Research paper on system analysis

A good education system is usually very important in any country. The education systems that exist are the backbone of any country. With a good education system, it is possible that a country will be able to grow economically, socially, politically and in all other areas. Its through education that social revolution is made possible. It is also though schooling that children are able to find their careers. This is because the most essential purpose of school is to make young people be in a position to understand themselves and their environment. It is also in school that a child gets to understand their potential in life. Education should allow the talent in a child to grow. An education system should instil value to children. The values should ensure that each and every profession is respected. This will help the society to have morals that can assist it to grow. A society with morals has people who respect each other.

Due to the increasing number of people in the modern world, many countries have employed various education systems. Most of these systems are designed to fit those who want to learn. This paper will look at the internet as an education system. In addition, the computer system of learning will also be looked at.
The computer system of learning is the system of learning whereby the internet acts as the source of information. A person learns through the internet. Mostly, it is referred to as an online system. This system has developed as the world has grown in technology. In this system, one does not need to go to class but just sit by the computer and learn. This has been brought about by the age technological development. This system of education has gained fame. In this system, a person can pace hisher learning as the training is through the computer. This learning system is also sometimes known as web based training. All the assessments are done through the online software.

The paper will also look at the two theories that have come up in analysing the use of the internet as a system of study. The theories are the traditional theory and the modern theory.

The paper will also look at the relationship that exists between the process of system analysis and system design. These are two processes that are important in the development of a new system. I will look at their relationship in the process of developing a new system.

Education System Analysis (Internet)
There are two different theories that have come up trying to analyze the use of the internet as a mould of learning. One is the traditional theory which explains that the use of computers hinder a teacher from transferring all hisher skills on the internet. The theory also holds that it is not the best method of learning as it is not possible to have individual students feedback. The students are not also serious as they know that no one is going to question them. That means that there is no academic honesty in the students. There is usually no one between the instructor and the students. There is also lack of development of values as could be in a classroom situation. This is because there is no coming together of the student to share different skills or life experiences. The internet may also offer other information which may hinder a student from concentrating on studying. (Kramer 2002)

On the other hand, another modern theory supports the online system of education. It holds that the internet has given an alternative mode of study as not everybody is in a position to join higher institutions of learning. It also helps those students who are working as they can have time to work and at the same time do their studies. This is not possible in the institutional system of education. Also in institutions where students are many, one may not adapt well to the pace of study. This can be solved through the use of the internet as one can study at herhis own pace. (Moran 2000)

Both schools of thought have their own arguments which are valid. The only best way is the overall system of education to be inclusive so that it can be in a much better position to cater for the needs of the students as people have different needs.

System Analysis and System Design
People create systems so that they can be able to have their problems solved. Systems are designed in a way that they are able to address problems. A system consists of input, output and the process. All these are related. Systems which people come up with include economic systems, educational systems etc. (Laudon 2000)

System analysis comes after a new system has been developed. This is where the system which exists is studied and recommendations are made for designing another new system. The inside and outside operations of that system are studied during the system analysis. There are various data collection tools that are used e.g. available files, interviews etc. In system analysis, all the processes which are of the whole system are subdivided. The following are the main points which are put into consideration when doing data analysis. One is the intention of the new system depending on what the user of the system will require of it and the functions of the system. (Daniel 2003)

The new system must be designed in accordance with the stipulations of those who will be using it. The process of system designing is the most important stage in system development. The first stage of system designing is where the characteristics of the new system are elaborated. The cost and the benefits of the features are projected. If the system is found to be of benefit, then the next phase which incorporates the system structures is developed. There are tools used for system designing e.g. flowchart, data dictionary etc. (Daniel 2003)
As can be deduced from the paper, a system always needs improvement. No system is 100 effective as there is always room for improvement. This is where the analysis of the current system becomes very important as it is with this analysis that the designing of the new system will depend. For example, if there are loopholes in an education system, its after the analysis that the designers will be in a position to know how they can seal the loopholes.

Then there is need for allowance of coexistence between different systems. There are people who may be in a position to use the new system but others may not be in a position to do so. That is why there arises a need to put much consideration when designing a new system. The benefit that a new system brings should also be analyzed critically with relation to the cost to prevent designing a system that has a very high input as compared to the output.


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