Investigate the domino effect with a set of dominoes

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the relation of speed of domino effect with the distance between the dominoes.

I think that the speed of domino effect decreases as the distance between the dominoes increases. It is also assumed that the speed of the domino effect decreases linearly by increasing the distance between the dominoes. In other words we can say that the time taken by dominoes to completely fall is linearly dependent on the distance between the dominoes.

I think that the graph between the distance between the dominoes and the time taken by the dominoes to fall complete must be a straight line showing the direct proportionality relationship like shown below in fig 1.

Fig. 1 expected relation of distance between the dominoes and time taken by dominoes to fall completely.
Various variables involved and studied in current work are
Independent Variable the distance between the dominoes (inches)
Dependent Variable speed of the domino effect (seconds)
Constants the number of dominoes and the material of the dominoes
Materials List
Dominoes (46 black plastic dominos), Stop watch, Ruler, Large flat free surface

Fig. 2 show pictures of dominoes standing and falling.

Fig. 2  Dominoes are at rest(left). Dominoes are falling (right).
I prepared all 46 dominoes on a large, flat, free surface saperated by  inch each standing up in a straight line.

When all dominoes were set I held the stopwatch and started the stopwatch as I tipped the first domino.

When last domino fell I stopped the stopwatch and precisely noted the time taken.
I repeated the above three steps three times.

Then I changed the distance between dominoes to 1 inch and repeated the above four steps. I did the same for distance between the dominoes to be 1.5 inch this time and collected data as shown in table 1.

Table 1 Observed values of time taken by dominoes to fall for various distance between dominoes
Distance (inches)Time (sec) trial 1Time (sec) Trial 2Time (sec) Trial 3Average (seconds)

Results and discussions
The graph of data collected is shown in fig. 3 and shows the linear behavior of distance between the dominoes and time taken to fall completely showing that the speed of domino effect decreases by increasing the distance between the dominoes.


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