Professional Practice in IT

Executive Summary
Concept Software Solutions (CSS) board has taken steps not to disclose the existence of defects in its software to its consumers. The decision is clearly motivated by corporate goals and does not consider the interest of consumers and the varied viewpoints held by the employees. By referencing existing ethical frameworks and the ethical and unethical decision making framework proposed by Bommer et al (1987), the study highlights the different factors that influence ethical decision making and the ethical values involved in the case. Evidently, there are some competing values that can be reconciled if various stakeholders are willing to compromise. This could have been attained had different stakeholders been involved in making the decision on disclosure.

Ethical and professional dilemmas are common place in workplaces due to competing values and consideration. Generally, businesses have to ensure that they act ethically mainly because their reputation is moulded by the values they relay in their actions. This paper analyses an ethical scenario facing Concept Software Solutions (CSS) to determine the competing values and develop recommendations on what can be done to address the situation. It is noteworthy that the discussions are only limited to Concept Software Solutions case. Businesses have an obligation to act ethically and take responsibility for their action irrespective of the consequences that they may face. This is not only the responsibility of the executive managers but is shared by other junior employees since they are also affected by the firms operations. This report entails a review of professional, social and organizational values coupled with the use of Bommer et al (1987) model of ethical and unethical decision making to determine the competing values in the case and formulation of recommendations on what should be done to rectify the situation.

Analysis of the Problem
CSS is a firm that is first developing at a global scale. Over half of the companys growth is in the corporate, higher education and education segments. It is therefore evident that a large proportion of its market is made up of corporate rather than individual consumers. Development of a positive reputation in the market plays an important role in attracting corporate clients since they do not interact directly with products as opposed to individual consumers. It is therefore expected that CSS would go along way to develop measures that would protect its image and the perception of its products in the market.

CSS uses a team approach in software development. The team members who often work extra hours are defined by diverse backgrounds and beliefs. This is brought out in the conversation between Angela and David where the former thinks that the latter is jealous because of his comments on dating someone she has met over the internet. Clearly, David and Angela are characterized by different values and beliefs on dating.

After Angelas promotion, it comes to her notice that the board has decided not to inform its customers of faulty products. Though the move also proposes sending patches to its customers as a corrective measure as opposed to informing the customers, it is evident that there are some customers that may be affected by faulty products. Another aspect that comes out clearly is that the main rationale in not informing the customers is protecting the firms reputation in the market. Another important observation is that the junior employees like David who are actually responsible for the development of software development are unaware of the measure that has been taken by the board.
David who is a devout Christian discovers that the company has defective products and has decided not to inform the clients. He makes this discovery while violating a confidentiality and privacy code by reading through an email meant for Angela. In addition, David takes the step to inform another employee of his discovery which is representative of relay of confidential information. Unknown to David, he is being watched since the company has installed cameras in the premises. Monitoring employees in a manner that is akin to spying on them or simply without their knowledge is unprofessional though, the ethicality of such a measure is debatable. Thus the questionable acts in the case in include monitoring employees without their knowledge, accessing and sharing confidential information and non-disclosure of information on harmful products to customers.

There are various stakeholders involved in the case. It is evident that the board of directors is divided on whether to inform the clients though a decision has already been made. The board of directors is a major stakeholder for it makes decisions that have to be upheld by the employees (Ghosh, 2008). It is noteworthy that the decision made is not to inform the consumers. Employees are the other stakeholders involved in the case. Employees are tied by professional obligations to conform to the decisions made by the board of directors and act professionally and in a manner that is for the good of the company (McNamara, Dennis,  Carte, 2008). The employees who include the middle levels managers like Angela and low level employees like David are characterized by different personal values. Angela for instance is not apprehensive of dating a stranger and even worked as a web designer for her uncle who was in the pornography industry. On the other hand, David is known to stand up for others rights and is a devout Christian.

Another group of stakeholders that have to be considered in analyzing the case is the consumers. CSS is operational mainly to meet the expectations and needs of its clients so as to generate revenues. Attracting clients with deep pockets and protecting the reputation of the company are the two main reasons for not disclosing the errors (Sekerka,  Bagozzi, 2007). This reason highlights the importance awarded to creating a positive image and attracting consumers. On the other hand, there is the possibility that there are some consumers who are using faulty products without knowing that they are faulty. Such consumers who are in higher education or other corporate circles are likely to make losses as a result of failure by CSS to disclose the faults in its products. Another important consideration is that since the company intends to send patches that will help rectify the existing problems and is determined not to inform the clients of the existing faults, it will clearly make up a story to accompany the distribution of the patches.

The owners of the company are the other stakeholders that have to be considered in analyzing the problem. The problem affects the reputation of the firm and has the potential of influencing share prices and even returns on investment. Evidently, news of faulty products may have considerable effects on the perception of the brand in the market on the other hand, news of failure to disclose such findings by the company may be catastrophic on the image of the company and therefore its financial performance. Therefore, the company owners have to be considered in the case for their equity in the company may be affected by the direction adopted in the firm (Andolsen, 2006). Though the community that the company operates in is a stakeholder in the company, they are minimally affected in the case. The only effect is that the decision made by the company not to disclose may be against the beliefs held by a majority or even a minority in the community.

Competing Values
There are various competing values that have been highlighted in the specific case. First, breach of confidentiality is a professional issue that could get David fired. Perusing through confidential documents with the knowledge that they are confidential and proceeding to share the information with other employees is unprofessional irrespective of the information that has been retrieved. It is noteworthy that though David was overcome by natural human curiosity he is well aware that perusing through confidential documents could get him fired. It is noteworthy that as a Christian David is required to respect the privacy of other people. Therefore, from a deontological perspective Davids perusal of confidential documents is unethical (Miao-Ling, 2006). A teleological perspective that focuses on the outcome of the actions could on the other hand lead to the declaration of Davids actions as ethical. Clearly, non-disclosure by CSS could result in tremendous losses by the customers (Miao-Ling, 2006). Commercial values highlight the importance that businesses should award to ensuring that their products or services do not cause harm to consumers. Producers and businesses have an obligation to inform the consumers of any negative effects of their products that come to their notice before and after production. It is evident that CSS does not in any way intend to inform its clients of the faults it has discovered in its product. Disclosure to the consumers is weighting against the responsibility that the company has to its owners and the employees. CSS has to generate revenues to remain operational on the other hand, any event that may result in the development of a negative mage for the company ought to be addressed for it may affect revenue earnings and the companys ability to cater for the expectations and needs of its consumers.

Kantianism highlights the importance of what ought to be done (Walker,  Ivanhoe, 2007). CSS as a firm is required by its obligation to its consumers to ensure that they are informed of any negative effects that their products may have. Existence of quality control boards and standards authorities in nations are all out of the need to ensure that consumers are protected from poor services and products. Therefore, Davids actions under this theoretical consideration can be looked as ethical since the company should adopt a policy of full disclosure to issues affecting employees and customers. David has taken a step in the direction of what ought to be done and is therefore acting ethically from this perspective.

Act utilitarianism does not provide a conclusive analysis of the facts in the case. First, there are various stakeholders involved in the case which makes it hard to priorities who should be considered as important (Walker,  Ivanhoe, 2007). Other stakeholder for instance the employees and the owners of the company can be affected whether the company chooses to disclose or not. Disclosure as an example could result in loss of revenues and thinning of the market base which may result in lay-offs and losses. On the other had, should the company be discovered to have known and failed to disclose the existence of faults in its products the employees and owners will all be negatively affected (Edgar, 2002). Determining the degree of loss in either case is not easy thus, the adoption of act utilitarianism in the case results in inconclusive analysis.

Monitoring employees in a professional setting is a measure that seeks to improve security and ensure professionalism. On the other hand, spying on employees which is the case in the study is unprofessional. Spying on employees goes not only against professional ethics but also commercial values.

Relevant Professional Codes
Producing products that are harmful to consumers goes against licensing (Bommer et al, 1987). Licensing is a mechanism aimed at controlling the activities of firms so as to minimize any negative effects that they may have on consumers and mitigate the risks of exploiting product or service users (Brooks,  Dunn, 2009). Therefore, violation of this requirement and taking steps that try to hide this fact may go against licensing requirements. Professional code of ethics is also applicable in the case. David and Angela are professionals that are governed by similar professional codes. While Angela has chose to stay quiet, David will most likely take measures that seek to fight for the rights of the consumers. Therefore, though professional codes require David to be loyal to CSS and therefore the decisions made by the board, as a professional he is required to blow the whistle on any activities that he considers unlawful and immoral. Thus, professional codes do not provide an effective platform to addressing the dilemma presented in the case. Though it highlights the importance of personal values and personal perception of authority and the decisions made by the board of directors, professional codes cannot be used to analyze fully the ethical value of a decision made by an employee (Bommer et al, 1987).

Application of Bommer et al (1987) Model
Bommer et al (1987) developed a model that could help organizations identify factors that affect ethical and unethical behaviour within. The model highlights a number of variables that are considered critical to the adoption of ethical behaviour within a firm. There are various factors that are considered by managers and even employees when making decisions that have ethical implications. Evidently, the decisions by the board not to disclose its findings, the decision that will be made by David and the decision by Angela to go by the boards recommendations can be viewed as result of various extrinsic and intrinsic variables.

The decision making process is affected by information acquisition, cognitive process, perceived rewards, perceived losses and information processing (Rajeev,  Bhattacharyya, 2007). These critical decision processing factors are influenced by professional, personal, work, social and government environments. Moreover, personal attributes are influential on the decision process. A review of the decision making process in the board, by David and by Angela reveals that these forces are in action.
The decision made by the board clearly disregards humanistic values and is against the licensing requirements. The decision by the board is driven by corporate goals and the need for the company to improve its performance. It is noteworthy that as a professional organization, CSS has to ensure that professional codes of ethics are upheld. Though the personal environment and attributes do not play a role in the decisions made by the board, the organization, government and social environments are clearly influential (Bommer et al, 1987). The board in disregarding humanistic and government environments in making its decisions creates an impression of its decisions being unethical, immoral and illegal.

The decision made by Angela to go by the boards decision is largely affected by personal environment and attitudes. Angela is a former pornographic web designer and has no qualms with dating a guy she has met over the internet. Angela is open to ideas and does not evaluate ideas as per how they are viewed by a majority in the society. The personal environment appears to have had an effect on the decision making process adopted by Angela. Interacting with family members that are in the pornography industry may have affected Angelas cognition of morality and the need to stand up for other peoples rights (Bommer et al, 1987). This is a personal environment factor. The professional environments may have also affected Angelas decision. As a middle level employee, Angela is required to transform the boards decisions into strategies. Therefore, not questioning the decision made by the board is in line with professional codes requirement for all professionals to abide by their clients or employers decisions. Evidently, the government and social environments are not influential on the decision made by Angela. The existing work policies that highlight the roles and obligations of project managers and system analysts may have affected the decision made by Angela. This is a manifestation of the effect that the work environment has on ethical decision making in a firm.

The decision made by David is a result of environmental factors that are similar to Angelas cases though their manifestation is different. Unlike Angela, David is known to be a devout Christian that goes all the way to ensure that peoples rights are upheld. This implies that David is highly influenced by Christian values and is more likely to take on decisions that are representative of religious values and that are viewed as moral by others. This implies that religion which is a social environment factor and morality which is a personal attribute play considerable roles in decision made by David. Informing Josephine who is also a member of the local church is a move that is clearly motivated by the Christian value of seeking a second opinion before making decisions. Work environment manifested in the existing policies may also affect decisions made by David. Clearly, Davids job is on the line considering that he acquired the information illegally. This is a factor that may considerably affect the decision made by David. Personal environment factors for instance what his family will think and the ideas presented by Josephine may also affect the decision made by David. Though the legal environment is not influential on the decision made by David, the professional codes that emphasize that employees should uphold their integrity as members of the society as well as employees may push David into seeking disclosure which is an ethical measure in this case.

Questionable Acts
Non-disclosure of information on fabulists products by the board of directors is both illegal and unethical. Though the measure seeks to preserve the professional integrity of the firm, it only serves the interests of CSS while ignoring other entities. Accessing and distributing confidential information is unprofessional and unethical. However, such line of action is not illegal since it is only restricted to an organisation. Spying on employees is unethical and unprofessional. It is noteworthy that though spying on employees infringes on their right to privacy, the fact that David was being spied when within the premises of the firm makes such line of action within the limits of the law since the premises belong to the firm.

CSS had other two optional approaches that may have eliminated or reduced the seriousness of the ethical and legal implications of its decision. One option that could have been adopted by CSS is involving all stakeholders in making the decision. The confidential approach adopted in addressing the issue is part of the problem since it does not allow for the incorporation of varied views and perspectives in the decision. Inclusion of varied perspectives in making the decision would have ensured that every stakeholder is prepared to deal with the impact of the overall decision. Another approach that CSS could have adopted is informing the consumers of the defects in the products and the measures that have been adopted in addressing the problem. Such a move would reduce the risk of erroneous use of the products though it may be costly on the firm. Though such a move may be costly, it is way better than disclosure after the company has decided not to disclose the defects to the consumers. The first approach is better for it ensures the development of consensus within the company which ensures that employees are aware of the dilemma and take responsibility of the direction adopted by the firm. This will help address the risks of conflicts resulting from varied viewpoints and different personal environments that affect decision making among the employees.

The digital data warehouses of modern society

The digital data warehouse is used by an organization for the main purpose of safeguarding its data integrity for its better performance against its competitors.

 There are diverse functions of the digital data warehouse of which among tem includes the following storing information in one system from data and information that originates from multiple sources and applications throughout the organization. This data may either be stored from the source or on the other hand it may be aggregated into valuable information upon validation and translation the digital data warehouse goes beyond the database alone, it in addition to that, it must include the database and the corresponding load functions to store information for the main purpose of supporting the information reporting requirements an organization and finally,  it is used to provide the external applications data and information from the data warehouse files for the purpose of generating their own reports and queries.

The digital data warehouse can be identified different from other forms of data storage and integrity because some of its distinctive features. The digital data warehouse is physically separate and isolated from the transaction systems this gives it an analysis and reporting of the data without performance impact on the production of the transaction systems. This warehouse is typically made to be able to recognize and favor the batch inputs and outputs it also reads the information for data analysis reporting, and for decision support

Individuals should not be allowed to enter into a data system without correct authentication by the responsible personnel. Although, some individuals should be allowed, many considerations should be taken into before taking such actions. First, the extent to which the threat to be protected should be provided, then what type of risk to be protected and how vulnerable the system may result. The system should be analyzed to be able to know where to protect it from and the reason for its protection, also the value of the data should be protected should be considered and the personnel that is responsible for the data and other assets of the company should be analyzed.

The major reason as to why the individuals might not be allowed into the systems is because of the value and extent of risk that is involved in the digital data warehouse. Some of the systems are not so much protective, in that an intruder can be able to successfully attempt to access the computer. Some of these individual can go to an extent of reading and writing these files, detect or execute the programs that can cause damage, they can also delete some important and critical data. These individuals can be able to prevent the company from being able to get the important work done appropriately, and also they can have some higher chances of impersonating the company which is the most dangerous factor. The entry of the unauthorized personnel is in a greater chance of in securing the system and resulting to the compromising the entire network of the company. An example is that, when an unidentified individual gains access to the system using an insecure system or once he has the user account of the system or someones system he can be able to gain uncontrolled access to the system and other personnel accounts.

There are many threats that are gained as a result of the unauthorized access to the system. Many of these threats come from the intruders of the system of an organization. One of the intruders is the curious intruder. He is responsible for basically finding out what type of the system and data that an organization may use. These intruders may be having many reasons as to why they need the data, it maybe for the reason of their competitive advantage or for the reason of paralyzing the company. An example of the intruders are the malicious intruder, the profile intruder, the borrowers, and the leap frogger among others.

This brings us to the concern that is, there is need for the organization to protect the digital data security in the warehouse for ensuring that the integrity of the data is safe and also in the reporting any future data loss that may cause an unrecoverable damage to a company.

Nowadays, the organizations operate in a dynamic and global multinational environment with some collaboration tat are team-oriented and therefore, place significant requirements on the telecommunication networks. This has made the organizations of the modern generation to critically depend on the time flow of the accurate information. One of the best ways that has been practiced is the analysis of the data systems for the quality of the digital data integrity and the service it offers the organization. Therefore, there is need to offer security for the digital data from individuals to be able to secure the companys integrity.

Securing this information is of vital importance to the business or organization for many reasons. The organization has got a lot of information that is very vital to its operations like the payment information, the personal files, bank information among others that are very hard to replace and also potentially dangerous if they fall on some of the dangerous individuals. Data may be lost through individual by the physical threats such as theft and malicious damage and human error occurring as a result of data warehouse being accessed by many individuals, mistaken processing of data and unintended disposal of the data or the input errors.

In the recent years, due to the development of the information technology, there has been a considerable increase in the use of the of the open network systems for the provision of the financial services to their customers. This has brought about some concerns of the security risks that are vulnerable from the exposure of data to unauthorized personnel. In order to ensure a sound development of the organization while at the same time getting the benefits of the remarkable institution, it is vital for the company to be thoroughly be conversant with the  of the information security and work for the goal of managing the risk throughout the organization.

There are many ways of preventing this unauthorized  individuals from entering the data warehouse data warehouses may implement some control measures to minimize the actual threats and also to minimize the extent to which the damage of thee threats caused by individuals can cause.

A company can cause internal control systems to form a basis of protecting the information system and data in a digital data warehouse. It means that the methods used by the organizations to safeguard assets, provide accurate and reliable information and to improve the efficiency of the operations and to encourage the adherence to the managerial policies.

The protection of the systems and data involves the consideration of the control models of data. These are the control environment which is the basic component of the organization. The control activities that are involved in this model involve the policies that ensure that there is the achievement of the company objectives that are imperative to the keeping of the companys data safe. Another component is the risk assessment that involves identifying and analyzing the risks to the data warehouse. Then, there is the information and communication support that controls the responsibilities of the employees and providing them with information that is in a time frame which allows them to be able to perform their duties. Finally, the last component is called the monitoring of the performance which involves the effective supervision of the employees on their responsibilities.
 For sufficient protection of data a company needs to use the general controls to manage the logic access, data transmission, and the data storage in the organization. A company can use the data transmission controls through the use of tunneling, firewalls, and using encryption to control the entry and exit of the information in the warehouse. There are many type of firewalls, one of them is the packet-filtering firewall that is responsible for accessing to a network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets of data. This is able to decode the data through it source address, source port, destination port, and the connection status.

Some other companies can decide to use the tunneling method in the process of using the firewalls. This model is used by the network of a company to be able to connect to another company. These networks are connected through the internet and the data is divided into the internet protocol packets that are encrypted into numerous of other computers and sent into the internet. At the destination, each packet is finally decrypted and then translated to its original data. Through the use of this line that offers security to an organization it proves it difficult for the transmission of data to the third party.

A company can use the encryption method to safeguard the company from the transmission of its information or data to the unwanted personnel. This safeguards the confidentiality, authenticity, and the integrity of the data. Encryption changes the data into a form that can not be understood by the outsiders. When the message is received, it is then translated back to the original format through the use of different formats and codes. It is basically important when the information is kept only between the sender and the receiver.

Another form of control is through the use of logic controls. These make use of the passwords, biometrics, and the use of the compatibility tests that are basically used for the prevention of the accessibility of information in the companys data warehouse. The passwords determine who has the accessibility towards a particular system of information. The passwords should be kept safe because if they are known by the unwanted personnel, then the integrity of the system is at risk. To be able to minimize this risk, an organization can implement the use of biometrics. These are the technologies that authenticate the personnel accessing the system by the use of the identification of the individual based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics.

Another method of data security is the use of the data storage controls that keep data secure from the unauthorized personnel. All the information that is used in the organization should be labeled this is particularly to the data that is stored internally in the hard drive of the computer or diskette. This is essential because if this data is not stored and labeled properly it is in a position of being vulnerable for the tampering from the outside party this is very dangerous especially for confidential information.

There are many ways in which the individuals and the government exercise their rights to the digital data in the data warehouses. This comes as a result of the need arising from their usage in different fields and sectors of their operations.

The government is the largest purchaser of the computers and the use of information technology systems in any particular country. Therefore, it is responsible for the provision of influence on the developers and also the vendors and the promotion of the use of some more stringent requirements. In the present world, because of the dramatic change in the varied and conflicting interests of every personnel, there has been a change in the way the governments, companies and organizations think about the way of protecting the information systems and the most important data in an organization.
The government has recognized the importance of the role of the information technology in the promotion of effective, efficient and productive services to the public. Many governments have integrated the information systems for the purpose of assisting these developing countries in stimulating the effective use of the information technology to the public sector.

In the present world, the government authorities usually collect and process a diverse range of data that include data and information on the individuals, families, organizations, and companies. The government uses this information to produce new information for the public, such as, policies, strategies, plans, regulations, and various services to the government. This enables the government to use the information services to support the processing of information by the governments, including data gathering, processing, dissemination, storing, and utilization.

In most developing countries, the government is the most dominant consumer of the information technology products. The government uses this information for the purpose of taxation, customs, census data gathering, elections, development planning, health, education and welfare, land management and agriculture, financial management, social security, policy making, national security and defense, among many others.

The governments have used the information systems for the provision of services and also in improving them to better standards. For example the government uses the integrated revenue management system in the improvement of tax data available for the collection of the employees in the field. Here, the revenue officers will be able to receive these cases more quickly and then act on them more easily. A system that uses the distributed computing architecture for the purpose of the automation and the modernization of the tax collection purposes is in a position of helping the treasury department to effectively collect the tax easily this is one of the advantages that are being received by all government policies.

The government is the biggest owner of the public information and also distributes a vast amount of information that is used by the whole government sectors. In these countries, it is the government that is the producer of the relevant information relating to the economic and social information. The government therefore makes the information accessible to all the citizens more conveniently the information resources managers in the government agencies are the key participants in the general civil services. The most industrialized countries state that the public policies that enable the efficient private access to the public data are very important in the competitiveness of these sectors for the better improvement of the economy of the country.

The government has got some specific rights to the digital information in most countries. Here the government has got the rights to use the information and ensure that it reaches the entire population so that the country advances in scientific technology, and science and technology that will be fully integrated throughout the national activity. In addition to that it uses the information technology to be able to foster scientific research in the universities and other academic, scientific and engineering institutions, attract the younger and motivated persons to the careers in the information technology and to encourage the innovativeness and research in the areas of relevance in the for the economy. The government uses the data in the digital data warehouses to be able to strengthen the enabling mechanisms that relate to the technological developments evaluation, absorption, and the up graduation from concept to utilization. According to the individual rights that relate to the individuals, there is a great concern about the relationship between the technology and the legal right or the expectations of the public towards the collection and the sharing of data about oneself. The rights of the individual comes about when the an identifiable data that relates to a person is collected and stored in digital form, this therefore brings a variety of the concerns about the types of information that come under the individual privacy issues.

One of the common data that a person has control and right over is the financial privacy. Here the persons financial transactions are safeguarded from fraud or identity of theft. This shows the individual having the right towards the protection of hisher own financial status and transactions.  On top of that is the protection against the information about what the persons purchases are and some events about him such as the places they have visited, whom they have had contact with, the products they use, and their activities and habits among others. This is dangerous to the individuals privacy when exposed to the outside party.

The internet privacy is another form of privacy concern to an individual. This refers to the ability of being able to control the information about oneself over the internet and who is authorized to access the information in the internet. The privacy issue here is to increase the concerns bout the e-mail that can be stored and read by a third party without ones concern, or on the other hand there is the websites, where we are keen on whether the third parties are able to track the web sites that someone had recently visited. On the same note, another concern is whether the web sites that are visited collect, store, and also share the personally identifiable information about the users. Individuals can opt to use some of the tools that protect the privacy such as the encryption tools and the some of the anonymizing services.

In the issue of politics, there has arisen the issue of the secret ballot as the simplest and most widespread measure that ensures that the political view are not exposed to any other person apart from the original voter. This one has risen more recently and is basically referred to as the right of the citizenship. This system keeps the information of the voter well known by himself and no other third party. This type of privacy exists in todays privacy rights.

Another form of privacy issues about the information is all about the medical privacy issues. This allows one to keep the medical records from being revealed to the other third parties. The reason maybe because if the information is being revealed it may affect the insurance coverage or the employment of the patient. Some individual may not want to disclose their medical or the psychological conditions or the treatment because their conditions may be rejected in society. In addition to that the exposure of someones information may be in a position to reveal someones personal life such as the sexual activity of a person.

An individual can be an entrepreneur that owns a particular business and has got some of the information that heshe may not want to disclose to the outside third parties. Some of the information that an entrepreneur may want to keep are the trade secrets such as the formula, pattern, compilation, program method, technique, or process. These are basically under the law that governs the trade secrets in a particular country where the duties of confidence exist in both the law and the virtue of the agreement that must be reasonable and enforceable. On the same note, the trade marks may be used as the protection of hisher own goodwill from the outside competitors. These may be associated with the slogans, symbols, and other marks that mark the information of the business in the industry. The rights to the protection of these properties are based on the trade mark acts that are contained in the common laws of many countries. All the properties are being stored in the entrepreneur digital data warehouse.

In accordance to the above entrepreneurship property, the most basic thing that they put into consideration is there importance in the business. The patents that are to be specific to a particular business protect a certain technology for the inventive functional features of a product or process in a certain production process. The copyrights also involve the software that the entrepreneur uses in the product designing and production that is specific to him alone. The protection of this means the digital information is protected to this individual.

There are some privacy issues that deal with the information systems in the individuals that own information systems in their warehouses. There should be a balance between the privacy of an individuals information technology and its disclosure. Therefore, should be the extent to which the claims of the individuals, groups, or institutions are able to determine themselves when, how, and to what extent the information technology about them should reach the outside public. All individuals that are continuously involved in the personal adjustment process, is able to create a desire for the privacy for the disclosure and communication of him to others in accordance to the environmental conditions and the social norms that are  being set by the society in which heshe lives. This privacy issue will be strengthened if the people are able to conceive the as a property right and also that the individuals are able to control the information about themselves.

Information being the most important aspect in the development of the government, companies and the private individuals must be protected from being received by the unauthorized individuals. This will lead to the unnecessary dissemination of the data from the data warehouses.

ICT in higher education

Information Communication Technology which is an abbreviation of(ICT) is a term that is used to describe communication appliance or device, including the television, radio, computer, cell phones and network hardware and software, the satellite systems and also various services and applications that are associated with technology for example the distance learning and videoconferencing. ICT nowadays has become a basic need nearly in every field and in order for one to fit well in the current world in terms of job search ICT knowledge is a basic requirement.

Uses of ICT
The main aim of ICT in higher education is to provide greater access to information and communication to the quick and fast growing populations and this has also led to the establishment of so many organizations that offers communication and information services.

Information communication technology is also used in by some of the countries like Sri Lanka the Kothmale Community Radio Internet uses the radio broadcast and the computer and the internet technologies to provide educational opportunities in the rural communities.

Nowadays people have the privilege of enrolling in the big universities and instead opt to study while doing their other chores at their own pleasure, and all this opportunities were opened by the introduction of ICT in institutions, organizations and other related companies. The first university to introduce the distance learning program was the Open University of the United Kingdom (UKOU) which was established in 1969 world wide and some of the materials were supplemented by radio, television and this made other universities to introduce the online program. Also web based training courses have been introduced whereby students can chat face to face and students given instructions though not all e-learning are the best.

Communication has been improved by ICT and it has become faster compared to the past where signals were used. Communication has been made instant therefore improving interaction between people who are far from each other.

The ICT institutions also provide facilities such as-

Wireless technology - is the term used in describing the transfer of information  whereby one can be able to share files with the help of two or more telecommunication devices for example the cellular phones, computer, and the personal digital assistant (PDA) without necessarily using network cables in order to facilitate internet connection, printer and file sharing.

Diagram 1.0 representing wireless network in an institution.

The data transfer can be either through
Bluetooth which is an open wireless protocol used for exchanging data over short distances provided the machine you are using supports Bluetooth.

Infrared was traditionally used to transfer data of which it worked the same way as the Bluetooth.
Wi-Fi uses radio waves to provide wireless high speed internet and network connections.

Web based tools  this are application accessed via the web browser over the internet and can also mean a computer software application which is hosted in a browser-controlled environment for example the JavaScript combined with HTML so that the program can be executable.
Computer based applications  these are the programs installed in a computer or any other machine that assist it to perform its functions well. These applications can either be application software which constitutes programs like excel, Microsoft word and other related programs.

Network technology  allows institutions or organization to share information, data, files, hardware devices and also share software through devices connected to communications channels.


ICT resources at Anglia Ruskin University continue to improve day by day as the access to information and communication within the university is well established by the management. The use of modern machines used which most of them are wireless enables anyone within the university compound access any information concerning the institution quickly and this has saved the space as most of the machinery use the wireless technology. The students undertaking any course in the Information and Communication Technology department also contribute greatly by maintaining the facilities of ICT with the help of the knowledge they acquire from the university. Also the discovery of new software that assists in distant learning, communication has also contributed towards the success of the ICT in the university.

Information Technology in Higher Education

Information Communication Technology also know as ICT
ICT refers to a set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and create, disseminate, store and manage information.  These technologies include computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony. (Akhtar UNDP-APDIP 2003).

ICT has changed the way we work, be it any professional.  Therefore, it is only but natural the role of ICT in higher learning institution has been given a lot of prominence in the recent years. ICT plays a major role in education.

Roles of ICT in higher learning Institution.
Information Technology Communication has deep impact in education in all levels.  Today ICT forms a part of university and colleges curricula, as it is important for every person today, to have the basic knowledge of computers which is part and percales of ICT.  There are several advantages associated with ICT in education, which includes an efficient storage and rendition of information, quick information processing and very importantly the saving.   Students find it easier to get learning materials from internet rather than perusing in big academic journals, textbooks etc.   Online education has revolutionized higher education. The ICT has played a major role in making the dream of distance learning to be a reality.  Education in higher learning institution is no more restricted to classrooms.  Universities and colleges are operating beyond their geographical boundaries, they have reached far and wide.

ICT has turned out to be a brilliant aid in teaching.  Computers facilities an audio-visual representation of information, thus making the whole process of learning interactive and interesting.  Computer aided teaching add a fun element to education.

Internet has also played a vital role in education. As it is an enormous information base, it can be harnessed for the retrieval of information on wide variety of subjects.

The benefits of ICT in higher education were obvious as they were location-independent and improved access for many groups (Hopkinson, ESD, 2000).

Facilities provided by universities are as follows.

Networking Technology.

Computer Network refers to interconnection of autonomous computers for communication purposes through a medium. Local Area network and Wide Area Network are commonly used in universities to facilities e-learning.

LAN is a network that provides inter-connection of computers in a small geographical area. There are several benefits associated with this kind of network such as-
Sharing of information, files and transfer of data from one computer to another
Sharing of hardware and software thus cutting down the cost.
Fast and reliable way of communicating.

Figure 1.0
The figure above illustrates how the Local Area Network can be developed (wikipedia, 2010).
This has contributes a lot in learning for example, a student in a traditional class can be assigned both print-based and online materials, have online mentoring sessions with their teacher, through chat, and subscribed to a class email list. Or a web-based training course can be enhanced.

Wireless technology
Wireless network refers to a network set up by using radio signal frequency to communicate among the computers and other network devices. This has made for students to access learning materials. Sometime it is also referred to as WiFi network or WLAN

Figure 1.1 the above diagram show how wireless network can be developed (home-network-helpwireless-network, 2008). Access points sometime are installed to increase the coverage as well as throughput.

Website tools
An interactive website
Colleges and universities have designed an interactive website system that enables its clients and students to have an interactive communication.  Most of higher learning institution has invested on online system.  Use of WEBCT is one the system that integrates very well with website students can be able to access their information while they are at home.

Search engines
Universities and colleges has collaborated with renown academic database that stores learning material. This has enabled ease of research, student save time on while reading and getting their material.

Online registration
This is online system that is integrated with a website students can register for their class online without necessary visiting the office, prospective students can access the course and make online payment. Some time online interview to determine whether the student is fit to pursue the course is done online.

How Anglia Ruskin University has implemented some of the above facilities.
The university has implemented a wide rage of ICT facilities that students, teaching staff, non-teaching and management have been using.  ICT has contributed a lot in Anglia Ruskin both in learning and normal activities.  The university has invested a lot of money in developing the following facilities.

Interactive and dynamic website.
WEBCT refers to an online piece of software that allows lecture notes to be accessible to students through the World Wide Web. Some of resources a student can access are as follows
Anglia Ruskin University has a WEBCT, WEBCT Student home pages used to introduce student to each other.

Chat rooms and private email chat for synchronous discussion about course content. Image archives searchable and linkable to complement contents assessment tools, quiz tools, survey, assignment drop box etc.( webct Anglia 2010)

Digital Library
The Digital Library is the Librarys portal to academically reliable information in electronic form and includes all of our electronic journals and databases etc (Anglia Ruskin University, 2010.)
Student management system such as E-vision.

E-Vision is a student management system that stores and retrieves students details.  When student log into e-Vision, they can access their useful resources such as registration status, personal details (personal Timetable, current modules, results, login details and email address and assignment).
ICT has brought revolution in higher learning institution.  ICT has changed the face of the university. ICT is no longer specialized tool to be used by specially trained personnel.  Its ubiquitous and used in almost every department in the university.

Information Communication Technology

Sometime referred to as ICT, there is no proper or universally accepted definition of the term ICT because the concept, method and application used in ICT are evolving on a daily basis. There is one definition that might match the term ICT this refers to the use of digital technology that already exists to help people, businesses and organizations to use information.  ICT takes care of any product that will store, query, manipulate, transmits or receive information electronically in a digital form. For instance use of personal computers, digit television, email etc (Teaching Mathematics using Information and Communication Technology, 2000)

ICT is widely used in all higher learning institutions for various good reasons such as sharing and transfer of data at very high speed, ease of communication between the students and their lecturers, library facilities has been brought closer to the students by the use of digital library where students can access learning materials through the universitycolleges wireless network.  Student can submit their course work or assignment electronically to their respective lecturers.  There has been an ease in management of collegesuniversities, this has been brought by ICT facilities, and there are application software in all levels of management that assist the office bearer in executing their duties.  For example, for a financeaccount department to manage the student fees payment, ensure that only those who have paid for a certain service should access the service then their must be a system for manage all this.  Management of students alone manually may turn to be a nightmare, most of the universities develop a students database this assist in capturing all the student details, students can register for their class without involvement of the management, by the help of a system.  ICT has made universities to provide their services beyond their geographical boundaries, this has been achieved through teleconferencing, video conferencing and even collaboration with other institution. University manages its satellite colleges through a dedicated private network.
ICT Facilitates provided by higher education institution.
Network Technology-Local Area Network
Most of universities provide strong and secure Local Area Network that is essential to support an effective university ICT strategy. Local Area network refers to interconnection of autonomies computers, workstations, nodes and other accessories covering a close physical area. There are several services provided by this network such as
Sharing files, data and information.
Facilitating communications.
Sharing of hardware.

Figure 1.0 the above diagram shows LAN can be constituted (www. conceptual, 2010)

Wireless Technologies
Wireless Local Area Network is actually nothing more than an invisible extension hardwired network most of universities and colleges has developed. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors or wires.  The distance involved may be short or long (wikipedia 2010).  Some of the reasons are as follows ease of movement, strategic deployment, flexibility and convenience.  There is several wireless Technologies University may find fit for facilitating learning and one of them is

Wi-Fi refers to wireless local area network technology that enables laptops, Person Computers, Personal Data Assistant and other devices to connect easily to the internet or a private network (I.E.E.E 802.11, 2003). With this kind a facilities students will be able to access university database and enjoy the services. Colleges put several Wi-Fi hot spots so that students can access internet and the local area network.  This is also one way the university tries to enhance their ICT services.  Wi-Fi is less expensive and nearing the speeds of standard Ethernet and other common wired based LAN technologies (wikipedia 2010).

Figure 1.2 the above image shows how the wireless network operates (conceptual drawing)

Computer interface devices
These are devices that interface using wireless technology e.g. a wireless mouse, keyboard or remote gadget.  Colleges invest in this technology to enables it staffs to execute their duties without difficulties or at ease.  These devices are mostly used in a class room setup.  

Dynamic, an interactive website
Most of Higher education institutions have developed an interactive website that provides a link between the university and students or between the universities and prospective customers.  Website facilities distance learning, students do not necessary have to attend classes, lecturers can train and monitor the academic progress of a distant learner by issuing the learning materials onto the college website.  Student can also follows class sessions if the university has virtual class sessions or lectures conducted via the video or telephone.  Through integration of various system website can be integrated with digital library and online registration of class.  Students can access the library services by login into a library database and use electronic catalog to access the learning material.

An interactive whiteboard.
An interactive whiteboard refers to a surface onto which a computer screen can be displayed, via projectors. It is touch sensitive, uses a pen which act as a mouse, controlling the computer from the board itself.  Changes made to information projected on the board are transferred to the computer.   Whiteboards assist in deliver exciting and engaging lessons.  A lecturer can deliver lesson interactively suing a variety of methods and techniques including use of video clips, internet, interactive presentation and color visuals.

How Anglia Ruskin University has implement some of this facilities
The university has a wide range of ICT facilities that assist students, lecturers and management in their activities.

The forensic science laboratory.
This is one of facility that is well equipped in the university lecturers demonstrate their lesson and assist students in learning the course.

Interactive and dynamic website
WEBCT refers to a piece of software that allows lecture notes or even whole course to be accessible to student via the World Wide Web. Some of resources a student can access are as follows

Anglia Ruskin University has a WEBCT, WEBCT Student home pages used to introduce student to each other.

Chat rooms and private email chat for synchronous discussion about course content. Image archives searchable and linkable to complement contents
assessment tools, quiz tools, survey, assignment drop box etc.( webct Anglia 2010)

Digital Library
The Digital Library is the Librarys portal to academically reliable information in electronic form and includes all of our electronic journals and databases (indexes which you can search) as well as important educational internet gateways etc(Anglia Ruskin University, 2010.)

Student management system such as E-vision.
The ICT Support staff creates an account for all students and captures all the student details. So when student log into e-Vision where they will be able to access many useful resources, including registration status, personal details (personal Timetable, current modules, results, login details and email address and assignment).

Students accessing file stores over the internet.
All Anglia Ruskin University students are able to access work which is saved onto the drive H (my documents) remotely.

ICT has indeed transformed higher learning institution into a better place and conducive for learning. ICT is a tool that all colleges and universities should embrace for a better service and good results.  Therefore, the policy makers should entrench ICT policies into the higher learning institution constitution.

ICT in higher education

ICT which is the acronym for information and communication technology is defined as the use of varied technological equipments and resources that are used for creation, dissemination, storage, management of information and for communication. These technologies consist of computers, cellular phones, internet, satellite system, radio and television

Uses of ICT
ICTs are increasingly used in higher Education to improve the quality of tutoring, learning and also by the management as a key policy maker since its a necessity in the 21st century.

Web based teleconferencing can also be used for tutoring in higher education where a lecturer located in a different geographical location can facilitate discussion through transmission of text, audio and visual via the internet.

Higher education distance learning is facilitated by ICT nowadays where students are able to enroll to virtual universities where lesson materials in form of online tutorials are provided to students.

ICT is also used for research purposes in higher education where resources can be accessed over the internet by students for policy making and adapt to innovations. With this, quality of learning has being improved through the increased access to new learning resources and approaches in teaching by use of teaching aids like projectors.

ICT Facilities provided by Institutions include

Wireless Technology
This is the term used to describe the transfer of information which allows sharing of two or more telecommunication devices like computers, cellular phones or personal digital assistant (PDA) without using network cables facilitating the internet connection, printer sharing and file sharing.

Diagram 1.0 above displays a model of wireless connection in an organization.

Wireless networking portrays the future of internet connectivity and telecommunication devices worldwide.

Wireless communication can be through the use of
Wi-Fi Wireless
This is the most popular wireless technologies that stand for wireless fidelity that uses radio frequency (RF) offering network connections and internet at high speed without any physical wired connection.

Its an open wireless protocol that is used for sharing information over short distances as long as the device is blue tooth enabled.

Infra red
Infrared (IR) uses the same technology as Bluetooth to transfer data through the use of electromagnetic radiation over short distances.

Global positioning system
GPS is a navigational tool that is used in ships, aircraft and vehicles to ascertain their location.

Web based tools
This is software application that can be accessed using web browsers like mozilla or internet explorer. Information can be accessed using a telecommunication device over a network like a local intranet in an institution or through the internet.
The advantage of using web browsing tools is that no disk space is required on the client side and also allows compatibility across different platforms like windows and Linux.

Computer-based application
These are computer programs such as access, excel and Microsoft word that are installed in a computer and is normally used to assist users perform there functions easily.

Network technology
A network is the interconnection of computers, hardware and software devices so that they can share a resource like file or a printer.

Network technology is fast growing and allows institution or organizations to share information, software and hardware devices through a dedicate communication channels.
Network technologies have enabled universities to link with other universities electronically to provide students with enriched distance resources at the click of the mouse.

Social networking sites are also the in thing in institution where students can upload there profile information like academic achievement and curriculum vitae and be shared over the network.

The quest towards a knowledge based economy driven by globalization has made institutions of higher learning to equip its facilities with high technological equipments and train students to be competitive professionals and skilled so as to bridge the digital divide in our society.

Since technology is quite dynamic, resources used at Anglia Ruskin University need to be improved periodically so as to cope up with the ever changing industry, this will make ICT an enabling device to share and access information and also gain knowledge bridging geographical distance or constraint regarding to age or profession.

With the dawn of cyber universities other higher learning institutions have taken advantage of these sharing of education resources, distance education through
Information network platform and creation of web portals used in educational coursewares for distribution resources among other learning institution.

Digital Storytelling

How Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern developed Facade to enable generative storytelling.
The most significant aspect of a computer game is the ability to engage in logical mechanical processes to which end users can assign meaning (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.1). There are numerous tools that can enable end users manage various capacities of a computer such as manipulation of images with no need for the users to think systematically. Humans look at these computer games as a novel expressive kind similar to opera, drama and movies (Murray et al, 2006, p.43).The aim of this paper is to illustrate this assertion by describing how Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern developed Facade to enable generative storytelling.

Faade is a simulated intelligence-based research test in electronic narrative that attempt to progress beyond traditional branching narrative to develop a wholly-realized, one-act interactive drama. The process of building Faade entails three major research efforts devising ways to deconstruct a spectacular narrative into a ladder of story and behavior pieces, engineering an artificial intelligence system to reconstruct a real time impressive performance from those pieces that amalgamates the end-users moment-by-moment interfaces, and understanding how to write a compelling storyline within this novel organizational structure (Mateas  Stern, 2002a).

Similar to contemporary games, Faade is developed in a simulated world with a 3D real-time animation and sound that provides the end-user a first- person, uninterrupted, direct interface with unlimited navigation and the capability of selecting and using objects. Faade employs unconstrained natural language and emotional signal as the principal mode of expression for all characters, including the end-user (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.5). The storyline is about the emotional situations of human relationships, such as the termination of marriage (Louchart et al, 2004, p.7). There is unity of time and space and the drama occurs in an apartment. Many authors have encountered significant challenges while developing interactive stories such as how to structure a story to include interface and retain an enjoyable and well developed plot that can be experienced by the player. The following section looks at how Mateas and Stern developed Faade to address this challenge.

Story Design
Mateas and Stern have organized Faades content pieces into compound, mixable hierarchical ranks, serialized by procedures written in several mixable authoring languages. Faades social games are structured around a numeric score, (the interface between the player and character). They have numerous levels of abstraction distinguishing atomic player connections from alterations in social score. Rather than firing a gun or jumping over barriers, Faade players fire off an array of discourse actions in natural language, such as criticism, praise, provocation and flirtation (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.6). Although these discourse acts produce swift reactions from the characters, it may require story-context precise patterns of discourse acts to influence the social game score.

Moreover, the score is directly communicated to the player through enriched theatrical dramatic performance rather than via sliders or numbers. For instance, as a friend is invited for drinks at a make or break moment in the failing marriage of the central character Grace and Trip, the player unintentionally becomes an adversary of sort, forced by Grace and Trip into playing emotional head games with them. In the first part of the game, Grace and trip construe all of the players conversation acts in terms of a zero-sum affinity game that decides whose side Grace and Trip presently believe the player take. Concurrently, the hot-button game is taking place in which the player can prompt provocative topics such as divorce or sex, progressing through levels to gain more back story and characters information (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.6). The second part of the story is systematized around the therapy game where the player increases each characters level of self realization about their own problem, symbolized internally as a series of counters. The system monitors the overall story tension level, which is affected by the moves the player makes in the various social games (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.7).

Coherent Intermixing
In order to execute Faades social games as focused, logical and well placed narratives, Mateas and Stern separated the narrative into multiple fronts of progression. Secondly, they developed a variety of narrative sequencers to serialize these multiple narrative progressions. The procedural sequencers function in parallel and can logically inter mix their performances with one another (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.7).The following section describes the faades architecture and content structure in detail.

Architecture and content Framework
The Faade system is made up of numerous procedural subsystems that function concurrently and communicate with each other 11, 12, 13, 14 15. The dynamic and systematic performance of characters Grace and Trip (how they carry out dialogue, express emotions, how they pursue players around and utilize objects) are coded as a vast compilation of behaviors. These are short reactive actions symbolizing numerous goals and sub goals for the characters, organized in an infinite, hierarchical, vigorously-changing tree structure. These behaviors are coded in a reactive planning language known as A Behavior Language (ABL) that controls both parallel and sequential behavior interfaces such as conflict, sub-goal success and failure and context conditions (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.7).

The narrative sequencer (drama manager) for the Faade social games serialize dramatic beats (large groups of behaviors structured around a specific topic) according to specifications coded in a custom drama management language. Another subsystem is made up of a set of instructions that understand and interpret natural language (NL) and gestural input of the player. When a player enters discourse, the NL deduces one or more meanings. The second set of rules (reaction proposers) then interpret these dialogue acts in context specific ways such as provocation, agreement or alliance and remit this interpretation to the behaviors and drama manager to respond to (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.8).

Beats, Beat Mix-in and Beats Goals
A Faade beat is made up of about 9 to 98 joint dialogue behaviors (JDB), coded in ABL. Each beat is a narrative sequencer that serializes a subset of its JBDs in reaction to player interface. JDBs are made up of a maximum of 200 lines of ABL code. A beats JDB are structured around a common narrative goal such as a short conflict about a topic, like Graces fascination with redecorating or Trips effort to compel Grace to enjoy their honeymoon in Italy (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.8). There are uses of JDB within beat mix-ins and beat goals.

A beat is made up of a canonical sequence of narrative goals known as beat goals. The canonical sequence comprises a transition-in goal that offers a narrative transition into the beat (such as bringing up a new topic and linking it to the previous one). In addition, there is a set of Meta behaviors, known as handlers which wait for precise interpretations of player discourse acts and transform the canonical sequence using beat mix-ins.

Global Mix-in Progressions
Global mix-in is another type of narrative sequencer that functions in parallel to beat mix-in and beat goals. Each category of global mix-in has three levels that gradually dig deeper into a topic. Advancement of levels is effected by player interface such as referring to the topic. Each level in the progression is developed from one or several JDBs. They focus on topics such as sex, marriage, divorce or about objects like furniture, wedding photo, and drinks or as generic reaction to criticism, praise, opposition and flirtation (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.10).

Mateas and Stern have also employed several strategies to achieve coherency in terms of dialogue management and narrative flow.  Global mix-in progression are coded to be independent of any beats narrative flow. For instance, while arguing about their second honeymoon in Italy or quibbling about the type of drinks Trip should serve, the discourse is augmented with issues such as wedding photo or sex (triggered by a players reference to their topics). Each mix-in discourse is coded and voice-acted as if they are somewhat tangential topics that are being introduced into the flow of the dialogue- oh, that photo, yeah, its really (Mateas  Stern, 2007, p.11). Therefore, mechanisms exist for managing interruptions.

Current games are designed almost exclusively around physical action. Players are restricted to operating weapons, jumping, fighting and controlling vehicles. Mateas and Stern (2002b, p.2) have revolutionized computer game industry by developing architecture and a story design that fully integrates natural language processing, a new character authoring language and a novel drama manager to create an emotional and interactive drama about human relationships (Sullivan, 2007).

Kinetic Energy

Some forms of energy include nuclear energy, heat energy, chemical energy, and electromagnetic radiation. These energies can be of two main classifications, potential energy or kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is mostly associated with problems concerning the area of physics. The energy of motion is what is known as the kinetic energy of a certain object. It is an extra energy that one object has because of its motion. Kinetic energys given definition is the work needed in order to accelerate one body with a given mass from rest to its current velocity. An objects kinetic energy is totally relative or frame-dependent. It is closely associated with the concept of work, which is the dot product of force plus the displacement vector wherein force is applied.

An example of kinetic energy and how it is transformed from one form of energy to another can be seen in a car. The internal combustion of the engine of the car represents heat energy, and the consequent movement which is the motion of the car could represent mechanical energy. When fuel is fed through the intricate systems of a car that leads to internal combustion that moves the pistons of the engines and other systems function with it making up the mechanical energy. This will lead to movement to the car, making it accelerate. It should continue accelerating without any further work, as Newtons first law of motion, with the exception of overcoming the air resistance and friction. Heat inside the engine still exists as the process is still not totally efficient.

Continue on and another energy transformation happens. When on the top of the hill, the kinetic energy of the car is then transformed to gravitational potential energy that can be released going downhill without further work. Still, the car will not be able to regain its speed without stepping on the gas pedal because of friction and air resistance. Note that energy is not destroyed and only has been converted into another form of energy, in this case, friction. Another scenario of energy transformation is when the driver applies the brakes. From kinetic energy it is then dissipated into thermal energy as for the heat in the brakes of the car.

Being a function of velocity, the kinetic energy of an object is much based on the relationship between the object and the observers frame of reference, thus the kinetic energy of an object is not invariable. The kinetic energy of an object is depended to the frame of reference where it is measured.  In an isolated system, energy can neither enter nor leave and has a constant total energy as measured in any reference frame. Consequently, the chemical energy transformed to kinetic energy through a rocket engine will be distributed differently amid the rocket ship and its exhaust stream dependent on the reference frame of choice, known as the  HYPERLINK httpen.wikipedia.orgwikiOberth_effect o Oberth effect Oberth effect. However, the total energy of the system, including kinetic energy, fuel chemical energy, heat energy, shall be conserved apart from the choice of reference frame over time. Still, different observers moving with different reference frames will not come to an agreement on the measurement of this conserved energy.

Although the energy of those systems are dependent on the reference frame, the minimal total energy seen in any frame will be the resulting total energy seen by observers in the center of momentum frame. The resulting value of this invariant mass balances for the changing energy measured in different frames and will finally equalize all the results in all reference frames and observers.

Spacecrafts can be an example of how kinetic energy is seen. A spacecraft has chemical energy that it uses for its take off and then kinetic energy is gained in order for it to attain its orbital velocity. This kinetic energy that is obtained during the launch stays constant as the spacecraft orbits because no friction is present. In a game of pool or billiards, one can observe how kinetic energy is transferred from an object to another. When a player strikes a cue ball with a cue stick, kinetic energy is given to the ball by the player. Once the cue ball hits another balls, it will slow down radically since the kinetic energy will be transferred to the other ball making it accelerate. Such collision is known as elastic collisions wherein kinetic energy is maintained or preserved. Other kinds of energy such as sound, heat, etc, make kinetic energy disperse, and these are inelastic collision. Kinetic energy is also rotational as evident in flywheels being developed for storage of energy.

Several equations are used to calculate the kinetic energy, and although different, the results have only minute differences and are well within the accurate. The differences are usually from the velocity of the body or its size. Thus, it is accurate to use the Newtonian mechanics when the body is moving much smaller than the speed of light. But when the speed becomes close to the speed of light, significant differences can be seen in the results because of relativity. When the entity is in the sub-atomic level, the quantum mechanical equation will be most appropriate and accurate.

Newtonian or classical mechanics is still the most when it comes to kinetic energy. The equation Ekmv2 is used for the calculations of the kinetic energy of an object with a small mass or a non-rotating rigid body. Ek is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object. The kinetic energy is measured by joules, the mass in kilograms, and the speed in meters per second. Several equations can be translated from the main equation.

Nature, the universe, and everything else run because of kinetic energy. The world we live in would be silent and motionless if kinetic energy doesnt exist. No sound waves would be carried and heard, and no objects or matter would move. A cold universe would exist since heat a form of kinetic energy would not be present as well. Kinetic energy is an important subject for understanding. Physical quantities such as kinetic energy can be used for safety and breakthrough technologies in the world.


With the size of the universe, the Solar System could not be alone. Galaxies which have become known to man and visible to telescopes is approximated at 50 billion. The existence of other star orbiting planets in a system other than our own is the thrust of continuous space explorations. In this light, it has been a basic curiosity for the layman and a primary concern for astronomers to find out the existence of other planets outside our Solar System.

The study of the existence of Extrasolar planets or Exoplanets has established its own field in astronomy. Part of this discovery is to gain a substantial amount of knowledge about their attributes which would necessarily involve a great deal of successfully recording their images for study. With this as the principal objective for most astronomical research, the need for improving the technology for recording images with a high degree of accuracy is of utmost importance.

The first planetary detection was in 1988 with the observations of a planet orbiting the star called Gamma Cephei by astronomers Campbell, Walker and Yang. However, with the limited technology back then, most people were skeptic of the veracity of the observations.  The discovery was supported the next year and in 2002, with improved techniques in planetary detection, it was verified.
In 1992, planets PSR 125712 were discovered and were immediately confirmed. These pulsar planets discover by Wolszczan and Frail are believed to have been formed by a supernova are considered as the first definitive planetary discovery.

The first definitive discovery of a planet orbiting around a main-sequence star called was announced by astronomers Mayor and Queloz in 1995.

The early discoveries with the capabilities the technology had at the time expectedly had imperfections. Technological advancement, particularly of spectroscopy, marked the age of modern extrasolar planetary detection. It paved the way for a lot of extrasolar planetary discoveries. However, the main problem in imaging techniques for extrasolar planetary detection remained to be the presence of speckle or photon noise in the image produced. This has been the primary concern of developers of imaging techniques, thus, aiming to reduce speckle noise through adoptive optics and differential imaging.

Adoptive optics corrects the deterioration of image quality with the use of wave-font sensors sending signals to initiate corrections. Since astronomers focused on reconstructing degraded image, AO system, in reality, is a post-detection processing technique. The first system was used to correct the contrast of two-dimensional images. In 1982, a version was created for the AMOS in Haleakala. Thereafter, it was widely implemented for applications in military defense.

Planetary detection imaging involves dealing with light sources coming from the stars around which the planets orbit. The aberrations consisting of lightwaves produces light patterns and noticeable noise in the image. Adoptive optics has the capacity to lessen but not totally eliminate the light contribution.

Other modern imaging techniques consist of the use of the Angular Differential Imaging (ADI) and the Simultaneous Differential Imaging (SDI). The ADI, similar to the SDI addresses the problem of speckle noise in planetary imaging. It is a powerful technique in detecting extrasolar planets which have faint light sources particularly those closely separated from their stars. It matches the contrast produced by SDI without requiring specialized optics and is much simpler to use than the SDI.
SDI is an instrument which utilizes a quad filter for capturing astronomical images. By employing data reduction techniques, the SDI takes the difference of the images simultaneously recorded by its quad filter, then aligning these images taken with the result of a reduced photon noise in the data. Effectively suppressing speckle in the image, it is considered as one of the first cameras dedicated to discovery of new planets.

The SDI is employed at the VLT (Very Large Telescope) and the MMT (Muliti Mirror Telescope). The simultaneous taking of the difference in images is done with 1.62 mum methane bandhead and at 3 wavelengths.

Images are simultaneously taken with the use of the quad filter and are in the gas giants and cool brown dwarfs spectrum. The reduction or attenuation of the speckle noise is possible by performing a difference of images.

Extrasolar planetary detection is extra difficult due to the intrinsic faintness of the planets which are especially close to the parent star which are much brighter. The use  of VLT increases the resolution of the objects, however, the parent star gets blurred because of the interference of the image of the Earths atmosphere. The distortions are addressed with the use of AO systems using deformable mirrors fixing the star to become a point of light as it should be.

Upon removal of the stars halo, the image produced shows the speckles in the area surrounding the stars center and can sometimes look like a planet. The light sources and the reflections in the optics causes the speckles to show usually filling up the field closely surrounding the star. When the shape of the optics change during the night, one can find the speckles roam about the image from time to time in the course of observation. This problem, as caused by the device, is experienced even with the use of Hubble telescopes.

The two major problems which the SDI technique addresses are the following a) The difference in the contrast between the planet and the star. Old giant gas planets, or those which are 2 Gyr, are fainter than primary although within the primary. On the other hand, young planets are fainter ten times as compared to a primary but are self luminous b) the use of photon noise limited AO systems for an object 10 times fainter than and 1 from its primary can be detected with an hour of exposure.  Speckles remain in the image filling up the area within 1 of a star. This is true even after correction with the use of AO system.

Reduction of the speckles is achieved by subtracting PSF images using a multi-channel camera whereby the images taken are normally  found in narrow spectral bands.

The multi-channel camera converts the image with the help of a holographic diffuser in fixing the degraded illumination. Re-imaging takes place comparable to a convolution of the PSF image. The aberrations caused by the optics device get diverted to a convolution kernel in the channels. Better and more coherent images are then produced.

The efficiency in speckle reduction would dramatically increase the rapidness of  direct detection of extrasolar  planets.

Conquering the problem of speckles starts with understanding how they are produced. Speckles are scattered light coming from the brighter parent star. They naturally occur brought about by the interaction of wavelength, light sources and the optic devices creating blotches as the light beams are reflected and refracted passing through varying filters and mirrors. The light patterns create the resulting speckles which roam around the image due to the optics consistent change in shape. Since the speckles are sourced from the star, they will have the same color as the source, whereas, the planet will register a different color.

Astronomers have standard answers to issues that may come up in the use of the optics device. It is, however, impossible to conquer all aspects of the problem. The development of differential imaging technique, whether angular or simultaneous, seeks to address and dissolve all aspects of the problem of speckles together with the AO sytem.

The SDI imaging technique was pioneered by in the year 2000by Marois et al.  There is a strong CH CH4 (methane absorption) bandhead at 1.62 m in extrasolar giant planets (T  1200 K). The technique uses a subtraction routine whereny the star and speckles can be distinguished through the effective use of quad filters   any CH CH4 rich companion remains.

How, exactly does the technique work
SDI measures light in varying narrow-band filters. Since the images are taken simultaneously using the same optical path and differentiation is thereafter aligned, the resulting images would show identical speckles allowing them to be removed.  A double-Wollaston prism is utilized to split a light beam into two. Two prisms will produce four beams which passes through the quad filters taken at 3 different wavelength.

Easy detection of the planet from the speckles produced would require a proper choice of narrow-band filters. Carbon and hydrogen are always present  near the field of the parent star. On the other hand, Methane is present in the atmosphere of a planet which is much colder than the star around which the planet orbits. Cool objects would be much fainter. The heat of the star does not allow methane to form, thus, can be distinguished from the planet which is fainter.

Data reduction tasks are employed to align images taken in each of the filters with the use of a custom shift and a reduction routine. The routine formula for reduction of data does not at once eliminate the speckles but merely weakens them. The final touch is the rotation of the telescope. This would now reveal the planet because the image would rotate along with the rotation of the telescope, whereas, those which remained fixed in the image are mere speckles.

A survey of 54 nearby young stars at the VLT and MMT conducted by Biller, et. the Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona, the researchers obtained H band contrasts 25000 (5  sigma  Delta  F1 (1.575 mum) 10.0 mag,   Delta  H  ,   , 11.5 mag for a T6 spectral type object) at a separation of 0.5 from the primary star. These SDI images have the highest image contrast, to date,  obtained from ground or space.

The pursuit for a technology advancement in the field of extrasolar planet direct detection, the use of differential imaging techniques implemented with ground-based telescopes proved to be a vital step towards perfection of the technology.  The Planet Finder project using VLT and MMT provided groundbreaking and critical specifications for future advancement in the field of imaging techniques. The use of ground telescopes with the application of adoptive optics systems and implementation of simultaneous differential imaging technique radically changed and improved the future of successfully discovering extrasolar Giant Planets.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge is a body of facts, opinions, ideas, theories, principles and models. Knowledge management is the process by which rational assets within a business are identified and mapped to generate information for competitive advantage (Coates, 2001). It enables huge amount of information, practices and technology to be accessible and used towards achieving an organizations goals. Because information and knowledge are assets to the business, it needs policies, tools and strategies to manage it (Bailey, 1996).

 According to Carayannis  Campbell (2006), knowledge management can range from technology driven ways of accessing, controlling and delivering information to massive efforts of changing corporate culture. Its used as a solution to getting things done and creating a new value. Because of the increase in knowledge and introduction of complex processes, there was a need to find a way of dealing and managing this information. Computer technology that was a great contributor to this information became part of the solution (Mannheim, 1952).

In 1978, Doug Engelbartis introduced a groupware application that could interfere with other applications and systems. Knowledge management system was also introduced by RobAcksynis and Don. In 1980s, systems managing information that relied on work done in artificial intelligence and expert system were developed (Khalil, Claudio  Seliem, 2006). This lead to introduction of concepts such as knowledge acquisition, knowledge engineering, knowledge based system and computer based ontology. In 1989, a group of U.S companies began a scheme for managing knowledge which led to knowledge related articles starting to appear in journals (Chatzkel, 2003).

By 1990s, a number of management consulting firms had begun internal knowledge management programs together with several U.S., European and Japanese firms. Knowledge management was later introduced into the popular press by Tom Stewart through a publication in fortune magazine titled Brain power. By mid 90s knowledge management initiatives had flourished partly because of the internet (Thierauf, 1999).

Knowledge can be managed in two ways through management of people and information. There are different approaches to management. They include mechanistic approach that involves application of technology and resources to do better, cultural approaches that tends to view knowledge problem as a management issue and systematic approach which retains the traditional faith in rational analysis of knowledge (Thompson, Levine  Messick, 1999). Knowledge management has provided a good solution to problems that face businesses today.

HIPAA Privacy Rule

Section 1 - State Overview of HIPAA Privacy Rule
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts privacy rule sets out the ways, means, and standards that ought to be followed in seeking to have the records of individuals, especially those regarding their private or personal health, protected or kept in privacy. The rule applies to most health care institutions that in one way or another handle information on patients, and more so where such information is in electronic form and so capable of being transmitted in electronic means. It requires that protection is given to private information at all costs. This is to be done without the permission of the patient and it is the same rule that gives patients the sole right to have access to their personal health information as and when they require it. In essence, although the rule requires that health care institutions through their relevant staff or professionals are accountable to the privacy of personal health information as well as any other private information they are supposed to give such information to the owner on request.

Section 2  Respond to the following questions.
1. Steering Committee  Who would you include on the steering committee that is responsible for ongoing HIPAA privacy compliance Who should lead this committee

The steering committee will have to be inclusive of the leading people in every department of the hospital. This is because having records and personal information will entail involving all these departments. Therefore, departmental heads for every department will have to be in the steering committee. Although it is not a real issue who heads the committee, it is critical that such a person is able to have a clear, concise, and succinct understanding of not only the hospital operations but also the HIPAA requirements as well. Given that the departmental heads have expertise in only one or two areas of that touch on the privacy matters of patients, it will be unwise to have any lead this committee. Instead, I will have to lead it myself because I have expertise in this area and can lead offer consultancy. In addition, the key experts in legal affairs, technology, compliance, and the CIO herself will have to be on the committee even if it is as ex-officio members.

2. HIPAA Education - What type of ongoing education activities would you provide for the workforce of this organization to facilitate compliance with the HIPAA Privacy rule How would you implement these activities

The education that will be offered will include the provisions of the HIPAA, with a particular emphasis on its privacy rule. Then there will be education on the importance of the privacy of personal information not only for the benefit of the individual but more so for that of the hospital. Every member will be educated on how to go about this tedious process in ones own department, and how each one will manage to keep this process an ongoing one, having informed the staff under ones department of the expectations of the hospital on them as far as privacy of personal information is concerned. To ensure such activities are implemented, I would have specific training or education days for different departmental leaders and those senior officers under them so that once they are trained they can individually train their juniors. In the end, all staff will have this education.

3. Business Associates - How would you ensure that you have identified all of the organizations current business associates and developed business associate agreements with them

I would identify and develop agreements with all the business associates of the organization by planning an associates workshop, seminar, or conference where they are all invited to share in and be a part of the organizations endeavors in the field of HIPAA compliance. Every associate will be inclined to be associated with an achieving and successful organization and developing business agreements with such might entail guaranteeing them that they are bound to benefit themselves and the organization if they become part of the program.

4. HIPAA Compliance - What process would you use to update these policies and procedures How frequently would you update them How would you ensure that they continue to be valid and HIPAA compliant

To update these policies, I would use a practical approach where organized workshops will be ongoing for as long as the policies are still not understood fully by all. This will be done on a monthly basis through retreats when people are not bound by duty. To ensure the policies are valid and comply with HIPAA, I will keep updating them over time, especially the time between successive meetings.