This studys objective is to provide IS solutions to the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) e-Governance facility.  The current IS system operates inaccurately and ineffectively. Through addressing the specific problems, we will produce an efficient and highly focussed system capable of delivering accurate and timely information upon demand.
The purpose of this case study is to provide IS solutions to the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) e-Governance facility. The beta version of its current IS is riddled with  database and design flaws, service handling errors, and managerial function errors such as improper representation or assignments.  Services that SACM provide vary from academic advice through to recommendations on financial matters.  SACM is also the connection point between U.S educational institutions and Saudi students.  SACM responsibilities include representing Saudi universities, ministries, and other governmental agencies that sponsor Saudi students in the United States. SACM also implement governmental policy and scholarship rules and regulations regarding financial obligations to students.  In brief, the SACM is charged with overseeing the educational, cultural, and social welfare of students. By maintaining an up-to-date IS that serves both sides, the SACM can provide automated services to its 25,000 students with fewer frustrations, greater effectiveness, and a more secure interaction.                                                              

Project Justification              
The project will reflect the knowledge acquired from AIT600, AIT 610, AIT 628, and AIT 630. The project will focus on the area of Information System Management. It will give me a greater understanding of project management. This project will also familiarize me with the SAD methodology - planning, analysis, design, and implementation. The main concern of this project is to observe it from initiation through to final phase implementation.                                                                

Project definition              
A visually appealing, clear, concise, and highly focused system needs to be created for the SACM. The SACM e-governance IS system has multiple problems that make it unstable. In order to maintain a proper IS that can operate effectively under demanding conditions, several issues must be addressed. The IS system flaws consist of the following


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