Five resources needed for the survival of the global population

The global population is no doubt on the increase and so is the increase in the demand for resource to sustain this growth. Just like before there are basic human need that must be available for the ultimate survival of mankind. It is however to be noted that due to the civilization and globalization concepts adopted in the modern society, there education and technology are evidently becoming basic requirements for human survival (Dority, 1993). This paper gives a discussion on the basic human requirements and the consequences of limitation of such in the society. These resources are food and water, shelter, clothing, education and technological advancements.

Food and water is the basic fuel that keeps the human body healthy and productive. It has been evidently established that the human body does not only need food but a balanced food for its efficient functioning (Marks, 2007). Available statistics have shown clearly lack of food and water in most parts of the world is a major cause of deaths and poor health. Therefore, failure in ensuring sustainable food production and water supply, and just distribution of such can greatly compromise the survival ability of many in the global community (Matson, 2009). It is thus a great concern across the varied stakeholders of the global community that the question of sustainable food security should be sufficiently addressed. It is indeed due to the importance of food and water as a resource for sustaining the ever growing global population that many attempts are being made to mitigate the problem of global worming and its associated climatic changes to enhance food production and water supply capacity (Matson, 2009). Such have also been the main reason behind the many research activities seeking to produce more productive and climate resistant organisms.

The second resource is shelter. It is not only the right of every individual to live a healthy life but also live it in a safe and reliable environment. It is the shelter which guarantees the human body protects form external poor climatic influence (Marks, 2007). Still, the availability of reliable shelter ensures the sufficient rest by individuals. It is here to be noted that sufficient sleep and sense of security are quite crucial in ensuring the optimized productivity in the community (Marks, 2007). Also clear is that security from both internal and external threats is a vital requirement of the human community. This necessitates the availability of shelter as it serves to ensure the sustainable protection of the individuals mainly from external threats. There lack of sufficient shelter for the ever growing global population will not only compromise the global production potential but also compromise the efforts to ensure sufficiently reliable security to all in the society.

Another basic resource is clothing. Since the dawn of civilization across the globe, wearing of clothes has become a basic requirement for all in the society. It is based on this reasoning that any potential limitation in the availability of cloth products in the society is seen as a major threat to the sustainable survival of the global population (Marks, 2007). Still to be stated here is the concept of globalization and its concern for unification of the global market. It is to be noted here that the global job market and culture is evidently emerging into a single culture which is marked with white collar fashion of clothing. All these are making demand for clothing high thus any limitation of this resource could greatly compromise the harmonious and successful coexistence and survival of the global society (Marks, 2007). This is because it will negate the purposed of both globalization and civilization.

Still to be noted is that education is a basic human requirement in the modern human society (Dority, 1993). The global community is evidently becoming more qualification oriented than ever before. This has made the provision of quality and globally compatible education by members of the society quite important for ensuring their sustainable survival in the community (Dority, 1993). It is here to be noted that it is due to the importance that education has in the society that the international community has and still strives to realize the Education for All initiative by the United Nations. The levels of technical advancements in the modern society call for skill and reliable professional qualification if any sustainable production is to be realized (Dority, 1993). It is indeed due to this reason that any limitation or compromise on education both in availability to the members of the global community as well as in quality could greatly threaten the potential sustainable survival of the global population.

Lastly is the question of technological advancement as a basic resource for the ultimate survival of the ever growing global population. It is evidently clear that humankind is more and more becoming dependent on technological advancements for executing his day to day activities (Dority, 1993). Still, it is clear that most of the modern generation has less physical experience on the survival techniques used by our ancestors. It is due to this reason that any potential failure or limitation in technology in the global society will not only compromise the economic stability of the globe but much deters any chances of surviving by the young generations which are highly dependent of such for survival (Dority, 1993).

In conclusion, the ultimate successful survival of the ever increasing global population greatly relies on the availability of the basic human need such as food, shelter and clothing. However, due to the increasing civilization and globalization concerns, the availability of education and technology has a great role to play in the community. Limitation of all these resources will lead to compromised living or elimination by the rules of nature of the human community to match available resources.


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