Wind Power

Wind power is one kind of a renewable energy that is generated from kinetic energy of moving air. After harnessing of this energy, it is transformed to other forms of energy like mechanical energy and electrical power. Wind power utilization has evolved for a long time. Man has known of existence of this type of power and has therefore used it to cruise boats. The initial use of wind power to drive windmills was applied in grinding and pumping water and was developed by Persians at around 500-900 AD.  The application of wind energy technology in the United States for water pumping opened up immeasurable areas to be used for ranching and farming.  The present technology has borrowed this principle and improvised it to make more efficient wind power generators. Today, people use wind power to generate clean and renewable energy for domestic and industrial use.

A basic wind power generator is composed of a rotor, generating system and a supporting tower. The rotor is made up of blades of which varies in sizes depending on the size of the generator. Laminated materials are commonly used for blade construction which is aimed at attaining high strength-to-weight ratios. Such materials are balsa wood, fiberglass, composites and carbon fiber. Blades are molded in a unique way to form air foils that can easily be lifted by slightest possible wind. These materials are blended with lightning arrestors to prevent them from being struck by lightning. These blades are joined at the axis to a hub from where they rotate freely. The longest blade available has a length of 61.5 meters.

The generator system is the engine that generates electricity. The rotor is joined to the system by a shaft that transmits the revolutions into a gearbox turbine. This turbine is synchronized to handle different wind speeds. Lubrication of the system prevents it from tear due to friction. This system is also installed using a system that helps it to turn and face the direction of the wind. It also equipped with a braking system that can stop the blades from turning to allow maintenance to take place. Present day systems have computerized systems which conditions and controls the power output. This also works as a remote controller and a monitoring device.  The tower on the other hand hoists the blade and the generator system high to allow them take maximum utility of winds. Present day towers can go up to 70 meters high.

Wind power works by utilizing the kinetic energy developed by the movement of air. The heat from sum rays heats the surface of earth at different intensities creating some patches to be warmer than others. As air gets warm, it becomes lighter and rises up. This creates patches of low pressure and the air from surrounding patches with high pressure moves in to equalize the pressure. As a result, a movement of air is created in the form of wind.  This wind is thereafter harnesses by strategically positioning a tall tower with flexible propellers facing the wind. When this wind blows past these propellers they are rotated and energy is generated. Energy generated depends on the number and the size of the propeller. Coastal regions are known to be best suited for the generation of this kind of energy. Other places like open plains, on the tops of hills and gaps between mountains where wind is strong and reliable also provide best locations for generation of this kind of energy. One of the basic requirements is a minimum wind blowing at an average speed of over 25kmh. application of different components assists in transforming this energy to other forms of energy. By use of wind turbines, one can transform this energy to electrical energy. Wind mills are used to harness mechanical energy, and wind pumps to pump water to a higher ground. Wind sails are also employed to propel light ships.

One of the greatest strength about use of wind power is that it occurs naturally and for this reason it is renewable. It has a basic advantage of being cheap and readily available. Wind is a free gift of nature. The only high cost incurred is capital investment cost required during its for installation. Compared to other sources of energy like coal, wind energy produces no waste products and has no green house effect. On another scale, installation equipment does not limit the use of land for other uses like agriculture. Some wind power generation points have ended up being as tourist attraction points hence generating revenue for local authorities. This can also form a good form of delocalized method of generating energy at point of need such as remote locations.

However wind power generation has not gone without some limitations. The unpredictability of in weather can sometimes lead to lack of wind. Some suitable locations can turn out to be expensive venture due to high cost of land. Noise pollution caused by swooshing sound from the turbines has been a concern when installations are located near residential areas. Other concerns have also been raised by environmentalists on the risks posed to birds populations.

Due to continued shift to long-term sources of renewable energy, wind power is gaining favorability as a reliable source cheap source of power for electrical and mechanical uses. This has also been aided by improvement in technology which has developed better generation techniques.  According to the Battelle Pacific northwest Laboratory which is a federal research laboratory of United Stases, wind energy can supply over 20 of the total nations energy demand. If well harnessed, wind energy has the capacity to meet all of the worlds energy demand. Increase in availability and use of wind power will reduce the dependence on fossil fuel and its price unpredictability.

In the last few years, U.S has increased its wind power installations by an average rate of 32 . Strong policy support, favorable economy and increased demand for energy have helped to achieve this growth. The growth of this industry due to perpetuated by the demand for clean and affordable energy has not been limited to the U.S. In the U.K, plans are underway to develop a wide and long-term wind power energy framework for domestic and commercial energy consumers. This is intended to acquire benefits from this venture which will on the other end earn the country long-term benefits.

One of the major drawbacks in the development and adoption of this technology has been the huge size of the wind generating equipment, transportation and experienced personnel for its installation. This is coupled by the increased global demand for steel for other industrial uses. In the U.S for example, components used for assembly of wind turbines are manufactured outside of this country. This adds up the cost of installation which can be a great discouragement to economies with shortage of capital.


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