With the new Information Age the information seekers rely on several search engines for the information like the Bing, Yahoo, Google etc which provide lots of information we need and unwanted also. Many sites are fake and provide the information which may look true but is not true. Due to these reasons searching online information and materials has become a difficult task for each and every web searchers and the search has become critical as it may or may not provide reliable and accurate info. This is effecting the society very badly as many people just search for material and will not consider the facts regarding its correct or not. Many a times the information provided by the web is misleading and unbelievable which can be assessed by viewing the below instances.
Google is a World Wide Search Engine which provides all types of search results to a common man as well as well qualified person and has made search convenient and easy and provides immense knowledge. There are several Google Technological products like You tube, Orkut, Google chrome, Gmail, Gtalk etc which made life easier. Most of the time they are very useful at the same time many sites and content provided is misleading and false which many searchers cannot find out until they are cheated with the information provided which  is baseless .Getting the correct and required content has become a difficult task. We can see several instances wherein a website is fake and the content is absolutely irrelevant and baseless.Let us assess the below instances.
In  the Google Technology website we have a lot of information about the ease and speed with which it conducts its operations with pigeons wherein  Google manages to find results of every query quickly by using Pigeon Rank a Google search Technology a system for ranking web pages. Google founders Larry Page and Surgey Brin reasoned and found pigeon clusters can compute the relative values of web pages faster than human editors. Engineers work to improve every aspect of daily services and Pigeon Ranks provide basis for all web search tools. Pigeon Ranks recognize objects regardless of the spatial orientation as they are superiorly trained to easily distinguish the items with minute differences which are an ability which enables them to select relevant websites from thousands of similar pages. The ease of training pigeons is documented by a psychologist who demonstrated that pigeons could be trained to execute complex tasks. Ultimately with this information on the web and that to Google site unknown person would be misled. The person thinks it is correct and starts doing research and at the end he is fooled and cheated. So this is a big example for web searching for reliable material which consists of fake material.
When a search is made for Boiler Plate Mechanical Marvel of 19th Century we get a lot of information which says in the 19th Century Boiler Plate a Mechanical Man and First Robot Soldier was developed by Prof. Archibald Camp ion  in Chicago Lab which is Historys great Ironies a Technological milestone which remains largely unknown. Boiler Plate was a prototype soldier who was able to execute proposed functions by participating in several Combat actions. Boiler Plate was a prototype soldier for resolving conflicts of Nations who participated in most of the conflicts of its age either as an observer or as a combatant who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1918. This Mechanical Man was an attempt to replace soldiers during an age when men were obsessed with proving themselves in battle. Even there are News paper cuttings, Public opinon, Comic additions, Media Reports, videos etc added in the site which has lot of footage
Which provide the information but is it true Was there really a Mechanical man created remains a question. But with the material provided on the web any one cannot come to a conclusion .It could be a character created by someone or may be some illusion. This type of information misleads the society.
At the time of Historic Killer Tornado which is Natures most violent storm which consists of violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground which happened in Kansas on 10 June 1938 at that time the information system and Technology was not so advanced that the Media and the people had to rely on the public and the versions people present there at that time had given to gather the information and process it for identifying and preserving the Historical Data or Information. At that time the Scientific Labs were not highly equipped to get the instant and exact information due to which the Scientific Community would knew about the Tornados but the potentially rich source of historic information was not available. What exactly happened no one knew but some documentaries made on this became a subject for careful analysis which was made by Tom Grazulies. His efforts to create database of historical tornadoes brought the differentiation in the causes of death in the Death Reports. Nothing was live at that time there were no images, no footage of the disastrous incident only Analysts analyzed according to the surroundings and the amount and type of damage created by the tornado which is the twister. The movie footage of the Tornadoes before 1950 are rare as the technology and the awareness was not much, and the information providers were very few who deserve the gratitude of Scientists as it helped them to do more Research and come to several conclusions. All this is given in the website but to be frank we dont know it is true or no. It is very critical to come to a conclusion regarding such incidents and the web information which is misguiding.
In present Scenario we have several Business Organizations and solutions which say they provide solutions for the problems faced by the Company or Organization. For Instance we have Corp soft Corporate Solutions a web source which says that it provides the required solutions for the problems faced by an Enterprise or an Organization. It is a web site which says it provides all sorts of key solutions for multiple issues in the organization like 1.Money flow of the organization with financial planning packages. 2.Focus on the customers and employees especially the company Executives time  being channeled into Non productive activities which should  be dealt with, by providing goal oriented corporate solutions .3.Time Management and Awareness being incorporated in the employees to achieve the goals  by not wasting the valuable time etc. All this is provided in the website which may not
Be real without providing its address or information .Its is written there to contact us but no address or phone number is provided. The searcher is misguided and it takes time to understand that such a site or an Organization does not exist.An unknown person may think  it is true and start searching and waste his valuable time and energy. Later he comes to know the content present is Fraud .This proves at times the web content is wrong and the Technology is misused and can misguide a person. It proves not to rely on web information blindly as it does not exists.
There is another instance of a website named Golf cross the game played with the oval Gulf ball which says the ball is not round it is oval to play Golf cross and we have goals and not holes and is played  extensively in  New Zealand. The  website is so beautifully created which has U K site ,European site, Danish site, French site, Hungarian site ,Argentinean page when we click on that we go to another page which  consist of Peoples comments and opinions which exists or no only the site creator knows. This site also has required ingredients like History ,Terms ,Rules ,FAQ , Tips ,Media ,News ,Contact Us etc that  any  unknown  person  would  think it to be real. It has so many reviews and public opinions, Media reports, News updates which is all imaginary by the website creator which does not exists. In the site the history of the game from 1986 is give which is present nowhere except in this site which is unimaginable. There are several labels and link buttons created that the user will go to next page and get several details like the game ,the ball, the rules and regulations,sponsers,owners,trade customers and most important the champions who never existed. But Is that True No its a fake website created to fool public and waste their time .When there is a website a person shall be very careful  when  considering the details and  studying the matter present in that and analyze it before coming to any conclusion.
By assessing and analyzing all the above instances we can come to some conclusions regarding the information available in the web. The material and content available is not always correct .It shall be assessed and analyzed before taking it into consideration all the factors like the Address provided the site content-Is it believable or not The mail ids provided, is there any Note provided at the end as it is written for Google Technology webpage as Published on April fools day and for Carp soft Solutions as Bullshit Team etc. So while going through World Wide Webpage or a site the person needs to be very concentrated and devoted to the work he or she is doing so that the person is not cheated upon. Web provides excellent information at the same time it should be accurate and worth which shall be assessed by the person browsing. There are many advantages and disadvantages at the same time. It depends on the searcher to know and decide whether he is getting the correct information   or  no .So  while  doing  a search   any  one shall  consider  all the  factors  and  come  to  conclusions.


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