Climate Change and Global Warming

Global warming is the continuous rise in the mean temperatures of the earths atmosphere and oceans. Global warming and its associated impact of human life have been at the centre of intense debate over the last couple of decades. Climate change is the gradual change in the climatic conditions over the earth. While global warming is largely driven by human activities associated with the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, climate change has been happening since long before man inhabited the surface of the earth (EIA, n.d).

Despite the concern, a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2009 revealed that there was a sharp decline in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising (Pew Research Center, 2009). Another research conducted in December found that Americans were more concerned with the economy and healthy issues while climate comes at a distant third (PEJ, 2009). Yet even as concern over the seriousness of the problem of global warming wanes, there is sufficient evidence of the gravity of the problem and its impact on human life (Greenpeace, n.d).

Scientists estimate that the average earth temperature could rise by an additional 7 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the 21st Century unless serious efforts are taken to slow down the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through combustion of fossil fuels and other toxic substances (NRDC, n.d). Ironically, while Americans get more worried about their economy and their health, global warming intensifies their worries indirectly through its effects on the economy and human health. Global warming is associated with heavy costs in the form of increased instances of disease, unpredictable weather patterns and higher frequency and severity of wildfires, death of plants and animals, and other costly effects (NRDC, n.d). Global warming thus has an important role to play in the economic wellbeing and health of human beings. It should therefore be accorded utmost attention.


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