The Social Impact of Cellular Phones

Information and communication technology (ICT) is an important aspect of the American society, because it improves and revolutionize the easy flow of information and provides accessible form of communication for the people. The most important and most visible component of ICT in the country is the cellular phone, as many Americans rely on such technology to communicate and connect with other people from different places across the country and all over the globe. Several companies have manufactured cellular phone products with different functions but have the same purpose of making communication faster, which is a sign of good and sturdy innovation. Socially, cellular phone matters a lot, as it enables the American people to connect and communicate with each other, regardless of time and space differences. The present study will focus on identifying the social impact made by the cellular phones from 1990s to present in terms of dependency on cellular phones, impact on geographic and time differences, changes in costs for sending SMS and making calls, reasons for using the cellular phones and basis for having a cellular phone among Americans aged 15 to 40 years old. Communication patterns will be measured based on the answers of American students and professionals.

The topic is chosen based on the significance placed on information and communication technology in the country. More specifically, on the pattern of society s use of cellular phones such as that of dependency on cellular phones, impact on geographic and time differences, changes in costs for sending SMS and making calls, reasons for using the cellular phones and basis for having a cellular phone. The researcher would like to know whether people from 15 to 40 years old perceive a social impact with their communication patterns and to what degree. In addition to this, the differences and similarities brought about by age and generation will be pointed out. The researcher expects that some of the variables such as reasons for buying a cellphone, sending SMS, making calls, dependency on cellular phones, and impact on geographic and time differences can vary depending on the age and generation to which the respondents belong to.  Go beyond the statement and get to what this paper is going to be about, with specific attention to the critical thesis.


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