A Proposal for the Inclusion of the Local Area Network Systems Administrator course in ACC-Round Rock Campus

This proposal deems to address the non-inclusion of the Local Area Network  Systems Administrator Program (both the Associate Degree and Certificate Course) in the upcoming Fall 2010 Semester of the new Austin Community College Round Rock Campus. We feel that this program, which has been in the ACC Course Listing for years, has been critical in attracting potential students to the college and has proven its merits to the community, and should, therefore, be included in the upcoming roster of courses for the ACC-Round Rock Campus.

Austin Community College prides itself as the number one college choice among local high school graduates and adults, with its exemplary host of educators and state-of-the-art facilities. More than 40,000 students enroll each year in more than 180 programs that range from four-year degrees to two-year vocational courses.  With the completion of all phases of the Round Rock campus, an additional 10,000 students will be accommodated by the ACC system. Unfortunately, the RRC will only be offering twelve programs for this semester, one of which will be the Local Area Network  Systems Administrator Tech Prep program. With this few courses in line next semester, the projected number of enrollees for the RRC would not reach the estimated the number of enrollees for the semester. Such numbers would indicate a decrease in the schools over-all income that could possibly be used for further developments in the campus.

More specifically, there have been questions and appeals from Local Area Network  Systems Administrator undergraduates from the different ACC campuses regarding the opening of the course at Round Rock. It would seem that these students are clamoring to transfer to the new campus and would like to request the acceptance of transferees of the course for next semester. By opening the course to the transferees, we, in turn, attract potential students in the vicinity of the RRC.

Finally, by opening the course by Fall 2010 and with RRC top-notch facilities, we can create a cutting-edge, competitive Systems Administrator Program for our students. Not only will the course become more beneficial for the students, its criteria will attract more potential enrollees to the course.

With this, we would like to propose to the board the inclusion of the said course in the list of courses in the Round Rock Campus by analyzing the feasibility of the project and its implementation in accordance to this research. The following section of this memo would include the proposed program, its benefits and procedure, the schedule, our qualifications and experience, the proposed budget for the research and implementation, and the appendix.

Proposed Program and Procedure.
We will perform the following tasks to determine the best process and guidelines by which to implement the Local Area Network  Systems Administrator course in the Round Rock Campus.
Task 1. Calculate the number of would-be enrollees, both transferees and freshmen, of course for Fall 2010.

We will conduct a research to arrive at an estimated number of enrollees by contacting possible transferees and first-time enrollees. For the latter, we would conduct a survey among the possible freshmen in the immediate community to assess their likelihood to enroll in the Local Area Network  Systems Administrator course, whether as a degree or certificate holder. This task will be scheduled from May until June 2010.

Task 2. Create a probable course curriculum and requirements, including the number of required professors, equipment and materials.

Based on the collected data, we will concoct a curriculum that would satisfy the program needs of the transferees and incoming freshmen, and at the same time satisfy the budgetary guidelines of the course. We would also start contacting possible professors, and acquire all the necessary equipment and materials needed, all based on the budget proposed and approved by the board. Upon final approval of the implementation, necessary press releases and advertising will be posted to announce the opening of the said course in the RRC.

Schedule for this task will be from June until July 2010.

Task 3. Prepare for implementation of inclusion in the Round Rock Campus.
Preparation will include the final procurement of necessary equipment, like computers and reading materials, and the transportation of these items to the RRC. The assigned rooms, most probably inside the Applied Technologies Building, would be occupied and prepared for the incoming students. Preparations would last from July until August 2010.

Qualifications and Experience.
We bring to the project the following qualifications
Lyndon McPhee, Program Director
Ten-years teaching experience on Computer Information Technology in ACC
Knowledgeable with ACC protocols and needs
Jeanette James, Intern
Senior Local Area Network  Systems Administrator in ACC

Budget Breakdown
Following is a rough budget for the implementation of the course
ProgramActivityCostAdvertising and Media10,000Logistics
Computers provided
2,000Miscellaneous2,000GRAND TOTAL28,000


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