Information Communication Technology

Sometime referred to as ICT, there is no proper or universally accepted definition of the term ICT because the concept, method and application used in ICT are evolving on a daily basis. There is one definition that might match the term ICT this refers to the use of digital technology that already exists to help people, businesses and organizations to use information.  ICT takes care of any product that will store, query, manipulate, transmits or receive information electronically in a digital form. For instance use of personal computers, digit television, email etc (Teaching Mathematics using Information and Communication Technology, 2000)

ICT is widely used in all higher learning institutions for various good reasons such as sharing and transfer of data at very high speed, ease of communication between the students and their lecturers, library facilities has been brought closer to the students by the use of digital library where students can access learning materials through the universitycolleges wireless network.  Student can submit their course work or assignment electronically to their respective lecturers.  There has been an ease in management of collegesuniversities, this has been brought by ICT facilities, and there are application software in all levels of management that assist the office bearer in executing their duties.  For example, for a financeaccount department to manage the student fees payment, ensure that only those who have paid for a certain service should access the service then their must be a system for manage all this.  Management of students alone manually may turn to be a nightmare, most of the universities develop a students database this assist in capturing all the student details, students can register for their class without involvement of the management, by the help of a system.  ICT has made universities to provide their services beyond their geographical boundaries, this has been achieved through teleconferencing, video conferencing and even collaboration with other institution. University manages its satellite colleges through a dedicated private network.
ICT Facilitates provided by higher education institution.
Network Technology-Local Area Network
Most of universities provide strong and secure Local Area Network that is essential to support an effective university ICT strategy. Local Area network refers to interconnection of autonomies computers, workstations, nodes and other accessories covering a close physical area. There are several services provided by this network such as
Sharing files, data and information.
Facilitating communications.
Sharing of hardware.

Figure 1.0 the above diagram shows LAN can be constituted (www. conceptual, 2010)

Wireless Technologies
Wireless Local Area Network is actually nothing more than an invisible extension hardwired network most of universities and colleges has developed. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors or wires.  The distance involved may be short or long (wikipedia 2010).  Some of the reasons are as follows ease of movement, strategic deployment, flexibility and convenience.  There is several wireless Technologies University may find fit for facilitating learning and one of them is

Wi-Fi refers to wireless local area network technology that enables laptops, Person Computers, Personal Data Assistant and other devices to connect easily to the internet or a private network (I.E.E.E 802.11, 2003). With this kind a facilities students will be able to access university database and enjoy the services. Colleges put several Wi-Fi hot spots so that students can access internet and the local area network.  This is also one way the university tries to enhance their ICT services.  Wi-Fi is less expensive and nearing the speeds of standard Ethernet and other common wired based LAN technologies (wikipedia 2010).

Figure 1.2 the above image shows how the wireless network operates (conceptual drawing)

Computer interface devices
These are devices that interface using wireless technology e.g. a wireless mouse, keyboard or remote gadget.  Colleges invest in this technology to enables it staffs to execute their duties without difficulties or at ease.  These devices are mostly used in a class room setup.  

Dynamic, an interactive website
Most of Higher education institutions have developed an interactive website that provides a link between the university and students or between the universities and prospective customers.  Website facilities distance learning, students do not necessary have to attend classes, lecturers can train and monitor the academic progress of a distant learner by issuing the learning materials onto the college website.  Student can also follows class sessions if the university has virtual class sessions or lectures conducted via the video or telephone.  Through integration of various system website can be integrated with digital library and online registration of class.  Students can access the library services by login into a library database and use electronic catalog to access the learning material.

An interactive whiteboard.
An interactive whiteboard refers to a surface onto which a computer screen can be displayed, via projectors. It is touch sensitive, uses a pen which act as a mouse, controlling the computer from the board itself.  Changes made to information projected on the board are transferred to the computer.   Whiteboards assist in deliver exciting and engaging lessons.  A lecturer can deliver lesson interactively suing a variety of methods and techniques including use of video clips, internet, interactive presentation and color visuals.

How Anglia Ruskin University has implement some of this facilities
The university has a wide range of ICT facilities that assist students, lecturers and management in their activities.

The forensic science laboratory.
This is one of facility that is well equipped in the university lecturers demonstrate their lesson and assist students in learning the course.

Interactive and dynamic website
WEBCT refers to a piece of software that allows lecture notes or even whole course to be accessible to student via the World Wide Web. Some of resources a student can access are as follows

Anglia Ruskin University has a WEBCT, WEBCT Student home pages used to introduce student to each other.

Chat rooms and private email chat for synchronous discussion about course content. Image archives searchable and linkable to complement contents
assessment tools, quiz tools, survey, assignment drop box etc.( webct Anglia 2010)

Digital Library
The Digital Library is the Librarys portal to academically reliable information in electronic form and includes all of our electronic journals and databases (indexes which you can search) as well as important educational internet gateways etc(Anglia Ruskin University, 2010.)

Student management system such as E-vision.
The ICT Support staff creates an account for all students and captures all the student details. So when student log into e-Vision where they will be able to access many useful resources, including registration status, personal details (personal Timetable, current modules, results, login details and email address and assignment).

Students accessing file stores over the internet.
All Anglia Ruskin University students are able to access work which is saved onto the drive H (my documents) remotely.

ICT has indeed transformed higher learning institution into a better place and conducive for learning. ICT is a tool that all colleges and universities should embrace for a better service and good results.  Therefore, the policy makers should entrench ICT policies into the higher learning institution constitution.


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