The website Survive 2012 lists one occurrence as the most predictable disaster and the leading candidate for a 2012 doomsday scenario a collision between earth and a galactic visitor. A large percentage of 2012 theorists expect a replay of the cosmic event believed to be responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Either a comet, asteroid, or even a heretofore unknown planet will play a devastating game of irresistible force meets immovable object.. Fueling such assertions is the possible existence of dark comets, which contain no surface ice and therefore would not be visible to human observers.

Any gravity simulator would demonstrate the slim possibility of a collision event. Even rogue astral bodies still travel in an orbit, and any threats orbit would have to coincide precisely with Earths orbit with a margin of error of less than 0.001 percent. Any such object would also likely require a slow speed in order for another objects gravitational pull to attract it, and a slow-moving object is more likely to announce its presence years in advance. Regarding the comet threat, scientists estimate that roughly ninety percent of comets passing within range of the solar system are known and documented. As for asteroids, astronomers project the next close encounter in 2036. Morever, this threat poses an approximated 1 in 450,000 chance of impact.

Although collision odds may be negligible, could even a near-miss kickstart a cataclysmic chain of events
According to proponents of the geomagnetic reversal theory, the planets North and South poles are due for a switch-up in 2012. Most theory proponents hypothesize that every 500,000 to 750,000 years, the poles reverse themselves, with the North in effect becoming the South Pole and vice versa. These magnetized areas anchor Earths axis of rotation, and are believed to retain their magnetic capabilities from either liquid iron in the planets core, salt in the worlds oceans, or crustequator rotational differences. Any outside disturbance of these systems could upset polar stability. As one might imagine, a shift in this planetary mechanism (either natural or induced) could facilitate significant global changes. Proposed worst-case disasters have included everything from supervolcano eruptions to the onset of a new ice age. Reversal supporters already see evidence of a polar shift. Some claim certain locations where compasses will offer a northern reading of South Pole-based Antarctica. Scholar Jessica Quinn states quote. Further, geologists have uncovered ancient fossilized palm treesin Alaska.  Independent empirical studies courtesy of Princeton Universitys Adam Maloof  and Paul Sabatier Universitys Galen Halverson also seem to support the geomagnetic reversal theory.  

Indeed, many scientists acknowledge that geomagnetic reversals have likely occurred, perhaps many times, in Earths history. Yet these researchers will dispute the length and severity of a polar shift event. For one, they say, a reversal would not take place in one catastrophic jolt, but instead would unfold over thousands of years. As such, any surface global changes would occur more gradually and may have been in effect for many years. (Bradden quote)  Subtle changes and slower shifting of Earths tectonic plates would be unlikely to produce the type of doomsday disasters depicted in various fictional works. As with many of their theories, 2012 proponents may have mixed elements of fact with generous doses of fantastic fiction.

A massive solar flare served as the catalyst for doomsday in the recent motion pictures 2012 and Knowing. In 2006, NASA released a report seemingly confirming such a fear 2012 will herald the next solar maximum. Scientists characterize this phenomenon as a period of frenetic solar activity, complete with intense sunspot cycles and swept upmagnetic fields courtesy of the suns weather-controller, its conveyor belt. Theorists almost immediately connected this forecast with the belief that a CME (coronal mass ejection)or monstrous solar flarewould cause earths imminent doom. A solar storm in the mid-nineteenth century facilitated telegraph system failures across the world. In todays era of satellites and electronic power grids, such an event on a larger scale could lead to debilitating impacts on global economic and electronic systems. One scholar discovered a parallel between solar maximums and increased natural disasters, wars, and even stock market falls. Nearly four years before NASAs solar prediction, he also foretold a strong period of solar activity around 2012.
(NASA quote)

Scientists see the dangers as decidedly less than cataclysmic. For one, they say, the next solar maximum could occur as soon as one year before or as late as two years after the 2012 projected date. In addition, the so-called solar maximum might very well amount to a barely blip-worthy solar minimum, with weak solar activity. However, they contend, even the most fantastic sunstorm would only temporarily affect satellite communications, at the very most. Judging by long-term studies of similar stars, our Sun is simply not at a stage in its development where it could even emit an extinction-level type of ejectionor an ejection that would significantly impair our planet, for that matter.

According to one theory, 2012 will mark our solar systems alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Such an even only occurs once every thousands of years, which makes it an event for astronomersand dangerous for Earth. Since a powerful magnetic force (a black hole) rests at the galaxys equator , a system alignment would create havoc. (Bradden quote) Earths close proximity to these magnetic filaments is already evidenced by the increasing planetary changes we are witnessing even today, characterized by devastating natural disasters and global climactic shifts. 2012 will facilitate a close encounter with this force that could be life-altering, or life-ending. ..(2012s astronomical significance with mathematician Sergey Smelyakov), Scholar and astrologer John Mayer Jenkins believes the winter solstice of December 2012 will signal the onset of a new astrological age  the Age of Aquarius, or the final Age. During this time, the orbital plane of the solar system will align with a cluster of dust clouds in the galaxy, known as the Great Rift, which may in turn strengthen the gravitational pull from galaxys center. (Mayans and Venus, locate) More extreme versions of the galactic alignment theory predict a catastrophic superwave of energy will emit from an implosion at the Milky Ways center  an event that would incinerate our solar system instantly.  

Utilizing a NASA online device known as the Solar System Simulator (), one can ascertain that no major planetary alignments are scheduled for 2012. In contrast, the closest projected planetary alignment is in 2040, twenty-eight years following doomsday. Second, even if the planets did alignment, where would this alignment end Despite the dire and fear-inducing claims about what lies at the galaxys center, many modern scientists will argue that no one really knows where the center of the galaxy resides. Even those who do offer an estimation insist that the galaxys center is not even in our solar systems orbit. Rather, our slar system rests comfortably above this particular orbital plane by roughly one hundred light years. And finally, what catastrophes would await if an alignment did somehow occur..nothing. Once again, many in the scientific community debunk the projected doomsday outcomes of the alignment theory. Planetary alignments, they say, actually occur an average of once every sixty years. An alignment event in 2000 brought about similar cataclysmic fears the event passed without incident. Such was the result in every recorded astronomical instance. As for the fear of a  dangerous gravitational force, scientists remind that the moons own strong gravitational pull would effectively cancel any outside influences. Further, the gravitational effects of any presumed black hole would only come into play if one rested at the very cusp of the dead star. Could reports of the Earths untimely demise be exaggerated.


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