Web Search Report Worksheet

Name Gloria GonzalezSearch Engine  Google.com

Section 1 Features of the Search EngineIdentify which features can be found in your search engine. Your search engine may have one or multiple features.       Does it ___ Search the web  YES___ Search other search engines NO___ Act as a directory (lists of categories to select from)  YES
Does it___ Have an advanced search option  YES___ Have Help options  NO, there is no help feature on the main page, but there are help options on subpages (e.g., under the link Search Settings).___ Use Boolean Logic (and, or, not)  YES, and it affects the outcome of the search.___ Use TruncationWild Card Characters or Special Characters (, , )  YES___ Translate web pages  YES___ Allow field limiting searches (can you search for filetypes, site, intitle) YES___ Allow you to do a search within a completed search (find similar pages, offer terms to narrow your search)  YES, you can find similar pages.___ Recognize parentheses or quotation marks to search for phrases  YES, it will  prioritize webpages including these characters.___ Allow you to change the way the page is displayed (number returns on the page, preferred language)  YES___ List the number of pages in the database  YES___ Explain how the results are ranked  NO, no explanation is given, sites are simply
displayed in order of calculated relevancy.Please list other Noteworthy FeaturesYou can narrow the search from the start by choosing categories such as Books, Images, Video, etc.  Pre-category-selection serves as a filter that helps produce optimally relevant results.

Section 2 Overall Evaluation (Create a bulleted list for each question)After reviewing the key features of your search engine, answer the following questions What are the strengths of your search engine
Googles PigeonRank technology produces consistently accurate results
Multiple result-types are generated (ie. maps, images and websites) in a single search
Easy to use
Accessibility of the Google toolbar
What are the weaknesses of your search engine
Images are not easily filtered by size or type
What would you change about your search engine
I would include a sidebar that allowed further narrowing, for instance, file typesize.


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