Discuss factors that impact a resources credibility

Part 1
Credibility refers to the believability of some information andor its source. Research finds that credibility is a complex concept with two main dimensions expertise and trustworthiness. Other factors affect credibility perceptions as well (Mary, 2000).

Author and publisher credibility is a critical issue. It raises credibility when the authors have no experience on the subject, hold no degrees in related disciplines nor are they working in related professions. Credibility is also questioned when there is no author or publisher information, no bibliography or works cited list so information cannot be verified. (Karen, 1997)

Karen (1997) goes on to say that some content-related issues can give you clues about authors reputation whether it is easy or not to verify the accuracy of the information from the source. Some information provided in the source may be inaccurate and it may lead to damaging results especially when the seeker of the information really depends on it. This may include health or diet resources.
Perspective is also a weighty factor when it comes to a resources credibility. The author may have a differing opinion from the reader and this may cause the resource being rendered incredible. Their claims and assertions may be very vague leaving no doubt that the resource is unclear and hazy in meaning (Mary, 2000). The writer may present a one-sided view that does not acknowledge or respond to opposing views. One may want to see if point of view, bias, or subjectivity is evident and whether the information is presented as fact, opinion, or both. With that in mind, a reader would want to see how this impacts the value of this source for their projects.
Coverage of a certain topic definitely impacts on the credibility of a resource. It is worth noting that some resources offer very shoddy information thus raising the credibility question about them. The author might also overstretch the scope of the topic.

Currency of a resource also impacts highly on its credibility. A researcher would not want to use a resource with outdated information when timeliness matters. Resources should strive to contain up-to-date information to be highly credible.

The relevance of the source also impacts on its credibility. The purpose of the source should be to provide readers with new information or direct them to additional information. It may also have a goal of explaining a concept or persuade them.

Part 2
We are all humans and human is prone to error. Although we all make mistakes, poor grammar and spelling can reduce credibility in a big way. (Pamela, 2003) Consider the addresses below
www.computertehcnoloyg.com vs. www.computertechnology.com

The first address clearly shows serious typos that really affect its credibility. Such carelessness already shows that the URLs credibility is in question. Unlike the second URL, it will not lead to any website. It will also make a researcher know that due to such lack of attention to detail, then the website itself cannot even be trusted.

Pamela (2003) also says that impression matters greatly here. The first URL already gives a researcher a bad impression of the website itself. This turns off the users and makes them question the credibility of the website.

As a reader, when 5researching, heshe should make sure that the source is able to answer the questions

What does this source say  Who says it  Why do they say it  What is their evidence  Where did they find the information  Why should you believe it  Is it known to be true  Is it the whole truth  Who else supports it (Gayle, 2003)


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