Describe the benefits and drawbacks of current communications technology, in terms of our health, education and relationships. In the light of your analysis to what extent should we be concerned about our grandchildren world, given that these technologies will continue to develop

Communication technology is no wonder one of the most highly advancing technologies in the modern world. It is due to important role that communication technology plays in the modern world that almost every nation across the globe has heavy invested on communication infrastructure. Communication technology has conveniently controlled the way we live in the world. Examples of its dominance in our modern lives are in telecommunication, internet and computer technologies which have become part of our normal lives (Doley 2009). Such technologies have not only impacted on our social lives but much also no our education and health sectors. The

However, true from research findings, it has been evidently established that communication technology has some negative impacts on our human lives. Many have cited excessive use of communication to have a negative impact on the reasoning and thus creativity of human beings. Still cited is the serious health risks that are associated with the microwave and magnetic waves that are emitted by these communication facilities (The hidden dangers of cell phone). It is owing to this reason that many nations are spending much of their revenue on funding scientific researches to find innovative and more reliable solutions to communication technology drawbacks.

Given the fact that communication technology is a highly revolving technological field, many have claimed concerns on its impact on future generations. Communication technology is seen as a major threat to our traditional communication ways both with friends and in meetings. Further some technologies such as social networking websites lack privacy and are thus a negation of the purpose and intimacy of engaging in relationships (Reaney 2008).

This essay is written to address the importance of communication technology one the different sectors of our economy. The author particularly gives a discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of communication technology in education, health and relationships. A discussion on what extent a modern society should be concerned on the impact of communication technology to the lives of our grandchildren is also given.

First is the impact of communication technology in the health sector. The culture and efficiency of the health sector has been greatly improved by communication technology. Technologies such as computers, internet, telephony and even video conferencing are being used in the health sector (Spring 2008). With computer technology and its database keeping capability, keeping in patient and out patient records are nowadays made easier and more reliable. To be noted here is the fact that computers are faster and relatively more accurate compared to human beings (Doyle 2009). Another advantage of communication technology is found on the use of the internet for communication. According to spring (2008), It is now easy to communication across the globe when creating awareness on a disease outbreak. As an example is the awareness creation mechanism on the swine flu pandemic which world health organization employed. Still to be noted is the improved coordination efficiency in addressing patients needs that telephony has brought on the health sector. It is now easier than ever before for critically ill patients to get medical attention from doctors of other hospitals just by making a phone call (Spring 2008). Such makes the process of saving lives more effective and thus reliable. It is also evidently clear that most extensive care units are currently computer controlled. This makes the monitoring of patients health more accurate compare to when such were being solely done by man.

However, information communication technology has been associated with a number of drawbacks in the health sector. The first problem is that computer stored information are prone to stealing or corruption through hacking. It is to be noted that patient personal and medical history information are very important (Spring 2008). Still, computer databases can crash thus losing all the vital information about patients. Another disadvantage is the problem of the microwave and magnetic waves that are emitted by communication systems and their potential health risk to both the patients and medical practitioners (Spring 2008). Scientific research has evidently established that communication technologies emit harmful radiations which can easily compromise the normal functioning of body cells. An example is the potential genetic damage and brain tumours risk that cell phones have due to the eminent electromagnet radiation they emit.

Education is the best gift a nation can give to its youth. It is education which has become the ultimate measure of success and thus development our social-economic structures. Due to this importance attached to education communication technologies such as the media, computers and the internet have found much use in this sector. Such have been thanked for increasing the space for change and information diversity in education. To be stated is that the internet is marked with vast and diverse academic information and is thus a reliable source for knowledge (Fallows  Bharot 2002) (pp. 28-40). Another advantage is that ICT is marked with high degrees of accuracy. This increases the students accuracy in doing school assignments as ICT will easily confirm whether they are right or wrong. This can be seen from the use of computer program for doing mathematical calculations.

Also to be cited here is the accuracy of spelling check that comes with computer word typing programs (Bates 2008). Storage of information is another advantage of communication technology in education. It is to be noted that land is becoming a scarce resource in our society. Computers can store not only large amounts of information but also occupy small space compared to having information keeping shelves (Doyle 2009). They also give an easier and highly reliable way of retrieving and modifying or changing individual students information. With the internet, is now possible for students to get school information from anywhere, anytime they want.

Nevertheless, the use of communication technology in the education sector has many drawbacks. First is the fact that having cheap sources of information like the internet is a great compromise on the goal of education to produce reliable and hardworking citizens in the society (Bates 2008). Many students tend to have their assignments just retrieved from the internet rather than conducting a comprehensive research as required by the teacher. Another drawback is the cost of communication technology facilities. ICT is first a highly revolving technology. This means that investing will always be a recurrent act by the institutions if they have to keep with technology.  Bates (2008) claims that, given the complex and fragile nature of this technology, it is always a common requirement to have staff trained on how to use such facilities. The cost of maintenance is another one which compromises the economic reality of communication technology in education. Just to be cited here is cost of damage. When such equipment are damaged by students and get repaired such costs are levied on their fees.

Socialization is becoming one role of communication technology. People are increasingly becoming more and more dependent on the internet and telephone for communicating with other members of the society. Such have evidently played a great role in overseeing the creation, nurturing and sustaining of relationships in our human society. The first advantage of communication technology is that it is not discriminative of distance between the communicating parties (Reaney 2008). With the e-mail for example one can communicate with any other person across the globe provided he or she has their e-mail address. Such technologies are quite cheap compared to the cost of having contact communication with others. Another advantage of communication technology in relationships is found in social networking websites. It is nowadays much easier to find old friend by searching for them of websites like facebook. It is by this that rebuilding of relationships can be easily realized. To be noted here is the fact that from the facebook communicating and initiating new relationships and friends is very possible (Reaney 2008). It is thus clear that communication technology does not only save communication cost of engaging in relationships but also save time while at the same time allowing for diversity in choosing who to relate with.

It should however be noted that communication technology has many drawbacks as a tool for socialization. It is communication technology that has destroyed our traditional family and friends ties such as visits (Reaney 2008). With a phone or the internet to communicate with others when necessary, it is current a rare practice to find people struggling to meet others. Another problem is that such technologies like social networking websites lack a sense of reality in the socialization. This is because they lack privacy as anybody can access your information at will. They can therefore be used for nurturing intimate relationships between people. Still, many communicate over such websites without substantial evidence on the nature of the other persons personality (Reaney 2008). These technologies have been claimed to be a leading factor in spoiling the young as they are not age sensitive in engaging people in relationships.

It has the concern of many that communication technology is a great threat to our future generations. However, it is evidently agreed that at this state of civilization, it could be impossible for man to survive without such technologies. Therefore, the future lies not only on how communication technology will advance but on how restrictive the use of such by the young will be.  In fact, due to this, many programmes on communication mediums are age restrictive. Still to note is the fact that technological advancements will always be accompanied with loopholes (Reaney 2008). This is why such communication if highly relied on by our grandchildren will greatly risk their chances of existing without them. To be noted is that our grandchildren will have no pr little knowledge of the underlying principle making the technologies. Therefore, in the evident that such technologies will fail, the world will become a zone of primitive human being.

In conclusion, even with the many disadvantages that communication technology has in our lives, it is the part of our civilization that man cannot escape. Communication technology has greatly improved our lives through making education, health and socialization more efficient and reliable. It is thus only by engaging in research to find solutions to the negative impacts of communication technology that will save our future generation.


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