Technology Integration in the Lessons.

1.What was the purpose of integrating technology into the lessons
    The ultimate purpose of integrating technology into the lessons is to develop the learning method done in schools in order to maximize the potentials of the students. It enhances the students to become creative and participative since learning process now becomes interesting. At a young age, students were already trained to use modern gadgets because it encourages better learning. Technology is of great help as well, especially to those students with disabilities in coping up to the lessons and live like normal students.
2. How did the videos change how you think of using technology with students
    The videos made us understand that integration of technology is crucial not just in the process of learning but on making the students understand the society as a whole. It also portrays that technology, if used with proper guidance (e.g. teacher or instructor), can indeed help the students in maximizing their potentials.

Write an example from your own experience of the successful and meaningful integration of technology for learning purposes. What made the experience successful Meaningful
Based from my own experience, our school has made use of computers as a medium for the students to better understand the lesson. In reporting, we use PowerPoint presentations and video presentations. This way, students get to know the subject really well since there are now certain guides to the learning process aside from the normal lecture done by teachers. What made it more meaningful is not just the fact that our grades increased but more importantly, what we still do remember the lessons and incorporate them to our everyday lives.


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