying for reluctant learners and those students who are not interested in science. Reluctant learners become engaged in activities if they see value in the lesson for their present lives (Bennet et al, 2007 Theobald, 2006).

Curriculum Integration Benefits
Curriculum integration is an issue that has taken central importance in recent developments within education. The rationale in integration is ease in relating various interrelated issues that collectively contribute to gain of knowledge. A review of learning theories reveals that continuous interaction with the environment plays a vital role in transmission of knowledge (Supiano, Fitzgerald, Hall, Halter,  Jeffrey, 2007). This implies that the development of knowledge is from basic observation and even communication with others in a learning environment is critical in making gains in education. This is brought out clearly in early education which commonly adopts an integrated curriculum. Learning for students who basically depend on their parents, teachers and siblings for information is facilitated by an environment that allows for the development of meaning from different information sources (Pennee, 2007). 

Another aspect that education theorists posit as being central to the high levels of knowledge acquisition recorded by young children is their interest in learning (Soh, Samal,  Nugent, 2007 Pennee, 2007 Trusty, 2000). The interest that one has for gaining knowledge in a given aspect plays a critical role in shaping personal involvement and retention of any given piece of information. Moreover, the level of involvement by students in any given setting is affected by the attitude that they display towards the goals being driven at (Muller, Jain, Loeser,  Irby, 2008). This implies that defining instructional goals in a manner that allows for appreciation by students plays a vital role in ensuring that they develop a positive attitude towards their involvement. This is brought out in the reasons cited as being central to the low appreciation displayed by students towards science education. Most students claim that they do not fathom the importance of science to their future. This is mainly because in most cases instructors adopt strategies that are highly theoretical and minimize the levels of involvement and interaction between students. 

Interaction allows students to not only learn from instructors but also from each other whereas ensuring that they can relate varied observations and principles in developing an understanding of new information. This is an aspect that appears to be lacking in the strategies adopted at higher grades to teaching and learning science though it is commonly adopted in early education (Wieland, Eleazer, Bachman, Corbin, Oldendick, Boland, Stewart, Richeson,  Thornhill, 2008). This brings about a question on why the need for integration in higher grades is not well articulated and appreciated. There are common assumptions that are made on the learning process in higher grades that lead to the alienation of the basics tenets of integrated learning. It is generally assumed that the learning process at higher levels differ greatly from learning in lower levels of education (Oliver, Schofield,  McEvoy, 2006). Though this assumption is not stated explicitly, it can be derived from analyzing the differences in the learning strategies adopted in different levels. Lower grades are associated with decreased interaction with instructors and the use of practical examples these are slowly dropped as instruction takes on a theoretical realm up the grades (Johnson, 2007 Kind,  Kind, 2007). It is however evident from the failure recorded in science that an integrated approach may in fact be an effective approach to instructional delivery at higher grades.

Environmental and personal development factors are also cited as playing a central role in the low interest displayed by 11th grade students to science. There is a high correlation between decrease in the levels of performance in science subjects and the onset of puberty (Hubball, Gold, Mighty,  Britnell, 2007). Puberty and the associated complications could considerably affect the perceptions that a student has of education which go a long way in influencing their approach to science education. Loss of interest is possibly the greatest threat to success in science education and is manifested in low participation in learning activities. It is imperative on science teachers at higher grades to appreciate the complexities associated with the onset of puberty and its implications on the levels of interests displayed by students on various learning activities (Supiano et al, 2007). Theoretically, the onset of puberty presents challenges that are similar to those faced in early childhood learning since the learners in each case are easily distracted resulting in low involvement (Soh, Samal,  Nugent, 2007). It is therefore apparent that integrated learning is as relevant to early childhood education as it is to 11th grade students.

Another aspect that comes out clearly is that the low importance attached to integrated approaches to learning at higher grades could imply that their adoption at such high levels could be faulty which may impede the realization of associated benefits (Supiano et al, 2007). Therefore understanding the factors that have to be considered when developing an integrated approach to science learning is important in realizing the benefits associated with the approach.

Though there are researchers that have adopted a single definition of integrated curriculum, a number of theorists view it as a continuum. The latter dimension to viewing integrated learning is important for it allows for change in the adopted strategies due to changes in the operational environment. It is noteworthy that integration of a curriculum results in interweaving, connection, interdisciplinary, correlation and holistic properties (Joseph,  Brooks, 2008). Curriculum integration is as an approach to teaching and learning that places equal emphasis on both philosophy and practicality. It is evident that under integrated curricular the transmission of theory is facilitated and supported by practical activities. Under integrated curricula, there is special emphasis on drawing knowledge, values, attitudes and skills from within and across varied subject areas which is considered a robust and powerful approach to developing understanding (OReilly,  McNamara, 2007). The design of the integrated curriculum determines the levels of interconnection of ideas that can be afforded and therefore the efficiency of the resulting strategies. The design considerations are often derived from the potential benefits associated with the approach to learning and teaching (Sawyer, Cooke, Conn, Marks, Roseby,  Cerritelli, 2006). Simply, the considerations in designing an integrated curriculum are geared towards attainment of the associated benefits.  

Allowing for flexibility is an important requirement in curriculum integration for it provides teachers with a platform to transcend individual strands and subjects. This can be incorporated in the curriculum through including a flexible approach to introducing new concepts that involve observation and relating to existing phenomenon (Guile,  Okumoto, 2009). The latter aspect is also vital in the second requirement which is building on prior knowledge and experience. It is common knowledge that teaching is an art that develops with years of experience and interacting with students in different scenarios. Developing meaningful connection between subjects and knowledge that students have help diversify their knowledge base and develop a holistic view of the world thus meaningful learning (Hatcher, 2006). Inclusion of measures aimed at unifying students learning is also important in formulating a curriculum. This can only be attained if a proper mapping between the activities involved in the curricula and students learning goals are attained (Niewswandt,  Shanahan, 2008 Plummer,  Kuhlman, 2008)). The students should be able to visualize the relationship between their goals and what they are learning within a given curricula. Reflecting the real world through the adopted strategies presents a platform through which student can be a source of knowledge which facilitates learning both at home and in school (Jippes,  Majoor, 2008). This can be attained by matching the activities in a curriculum and the teaching goals to the way students think. A holistic approach to transmitting ideas is better at supporting the idea processing mechanism used by teenage brains relative to transmission of fragmented pieces (Lynch, 2000).

While most studies have emphasized on the benefits associated with curricular integration on students, there is evidence showing that it is also helpful on teachers. The high levels of brainstorming and understanding of a class required in an integrated approach ensures that a teacher is continually involved with a class and aid development of effective communication with students (Supiano et al, 2007). Moreover, the formulation of relevant concepts of learning is made easy for teachers if they adopt an integrated approach to instructional delivery (Macaulay,  Nagley, 2008). Another important aspect is that it provides a teacher an extensive platform to analyze holistically the students performance in different facet. This ensures that teachers are better placed to guide students and help them maximize gains.

Chapter 3 Methodology
This chapter will highlight the methodology that will be used in the study. The main aim is to relay the various strategies and structures included in the research that help improve its accuracy and integrity. The methodology chapter is important in determining the accuracy of the findings and affects the integrity of the entire dissertation.

The participants in this study will include the following 250 grade 11 students and 3 science teachers. The teachers will teach grade 11 students. The students will be enrolled in the following science course choices integrated science, honors chemistry, or environmental science. It is noteworthy that the participants in the study will be doing so under their own volition. Involvement in the study will be after the participants have been informed of the goals and procedures that will be included in the study. Their decision to participate in the study will be out of self or personal interest.

The instruments that will be used are teacher surveys, teacher interview, student assessment data- August 2009- April 2010, scores from the FCAT 2010 science sub-section, and student grades from the various science courses. Data will be divided into total group, integrated science and chemistry course, integrated science and environmental science. The assessment will be charted using a quantitative data chart called progress checks. Progress checks will give the mastery score (Mastery score is 70 or higher) compared to the non mastery score (Non mastery score is less than 70). Data will also be disaggregated by teacher. Qualitative data will be collected using pre and post surveys administered to the teachers. Data conversations known as data chats will be conducted after every assessment with students. Integrated science instructors, chemistry instructor, the environmental science instructor and science coach will conduct these student data chats. Graphs that include assessment scores and assessed benchmarks will be compiled.

The instruments used in the study are common data gathering tools. There are no unique requirements in using the tools which improves their validity. The fact that teachers who commonly interact with students will be collecting data from the students improves the validity of the responses. The use of a control group in the study serves to address a number of threats to the internal validity of the collected data.

A quasi experimental design will be adopted in the study. The choice of the design is largely guide by the nature of the research problem and the research objectives. A quasi experimental design affords the researcher flexibility of molding the research in a manner that meets various practical requirements. The main goal of the study is to determine the effect that an integrated science curricula has on the levels of performance by 11th grade students. It is noteworthy that actual students performance has to be considered in this case thus the adoptions of an approach that provides an avenue for collecting data on students performance in an integrated classroom is vital. A control measure is required since performance is a relative thus the inclusion of students that take their classes under regular science curricular. The alignment of the research designs to the nature of the problem and the research questions ease data collection and analysis.

The study will examine the effects of an integrated science curriculum (independent variable) on student achievement (dependent variable). The control for the experiment is the traditional science curricula taught in the Environmental Science course. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test scores will be used in determine if there are any differences in the recorded academic performance between students in an integrated class and those being tutored under a regular environmental science class. On the other hand, behavioral and personal skills developmental will be assessed with the input of peers and tutors. Behavioral and social ability development is best manifested in interaction with peers and the tutor. Any changes will be recorded by the use of a questionnaire that will be designed to include likert-type questions that can be used in quantifying the participants perception of the change observed in students under the two programs. 

This 36- week intervention will provide opportunities for grade 11 students to investigate the theories and ideas associated with the biological, earth, physical and chemical sciences and scientific thinking in a way that is both relevant and usable. Integrated Science course sections will meet every other day for an eighty-five instructional block. Students will construct science knowledge by formulating questions, making predications, planning experiments, making observations, classifying, interpreting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating.

125 students will be enrolled in Integrated Science course and Honors Chemistry, 70 students in solely Integrated Science course, and 55 students are enrolled in solely Environmental Science. Each student will be given the following assessments Baseline Test (August 2009), Fall Interim Assessment (October 2009), Winter Interim Assessment (December 2009), Pre FCAT Assessment (February 2010) and FCAT 2010 (March 2010).

Data will be divided into total group, integrated science and chemistry course, integrated science and environmental science. The assessment will be charted using a quantitative data chart called progress checks. Progress checks will give the mastery score (Mastery score is 70 or better) compared to the non mastery score (Non mastery score is less than 70 ). Data will also be disaggregated by teacher. Qualitative Data will be collected using pre and post surveys administered to the teachers. Data conversations known as data chats will be conducted after every assessment with students. Integrated science instructors, chemistry instructor, the environmental science instructor and science coach will conduct these student data chats. Graphs will be compiled that include assessment scores and assessed benchmarks.

To determine the statistical differences between the levels of performance recorded under integrated and regular curriculum ANOVA analysis will be used. It is noteworthy that under the ANOVA approach the regular an integrated curricular will be viewed as different treatments. This calls for the use of statistical software so as to improve on accuracy in the calculations.

The setting of this study is an urban school in a low socioeconomic community with a population of 921 students in grades 9-12. The school setting is 91 Black, 8 Hispanic and 1 White non-Hispanic. 13 of the students are with disabilities whereas 20 are Limited English Proficient (LEP) with 290 students under the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. Eighty-four percent of the student population receives free and reduced lunch (School Designated for this Study, School Improvement Plan, 2009). This school seeks to be a safe, supportive, and nurturing community which inspires all students to perform at high levels of learning. High standards and continuous improvement are embedded within our school culture to inspire lifelong learners that will flourish in a global society.

The following is a table for the school designated for the study schools grade since the implementation of the FCAT grading scale.

Academic School YearGrade Assigned by
Florida Department of Education (FDOE)1998-1999F1999-2000D2000-2001D2001-2002F2002-2003F2003-2004F2004-2005F2005-2006F2006-2007D2007-2008F2008-2009F
The following are the limitations of the study
The majority of the respondents will be Black due to the constitution of the school. This may reduce the relevance of the findings to schools that are predominantly White or Hispanic since socioeconomic factors and cultural influences impact on perception and therefore education (Kahle,  Meece, 2000).
Difference in teaching skills and experiences may be manifested in the results. Teachers expertise and students ability vary and may considerably affect performance thereby resulting in inaccurate results. This may negatively affect the reliability of the results.


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