The digital data warehouses of modern society

The digital data warehouse is used by an organization for the main purpose of safeguarding its data integrity for its better performance against its competitors.

 There are diverse functions of the digital data warehouse of which among tem includes the following storing information in one system from data and information that originates from multiple sources and applications throughout the organization. This data may either be stored from the source or on the other hand it may be aggregated into valuable information upon validation and translation the digital data warehouse goes beyond the database alone, it in addition to that, it must include the database and the corresponding load functions to store information for the main purpose of supporting the information reporting requirements an organization and finally,  it is used to provide the external applications data and information from the data warehouse files for the purpose of generating their own reports and queries.

The digital data warehouse can be identified different from other forms of data storage and integrity because some of its distinctive features. The digital data warehouse is physically separate and isolated from the transaction systems this gives it an analysis and reporting of the data without performance impact on the production of the transaction systems. This warehouse is typically made to be able to recognize and favor the batch inputs and outputs it also reads the information for data analysis reporting, and for decision support

Individuals should not be allowed to enter into a data system without correct authentication by the responsible personnel. Although, some individuals should be allowed, many considerations should be taken into before taking such actions. First, the extent to which the threat to be protected should be provided, then what type of risk to be protected and how vulnerable the system may result. The system should be analyzed to be able to know where to protect it from and the reason for its protection, also the value of the data should be protected should be considered and the personnel that is responsible for the data and other assets of the company should be analyzed.

The major reason as to why the individuals might not be allowed into the systems is because of the value and extent of risk that is involved in the digital data warehouse. Some of the systems are not so much protective, in that an intruder can be able to successfully attempt to access the computer. Some of these individual can go to an extent of reading and writing these files, detect or execute the programs that can cause damage, they can also delete some important and critical data. These individuals can be able to prevent the company from being able to get the important work done appropriately, and also they can have some higher chances of impersonating the company which is the most dangerous factor. The entry of the unauthorized personnel is in a greater chance of in securing the system and resulting to the compromising the entire network of the company. An example is that, when an unidentified individual gains access to the system using an insecure system or once he has the user account of the system or someones system he can be able to gain uncontrolled access to the system and other personnel accounts.

There are many threats that are gained as a result of the unauthorized access to the system. Many of these threats come from the intruders of the system of an organization. One of the intruders is the curious intruder. He is responsible for basically finding out what type of the system and data that an organization may use. These intruders may be having many reasons as to why they need the data, it maybe for the reason of their competitive advantage or for the reason of paralyzing the company. An example of the intruders are the malicious intruder, the profile intruder, the borrowers, and the leap frogger among others.

This brings us to the concern that is, there is need for the organization to protect the digital data security in the warehouse for ensuring that the integrity of the data is safe and also in the reporting any future data loss that may cause an unrecoverable damage to a company.

Nowadays, the organizations operate in a dynamic and global multinational environment with some collaboration tat are team-oriented and therefore, place significant requirements on the telecommunication networks. This has made the organizations of the modern generation to critically depend on the time flow of the accurate information. One of the best ways that has been practiced is the analysis of the data systems for the quality of the digital data integrity and the service it offers the organization. Therefore, there is need to offer security for the digital data from individuals to be able to secure the companys integrity.

Securing this information is of vital importance to the business or organization for many reasons. The organization has got a lot of information that is very vital to its operations like the payment information, the personal files, bank information among others that are very hard to replace and also potentially dangerous if they fall on some of the dangerous individuals. Data may be lost through individual by the physical threats such as theft and malicious damage and human error occurring as a result of data warehouse being accessed by many individuals, mistaken processing of data and unintended disposal of the data or the input errors.

In the recent years, due to the development of the information technology, there has been a considerable increase in the use of the of the open network systems for the provision of the financial services to their customers. This has brought about some concerns of the security risks that are vulnerable from the exposure of data to unauthorized personnel. In order to ensure a sound development of the organization while at the same time getting the benefits of the remarkable institution, it is vital for the company to be thoroughly be conversant with the  of the information security and work for the goal of managing the risk throughout the organization.

There are many ways of preventing this unauthorized  individuals from entering the data warehouse data warehouses may implement some control measures to minimize the actual threats and also to minimize the extent to which the damage of thee threats caused by individuals can cause.

A company can cause internal control systems to form a basis of protecting the information system and data in a digital data warehouse. It means that the methods used by the organizations to safeguard assets, provide accurate and reliable information and to improve the efficiency of the operations and to encourage the adherence to the managerial policies.

The protection of the systems and data involves the consideration of the control models of data. These are the control environment which is the basic component of the organization. The control activities that are involved in this model involve the policies that ensure that there is the achievement of the company objectives that are imperative to the keeping of the companys data safe. Another component is the risk assessment that involves identifying and analyzing the risks to the data warehouse. Then, there is the information and communication support that controls the responsibilities of the employees and providing them with information that is in a time frame which allows them to be able to perform their duties. Finally, the last component is called the monitoring of the performance which involves the effective supervision of the employees on their responsibilities.
 For sufficient protection of data a company needs to use the general controls to manage the logic access, data transmission, and the data storage in the organization. A company can use the data transmission controls through the use of tunneling, firewalls, and using encryption to control the entry and exit of the information in the warehouse. There are many type of firewalls, one of them is the packet-filtering firewall that is responsible for accessing to a network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets of data. This is able to decode the data through it source address, source port, destination port, and the connection status.

Some other companies can decide to use the tunneling method in the process of using the firewalls. This model is used by the network of a company to be able to connect to another company. These networks are connected through the internet and the data is divided into the internet protocol packets that are encrypted into numerous of other computers and sent into the internet. At the destination, each packet is finally decrypted and then translated to its original data. Through the use of this line that offers security to an organization it proves it difficult for the transmission of data to the third party.

A company can use the encryption method to safeguard the company from the transmission of its information or data to the unwanted personnel. This safeguards the confidentiality, authenticity, and the integrity of the data. Encryption changes the data into a form that can not be understood by the outsiders. When the message is received, it is then translated back to the original format through the use of different formats and codes. It is basically important when the information is kept only between the sender and the receiver.

Another form of control is through the use of logic controls. These make use of the passwords, biometrics, and the use of the compatibility tests that are basically used for the prevention of the accessibility of information in the companys data warehouse. The passwords determine who has the accessibility towards a particular system of information. The passwords should be kept safe because if they are known by the unwanted personnel, then the integrity of the system is at risk. To be able to minimize this risk, an organization can implement the use of biometrics. These are the technologies that authenticate the personnel accessing the system by the use of the identification of the individual based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics.

Another method of data security is the use of the data storage controls that keep data secure from the unauthorized personnel. All the information that is used in the organization should be labeled this is particularly to the data that is stored internally in the hard drive of the computer or diskette. This is essential because if this data is not stored and labeled properly it is in a position of being vulnerable for the tampering from the outside party this is very dangerous especially for confidential information.

There are many ways in which the individuals and the government exercise their rights to the digital data in the data warehouses. This comes as a result of the need arising from their usage in different fields and sectors of their operations.

The government is the largest purchaser of the computers and the use of information technology systems in any particular country. Therefore, it is responsible for the provision of influence on the developers and also the vendors and the promotion of the use of some more stringent requirements. In the present world, because of the dramatic change in the varied and conflicting interests of every personnel, there has been a change in the way the governments, companies and organizations think about the way of protecting the information systems and the most important data in an organization.
The government has recognized the importance of the role of the information technology in the promotion of effective, efficient and productive services to the public. Many governments have integrated the information systems for the purpose of assisting these developing countries in stimulating the effective use of the information technology to the public sector.

In the present world, the government authorities usually collect and process a diverse range of data that include data and information on the individuals, families, organizations, and companies. The government uses this information to produce new information for the public, such as, policies, strategies, plans, regulations, and various services to the government. This enables the government to use the information services to support the processing of information by the governments, including data gathering, processing, dissemination, storing, and utilization.

In most developing countries, the government is the most dominant consumer of the information technology products. The government uses this information for the purpose of taxation, customs, census data gathering, elections, development planning, health, education and welfare, land management and agriculture, financial management, social security, policy making, national security and defense, among many others.

The governments have used the information systems for the provision of services and also in improving them to better standards. For example the government uses the integrated revenue management system in the improvement of tax data available for the collection of the employees in the field. Here, the revenue officers will be able to receive these cases more quickly and then act on them more easily. A system that uses the distributed computing architecture for the purpose of the automation and the modernization of the tax collection purposes is in a position of helping the treasury department to effectively collect the tax easily this is one of the advantages that are being received by all government policies.

The government is the biggest owner of the public information and also distributes a vast amount of information that is used by the whole government sectors. In these countries, it is the government that is the producer of the relevant information relating to the economic and social information. The government therefore makes the information accessible to all the citizens more conveniently the information resources managers in the government agencies are the key participants in the general civil services. The most industrialized countries state that the public policies that enable the efficient private access to the public data are very important in the competitiveness of these sectors for the better improvement of the economy of the country.

The government has got some specific rights to the digital information in most countries. Here the government has got the rights to use the information and ensure that it reaches the entire population so that the country advances in scientific technology, and science and technology that will be fully integrated throughout the national activity. In addition to that it uses the information technology to be able to foster scientific research in the universities and other academic, scientific and engineering institutions, attract the younger and motivated persons to the careers in the information technology and to encourage the innovativeness and research in the areas of relevance in the for the economy. The government uses the data in the digital data warehouses to be able to strengthen the enabling mechanisms that relate to the technological developments evaluation, absorption, and the up graduation from concept to utilization. According to the individual rights that relate to the individuals, there is a great concern about the relationship between the technology and the legal right or the expectations of the public towards the collection and the sharing of data about oneself. The rights of the individual comes about when the an identifiable data that relates to a person is collected and stored in digital form, this therefore brings a variety of the concerns about the types of information that come under the individual privacy issues.

One of the common data that a person has control and right over is the financial privacy. Here the persons financial transactions are safeguarded from fraud or identity of theft. This shows the individual having the right towards the protection of hisher own financial status and transactions.  On top of that is the protection against the information about what the persons purchases are and some events about him such as the places they have visited, whom they have had contact with, the products they use, and their activities and habits among others. This is dangerous to the individuals privacy when exposed to the outside party.

The internet privacy is another form of privacy concern to an individual. This refers to the ability of being able to control the information about oneself over the internet and who is authorized to access the information in the internet. The privacy issue here is to increase the concerns bout the e-mail that can be stored and read by a third party without ones concern, or on the other hand there is the websites, where we are keen on whether the third parties are able to track the web sites that someone had recently visited. On the same note, another concern is whether the web sites that are visited collect, store, and also share the personally identifiable information about the users. Individuals can opt to use some of the tools that protect the privacy such as the encryption tools and the some of the anonymizing services.

In the issue of politics, there has arisen the issue of the secret ballot as the simplest and most widespread measure that ensures that the political view are not exposed to any other person apart from the original voter. This one has risen more recently and is basically referred to as the right of the citizenship. This system keeps the information of the voter well known by himself and no other third party. This type of privacy exists in todays privacy rights.

Another form of privacy issues about the information is all about the medical privacy issues. This allows one to keep the medical records from being revealed to the other third parties. The reason maybe because if the information is being revealed it may affect the insurance coverage or the employment of the patient. Some individual may not want to disclose their medical or the psychological conditions or the treatment because their conditions may be rejected in society. In addition to that the exposure of someones information may be in a position to reveal someones personal life such as the sexual activity of a person.

An individual can be an entrepreneur that owns a particular business and has got some of the information that heshe may not want to disclose to the outside third parties. Some of the information that an entrepreneur may want to keep are the trade secrets such as the formula, pattern, compilation, program method, technique, or process. These are basically under the law that governs the trade secrets in a particular country where the duties of confidence exist in both the law and the virtue of the agreement that must be reasonable and enforceable. On the same note, the trade marks may be used as the protection of hisher own goodwill from the outside competitors. These may be associated with the slogans, symbols, and other marks that mark the information of the business in the industry. The rights to the protection of these properties are based on the trade mark acts that are contained in the common laws of many countries. All the properties are being stored in the entrepreneur digital data warehouse.

In accordance to the above entrepreneurship property, the most basic thing that they put into consideration is there importance in the business. The patents that are to be specific to a particular business protect a certain technology for the inventive functional features of a product or process in a certain production process. The copyrights also involve the software that the entrepreneur uses in the product designing and production that is specific to him alone. The protection of this means the digital information is protected to this individual.

There are some privacy issues that deal with the information systems in the individuals that own information systems in their warehouses. There should be a balance between the privacy of an individuals information technology and its disclosure. Therefore, should be the extent to which the claims of the individuals, groups, or institutions are able to determine themselves when, how, and to what extent the information technology about them should reach the outside public. All individuals that are continuously involved in the personal adjustment process, is able to create a desire for the privacy for the disclosure and communication of him to others in accordance to the environmental conditions and the social norms that are  being set by the society in which heshe lives. This privacy issue will be strengthened if the people are able to conceive the as a property right and also that the individuals are able to control the information about themselves.

Information being the most important aspect in the development of the government, companies and the private individuals must be protected from being received by the unauthorized individuals. This will lead to the unnecessary dissemination of the data from the data warehouses.


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