The use of New Technologies

Often, it is emphasized, that it is of our advantage to use e-learning because it is not dependent on time and location. However, the minimum requirement of the traditional e-learning is a personal computer. Subsequently, it does not provide an independent location that is complete. The usage of notebooks can still not fulfill these independencies due to the fact that an independency in location that is real will depend on affordability, as well as rapid advancement of the technique that is of necessity. To solve this problem, one can use a new technology, which may be usage of highly mobile and devices that are available, like mobile phones. For instance, the market of Austria is saturated with mobile phones. This is because most university students as well as high school students have mobile phones in their hands all the time. The research question is Will m-learning (mobile learning) be a vital instrument for learning assistance in future.

This research will encompass the usage of qualitative data, like observation data, interviews, and document to clarify and understand the social aspects that are associated with mobile learning. In information technology, the research has shifted from technological concerns to issues that are either organizational or managerial, thus there is an escalating attention in the usage of methods that are qualitative. The probable results in this study are that mobile phones are able to sustain the changes that are in the organization, as a result of the mobile learning engine.  

Learning is a process of social or mental change of the entire lifetime. Nowadays, the structure of learning is constantly changing, particularly in universities and high schools. In this milieu, students are being offered opportunities by new techniques to enable them interact and converse with environments that are simulated as well as resources in multi-medial learning.

Accordingly, as Billet (265) assert, motivation can be enhanced by technology, and this is an important feature of learning, as it is capable of delivering the needed information, and capable of satisfying curiosity as well as encouraging problem solving. Above all, the probability of learners to be scaffold through an extended-process that organizes and captures situated activities.  

Research question The research question in this study is Will m-learning (mobile learning) be a vital instrument for learning assistance in future

Literature review
According to the study by Kurkela (50), the usage of computers in learning is focusing on enhancing learning in settings that are formal, specifically a computer lab, or traditional learning. Moreover, Kurkela (53) argues that learning will not only occur within such learning milieus that are formal. Thus learning capabilities can be expanded by use of mobile devices as problems that are not tied to one location are solved. As Shank (29) puts it, mobile learning is a combination mobile computing and e-learning, and is capable of accessing those applications that will support learning at anyplace.

A study by Shank (37) illustrated that laptops or handheld computers were used by a variety of past examples to mainly support adults in the office. As a result, mobile devices of a corporate were used in mobile learning because they were attractive. Although, despite the fact that hardware has been deemed as usable, capable of solving problem, affordable, and inventive, software is still the utmost challenge. Soloway (287) found that in milieu of project based learning, handhelds ought to be supported, that is, handheld should be used as fundamental part of an activity in learning above all probable feedback and ongoing assessments

Nonetheless, studies by Billet (269) revealed that, small laptops or handhelds lacked availability and were expensive, specifically amid pupils. The merit of mobile phones is that they are highly available.  The penetration of mobile phones in the market of Austria is at a level of 80 percent and this numbers are still escalating. Moreover, Billet (271) emphasizes that in general, the population, specifically the young generation, has been availed with a mobile phone and they usually have it in their hands at all times. Finally, a study by Papert (68) indicated that a vital instrument for all-time learning is mobile learning, which for instance, is the European Unions central objective.

This research used qualitative method to move from causal theoretical assumption to data collection and research design. This study used qualitative methods to imply research practices, various skills and postulations with regard to usage of new technologies. In this method, the following were encompassed action research grounded theory case study research and ethnography. Action research was used in this study so as to contribute to practical issues of individuals in an instantaneous problematic circumstance, as well as the social science objectives through joint association within an ethical framework that is mutually acceptable.

A case study was used in this study to describe students in Austria, who are being offered opportunities by new techniques to enable them interact and converse with environments that are simulated. This method was used to examine a phenomenon that was contemporary within the settings of a real life and the boundaries amid phenomena and milieus, which are not evident. This method can be deemed to be critical, positivist, or interpretive depending on the fundamental theoretical assumption a researcher. Ethnography was used whereby ethnographers engrossed themselves the individuals lives in order for them to study management aspects that are linked to new information technology. Moreover, this method was allowed multiple perceptions to be integrated in the design of the system. Grounded theories was used in this research because they were used to develop, process oriented explanations and context base descriptions of the phenomena.

Data Collection
Each of the methodology has its own technique for empirical data collection. The methods will range from observational techniques (like, fieldwork and observation), interviews, all through to archival study. Source of data that are written can encompass newspaper articles, documents, reports, and internet. A case researcher in this study used documentary materials and interviews, with no usage of participant observation. An ethnography researcher in this study spent hisher significant amount of hisher time in the universities and secondary schools in Austria. The data was collected from the field work notes.  

Findings and Analysis
The display size used in mobile phones is relatively small. Furthermore, the bandwidth, and processing power are also small. In the process of testing mobile phones as a new technology that suit learning, their application development had the following restrictions high diversity of operating system limited memory resource and processing power wide range in the possibilities of its inputs and have a variety of screen sizes. From this analysis, we cannot assume that every mobile phone that is standard does not suit an application in m-learning.

Figure 1 illustrates that mobile phones that are available are smart phones, which combine mobile phones and PDAs. For one to understand an application that is platform independent, and which can be applied on various operating systems, it is of necessity to have a development in a standardized environment, such as J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). All current phones are java enabled, that is, they can execute a Java 2 Micro Edition application. From the findings, one can say that Java 2 Micro Edition makes it probable for the creation of applications that are web based, because it is platform independent. Nonetheless, applications that are multi-media based can be created through the usage of additional libraries, which differ from manufacturer to manufacture but the fundamental rule is The newer the Smartphone, the more J2ME libraries are supported.

Figure 2 below, illustrates screenshots from the Mobile Learning Engine, a mobile phone application that is based on multi-media. From end-users that were interviewed, their feedback and first experiences are good. Most end-users were capable of handling the Mobile Learning spontaneously, with no instructions. Moreover, majority of end-users were specifically impressed by the aspects of the queries that are interactive and the multimedia in objective learning. The Mobile Engine Learning was developed using the J2ME, thus it is capable of running in a number of programs.

In view of the fact that it is platform independent, it is capable of handling numerous screen resolutions various input possibilities (such as mouse, keypads, or keyboards) and numerous operating systems, like Palm OS, Symbian OS, and Microsoft MS Pocket PC. Features of the Mobile Learning Engine that have been realized will encompass continues text that has been formatted video and audio bars for playback intelligent assistance and questions that are interactive graphical order questions inserting character questions and graphical marking questions within a picture.

The shift from classroom teaching, which is pure instructor centered, to didactic milieu, which is constructivist learner centered and away from classroom, can be enhanced by mobile technology that is available. For instance, mobile technology can be enhanced in outside learning settings, like physics in the real world, or in the laboratory, biology in the field, and history in the museum. Accordingly, proper usage of such mobile devices provides massive probabilities for them to be applied in a constructivist learning milieu. Educational and didactical approaches to attain such constructivist milieu will encompass situated learning explorative learning and scaffolding. Even though, the approach that is fundamental is problem solving.

The usage of mobile phones is a probable way of supporting changes in the organization, with respect to learning at universities and high schools, and introduction of the Mobile Learning Engine. The support that is of necessity for changes in organizational learning can be produced by new technologies such as mobile phones. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the pedagogical merits are adequately convincing. Although, the phenomenal expansion of mobile computing will require future research, specifically in the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and media-psychology, which is on the interfaces that are either responsive or adaptive as well as in the adapted content.


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