Master of Science in Database Technologies

1 What do you expect to learn and achieve in the School of Computer and Information Sciences, Masters of Science in Database Technologies   program

The ability for a learner to be trained in accordance with the requirements of the career one is expecting to take up in future is a very important aspect which ought to be considered in the selection of a school for any form of training. Due to this I believe that at the School of Computer and Information Sciences, I will be in a better position to get the best possible training necessary for me to achieve what I desire in my future career. I am deeply convinced of this, because the school prepares career-oriented professionals in the fields of the administration and management of information systems as well as database engineering and administration. In addition to this, the school has the proven capacity to impart similar career-tailored skills in network systems, data communications and internet-based courses.

As far as the training for adults is concerned, the school offers relevant courses in the fields of information systems management and communication analysis. As a person with a deep desire to venture in the wider information technology area, I am looking forward to receiving the kind of specialized training that this school can offer me. Owing to the fact that this is an advanced training, it is also imperative that the school I choose has the ability to apply the knowledge I have already obtained as the foundation for the training, so that the outcome would be the combination of the factors which enhance my future career success. I am deeply convinced that the Master of Science in Database Technologies is the program that will not only develop what I have already acquired in the course of my undergraduate studies, but will also improve my career chances and lead me to my dream job. As an adult professional, I hope to be able to use the skills acquired at this school to usher me into my future career.

2 Discuss the kind of position you anticipate having five years after you earn this degree.

After earning my Master of Science degree in Database Technologies, my goal is to become a database architect or an Oracle database administrator.  Although I clearly understand that it might be not easy to get either of these positions immediately upon graduation due to the lack of the appropriate practical and hands-on experience in the particular fields, I believe, a certain part of this experience will be attained as I undertake my studies at the School of Computer and Information Sciences. In addition to this, I hope to use the first few months after the completion of my Masters Program to specifically focus on developing my database practical skills through internship. Therefore, in five years time I am sure I will be in able to achieve one of these careers.

3 What experiences have you had that form the foundation for these career goals

Among the requirements that I will need in order to have the relevant foundation for becoming a database architect or an Oracle database administrator is my past experience. Although I still look forward to gaining much more experience, at this point I have already earned quite a considerable experience in various information technology areas. First of all, I possess a 9-year experience in programming and application development which has been acquired due to working in different organizations and through studying at various colleges and schools. I have been working as an information systems specialist at Sun Star Industries, serving as a program analyst at Big Sky Inc and also working as a programmer analyst at Al-khaleej Computers  Electronic Systems in the United Arab Emirates. This experience, coupled with my undergraduate degree in computer science, will be of good help in paving my way to the dream career. The fact that the experience is directly connected with my future career gives me the belief that I will realize my dream in five years time. There is usually no end to learning and putting into practice whatever has been learnt. Therefore, I know that I still have the opportunity to gain additional experience to increase my chances of securing my dream career.  

4 How will the Master of Science degree enhance your career plans

Given the experience I have already acquired and the fact that the entire field of information technologies is becoming increasingly competitive, the additional information and experience that I will acquire while undertaking the program will put me on a more advanced level to stand the competition from others. Not only is a Master degree an additional advantage, but the fact that it is acquired at such a high-ranking institution gives me a competitive edge over others. The reason for this is that today it is a critical factor where one gets training, with reputable institutions getting priority over others.

In addition, since databases have become pervasive and integral to business, database administrators have become increasingly rare as the demand for them in the market soars. That aside, database designers and administrators work in every sector of the economy and therefore job opportunities continue to increase and expand. Designing, administering, fine-tuning, and maintaining databases that power modern enterprises require the expertise of database professionals with a wide range of skills and capabilities. These experts play the critical role in keeping clientserver databases consistent, reliable, and secure. I will have acquired all these competencies as I graduate after completing my degree program. Therefore, this degree program is the key to my future.

Paper 2

My Expectations
In any learning process, it is always ideal for a student to be trained in accordance with the requirements of the career that heshe expects to take up in future. This is a very important factor which must be considered in the selection of an appropriate learning institution. I believe, therefore, based on these considerations that the School of Computer and Information Sciences will be in a better position to offer me the right training that I need in order to achieve all that I desire in my future as far as my career is concerned. This is based on the fact that this school prepares its students in a unique way which enables them to graduate having acquired a unique approach especially in the fields of administration, management information systems, and database engineering and administration. This uniqueness aside, the school has in the recent past been able to prove itself as a leading destination for students seeking to develop their career chances in the field of information technology, because it offers a specialized, career-oriented training in network systems, data communications, and internet-based courses, it is an ideal school.

The school also caters for all kinds of people, including adults and professionals. Therefore, I look forward to studying at the school because I believe it will grant me the education and training that is ideal for a person like me. As far as adults are concerned, the school offers relevant training in the fields of information systems management and communication analysis. Having a deep desire to venture in the information technology field, I highly value the specialized training that this school can offer me. Studying at the masters level, I expect that this school will have the ability to use the knowledge I have already as a foundation for the training so that in the end I will have an education built on a strong foundation. I believe that the Master of Science in Database Technologies program will not only build on what I have already acquired previously, but will also better guide me to my dream career.

Future Career Expectations  

I expect that once I have completed my Master program in Database Technologies, I will become a database architect or an Oracle database administrator, because these are the two fields that I am very interested in. I believe that due to the great value that has been placed upon these two positions, I will achieve one of them in future. I understand that it will not be an easy task, just like any other goal in life is never easy to attain, therefore I am confident that my level of training and the additional experience that will be attained as I undertake my studies at the School of Computer and Information Sciences will be enough to assist me to my dream. I also hope to use the first few months after my Master Program to develop my database practical skills, so that I can realize the dream sooner.

My Level of Experience

In order for a person to become an Oracle database administrator, it is important that one has to have a wealth of experience to spruce up ones level of education and training. Although I do not claim to have all the experience I need, but still look forward to gaining much more knowledge, I have been able to develop some of it through various information technology assignments. I have experience in the fields of programming and application development which has been acquired working in different organizations namely working as an information systems specialist at Sun Star Industries and as a program analyst at Big Sky Inc. In addition to these two, I have also worked as a programmer analyst at Al-khaleej Computers  Electronic Systems in the United Arab Emirates. This brings my total to 9 years of experience. Since this experience is directly linked to my future career, it enhances my chances of achieving the results I want to have five years from now.

How the Master of Science Degree Will Enhance My Career Plans

Given the fact that databases have become pervasive and integral to business, database administrators have become increasingly marketable in the job market. In addition, database designers and administrators work in every sector of the economy, making job opportunities for them all the more impressive. Designing, administering, fine-tuning, and maintaining databases that power modern enterprises requires the expertise of database professionals with a wide range of skills and capabilities. These experts play the critical role in keeping clientserver databases consistent, reliable, and secure. These competencies will be part of my resume once I complete my degree program. In essence, this masters program holds the key to my future.
Given my present experience and the fact that information technology is becoming an increasingly competitive discipline, the experience that I will acquire studying at the school will put me on a more advanced level to compete with others for the available opportunities. The Master degree is an additional advantage to my experience. This coupled with the fact that it is acquired at leading institution gives me a competitive edge over others because it is a critical factor where one gets ones training.

Paper 3

Answer to Question 1

Every student ought to be trained in accordance with the requirements of the given learning institution and also those of hisher dream career so that at the end of studies, one is able to get the career that one has been dreaming about. One of the most notable facts about the School of Computer and Information Sciences is that it has been able to earn for itself the reputation of being a school where the expectations of every student studying at any given level  post graduate, diploma, or undergraduate  are fully met. I come to this school expecting nothing less, as I am a student who is keen not only to have an education that will add another title to my resume, but also to have a real training that is geared toward helping me achieve my goals in life. As I have been able to put a lot of effort in the past in order to work toward achieving my life goals including landing my dream career through continued and targeted training, it will only be right if I manage to get what I have worked so hard for since when I was in my lower ranks of education.

By deciding to study at this school, I not only put myself and my life in the hands of the institution but I also give to it my future and the future of all who will depend on me. However, I have the trust that the School of Computer and Information Sciences is in a better position to give me the right preparation that I need in order to have what I desire. This is because the school has a proven capacity to impart career-tailored skills to its students in as diverse IT field as network systems, data communications and internet-based courses. Others are information systems management and the communication analysis. Therefore, being one with a deep desire to venture in the wider IT field, I really desire such kind of specialized training that this school offers. I also believe that the school ought to have the ability to build on what I already have as a foundation for the training in order for me to come out better equipped. The schools Master of Science in Database
Technologies program will help me achieve this.

Answer to Question 2

I have always dreamed of working as a Database architect or as an Oracle database administrator.  This dream has not vanished and never will, especially now that I am just in the final phases of the long journey to achieving it. The desire in me has always been that, although the wider field of IT has often been appealing to me, one of these two careers which have been central in my mind all along must become my future career. This has come about partly because of the love I have for seeing to work organized in a manner that is very appealing and have consequently liked database architecture and Oracle database administration, as they are among the many ways that one can achieve a superior quality organization of ones databases. The School of Computer and Information Sciences will no doubt give me the chance to realize this dream.

Answer to Question 3

I have had the rare opportunity of working with different firms, organizations and other business ventures, a privilege which I have used to gather considerable experience that I know is very critical to the realization of my dream as far as a career is concerned. Though I still look forward to gaining a lot more experience, I currently have a 9-year year progressive experience in different programming and application development which has been acquired working in these organizations and firms. Specifically, I have worked as an information systems specialist at Sun Star Industries and also as a program analyst at Big Sky Inc. to crown my nine years of experience, I worked as a programmer analyst at Al-khaleej Computers  Electronic Systems in the U.A.E. This experience, coupled with my undergraduate degree in computer science, will help me to realize this dream. Since this experience is connected with my future career, it gives me the confidence to believe that I will realize my dream.

Answer to Question 4

Due to the fact that databases have become pervasive and integral to business, database administrators have become increasingly valuable even as their demand in the market continues to grow. In addition, database designers and administrators work in virtually every sector of the economy and as such, job opportunities available for them have continued to increase as well. Tasks such as designing, administering, fine-tuning, and maintaining databases that power modern enterprises require the expertise of database professionals with a wide range of skills and capabilities. These experts play the critical role in keeping clientserver databases consistent, reliable, and secure. All these competencies are necessary if I have to achieve my dream in life especially in my career. Considering the fact that I have some experience already and that IT is becoming very a competitive field, the program will put me in a better position to cope with the competition if not staying on top of it. The Master degree is both an additional advantage and a booster of my future career prospects because it is acquired from a reputable school.


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