Emerging Technologies in New Media

New media and modern day internet based communication have been reshaped by many websites including Facebook and Google. Google Wave is a social platform that was released for public on 30th September 2009.  Google Wave has been one of the most important releases by Google and it has been much publicized. This paper shall cover key information related to Google Wave including key terms along with detailed information.

It has been discussed by Roche, Valdez, and Douglas, (2009) that Google Wave is a new age communication platform, based on real-time requirements of users and social networkers. Jens and Lars Rasmussen developed Google Wave in an innovative manner that can be realized by millions of users and min purpose behind inventing Google Wave was to reshape email communication.

Figure 1 Google Wave logo
Unique features found combined on this platform include email, chatting, blogging, wikis, social networking as well as project management to build an email application which is more organized in browser communication client.  Google Wave is one of the best platforms to share all kinds of files allowing chatting to join ongoing discussions. A group of friends and business partners can carry out discussions.

Figure 2 Google Wave Interface
Many innovative features have been included in Google Wave but this paper shall cover some of these.
Features of Google Wave
Single Access

It has been mentioned by Van Grove, and Horton, (2010), that in certain kinds of email applications, there is a need to log in to chatting, emailing, office applications and blogging. In contrast, Google Wave lets its users to chat, blog, and email to communicate on a single platform. Google Wave is a revolutionary email based platform that has tied all of these applications on one platform to ensure easy communication between users.

Future Generation Sci-Fi Communication
Google Wave is more than an email platform. With videos, images, rich text, as well as maps, simple email is converted into something much richer. More conversations that are dynamic are reshaped on these email platforms.

It is argued by Andres, (2010) that Wave has changes the face of communications required and demanded by customers and Wave has blurred limits of communication. Contact list building is easier. Simple dragging and dropping mechanism is applied and dragging on the contact list can ad people to contact list.

Google Wave, as announced in May 2009, is still in its preview mode for developers as newly developed platform is still in its early stages.

Real Time Communication
One of the most attractive features of Google Wave is its real timer functionality, which is not offered by other email-based communication portals. On many occasions, it is seen that people online cannot seen what the others are typing. In contrast, as argued by Holzner, (2010) that Google Wave offers flexibility in which users see what others users are typing, alphabet to alphabet and character by character. Inline commenting is added as a feature and statements that are given in by many users are supported by their avatars.

Another important feature, as highlighted by Roche, and Douglas, (2010) is a playback feature. This playback option allows new participants who have just joined to roll back conversations post by post. Google officials have added that Google Wave is one of the most promising and successful email client proving to be an answer to all demands of customers and Wave shall prove to be groundbreaking in all email clients.

Higher officials and developers at Google have defined Wave to be composed of equal parts of conversation and text. Users and individuals work on this portal in a rich multimedia environment. All is combined on one portal as users can write reports, plan events, conduct research, stay in touch with business partners in online meetings and chat with friends. Wave thereby helps its users to become informed in a creative and a collaborating manner.

It is argued by Crumlish, and Malone, (2009) that Google Wave can be embedded on any website including blogs. These days it needs to be seen as how Wave fits in many applications in itself as Wave has particularly overlapped many applications

Wave Continuation
It is argued by Andres, (2010) that Wave is defined as a string of instant messages and emails. Participants of Wave are notified when a new change has been introduced in a particular Wave. Search feature in a particular Wave is activated as a participant can search content within a particular wave by searching for an object. Waves generated from other emails and instant messaging portals can also be linked.

Extensions And Applications
Important feature provided by Google to its users is an easy web based access. Common features exist with Facebook or iGoogle applications as users can create many applications to be used and these applications can range from real-time bots to complex games.

Wiki Functions
Any conversation written within Google Wave can be edited and changed by another user using Google Wave as all conversations in Google Wave platform are shared between Google Wave users. Thus any information being shared can be edited and appended and comments cab be made within an ongoing conversation.

Open source
Codes being used by Google Wave is open source thereby changes are welcomed from new developers. This will ensure innovation.

Conversation Playback
Google users can playback conversations in order to see what was sent in the past.

Natural Language Usage
Spelling correction facility is provided by Google Wave for users as they type. Auto translation mode is also observed in Google Wave that can make communication even easier.

Drag And Drop File Sharing
It has been argued by Crumlish, and Malone, (2009) that there is no system of attachment in Google Wave. Files can be dragged and dropped and other viewers can simple see the file.

In addition to these, many other features have been noticed that have set Google Wave apart from other email clients. Rich text editing facility along with facility of using other gadgets can make users use Google Wave easily and in an interesting manner.

It is however in line to be realized if Google Wave is another competitor of Facebook and Twitter. Alternatively, Google Wave can be a combined unified tool standing head to head against Microsoft or Cisco.

Some criticism has been received by Google Wave showing a need of room for improvement. Goggle Wave has been defined as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Professional networkers on Wave need much more work. It is argued that Wave is not only for social users but it is a great communication tool for business users. Chatting daily life activities is not as important as chatting online with business partners.

Terminologies in Wave
In order to understand Wave as a complete communication platform, there is a need to understand a few terminologies being used by Wave.

Figure 3 Waves and Wavelets in Wave
Roche, Valdez, and Douglas, (2009) argue that Wave is a word referring to continuous communication and threaded conversations. Participants of these waves can be group of persons or robots. Wave is more like an entire history of instant messaging saved in history. Any topic discussed in a single chat or conversation is referred to as a wave.

Wavelet is a terminology also used for an ongoing conversation. However, wavelet is a subset of a larger ongoing conversation. Wavelet can be referred to as a single instant messaging conversation which in most cases is a part of great chat history. In this case a unique feature added is that wavelets can be added and managed separately from bigger waves.

Blip is the word used for single and individual message. Thereby blip can be defined and referred to as a single line of an instant messaging. Blips can be attached to other blips. These are known as children. Blips can be published and can remain unpublished as well.

Andres, (2010) have added that document is a content within a blip. This refers to actual content that often includes characters, text, documents within blips.

Extension is a kind of mini application that works within Wave. Thereby while a user uses Wave, applications can be made and used. These applications range in two kinds, robots and gadgets.  These two kinds of applications shall be discussed in upcoming sections.

Gadgets are applications that can be designed and used by users. It has been added that these applications are designed based on Googles open social platform.

Robots are defined as automated participants within Wave. Actions that can be performed by robots include interacting with waves and communicating with users. Outside information from other applications or websites can be added as Twitter and in some cases, Facebook.  Robots can also perform actions based on these applications.

Wave Gadgets

Figure 4 Google Wave Gadgets
Roche, and Douglas, (2010) argue that Wave gadgets are two main kinds of Google Wave extensions. Gadgets are known as fully functional applications. In order to change the look of Wave, these applications can be added providing its users most of the fun that can add fun to using Wave. In this case, it is seen that any application designed on Google social platform or iGoogle can be used in Wave. Thereby thousands of applications created by Google can be used in Wave. Moreover a gadget built by users using waves can also let users interact in a live manner with other Wave users. Thereby it can create an environment of online gaming in which all online users can participate. Here it can be seen that there is a resemblance with Facebook and Twitter in which gaming becomes online with many users interacting and contributing. Networks as Facebook and Twitter make use of friends networking as these make gaming and using application more fun and productive.

Crumlish, and Malone, (2009) have added that Waves can only be used by users in specific waves and no applications are specific to users thereby this is a contrast to Facebook and Twitter. Gadgets belong to all users within waves as compared to applications being specific to users in Facebook and Twitter. Applications do not have any titles having an ability to interact with ongoing waves in an interactive manner. Some gadgets already built and fed inside Wave include Sudoku gadget, Bidder as this has converted Wave into an auction centre, and Maps and it collaborates with Google Map.

Google Wave Robots

Figure 5 Google Wave Robots
Van Grove, and Horton, (2010) argue that Robots are another unique kind of Google extension. Robots are like other users within waves and these can interact with other users intervening in ongoing waves and conversations. Robots as compared to real life users are automated. Google Wave robots are more robust. Robots have the capacity to amend any information in waves and to communicate with other users and waves. Robots are forms of users thereby their behaviors can be changed as required. These robots can be made to perform functions as simple as correction of spellings and as complex as debugging. Robots already included in Wave includes Debuggy which is known as an in-wave debugger, Stocky which helps in pulling stock prices based on stock quote mentions and most of all Tweety which is known as a Twave robot, and this helps in displaying tweets inside of a wave.

Embeds In Wave
Figure 6 Google Wave Embeds
Andres, (2010) argued that embedding has been observed and followed by users of YouTube. In this case it is more complex just than embedding YouTube onto blogs. In this manner, Wave can interact with a third party website. Websites that have been embedded support many functions supported by Wave itself and this includes dragging and dropping files. Embedding feature in Wave is in its earlier stages. There are two main embedded web applications present in Wave and these include YouTube Playlist Discuss and Multiple Extensions Embed. A YouTube video can be discussed within waves and Multiple Extensions Embed allow for multiple interactions on different waves. It has been argued that Wave embedded items can be a replacement of many static comments. As more work is being done on these embeds, and if it does than perfection can be achieved and comments received on YouTube videos are to be replaced with waves.

Information technology has changed faces and revolution has been introduced known as Google wave. Google has brought many changed in communication platform. Email platforms have been revolutionized by Google Wave by including supporting features that make it more dynamic. Thereby communications have been reshaped by these new developments.


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