In Search of My Optimal Self

Youth is never an excuse to be passive in making contributions for the betterment of the society.  It is an inherent responsibility that anyone, irrespective of his race, education, and socio-economic stature, must promote in the course of his pursuit for personal advancement.  Despite of my young years, I have labored in staking my claim in this regard.  In my own way, I have tried to influence several progressive programs in the areas of community service, leadership training programs, in instilling the principles of fair competition through varsity basketball, the enhancement in Information Technology, and in designing computer systems that improved the accessibility of educators with their respective academia.  In the course of these activities, I realize a personal need to reach my optimal level of competence, not only in preparation for future challenges, but more importantly to provide more meaningful contributions to the community that I belong to.  With this mission in mind and with my extensive experience in the computer industry, I choose to pursue a degree that is innately my forte, which is Computer Science, and aspires to be under the tutelage of one of the most esteemed academic institutions in our nation.

As early as my high school years, I have exhibited my skills in this field.  This may be evidenced in my successful installation of thirty computer units specifically from mobile classroom modules to their school server, all accessible via the Internet.  Likewise, I was the President of Student Technology Leadership Program, wherein I was responsible for the integration of technology into the learning programs of both the students and the teachers.  I was also fortunate to having served as the President of Best Buddies, which is a non-profit organization whose main agenda is for the employment and leadership development of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Lastly, I was honored with the award for Most Outstanding Community Involvement through Technology.  Despite of all these commendations, I believe that it is in knowing that I was able to make my contribution to the society, however inconsequential they may seem, and in hope that these will effect a progressive change for the betterment of the general populace, that made all of these endeavors a worthwhile experience.  

Hence, my desire to be included among the elite list of your student populace stems from my conviction to be the best of what I can become, and to give back to the society the expertise that I am able to garner.  I am aware of the great responsibility attributed to this quest that it further accentuates the need for the best education from your esteemed academic institution.  I am certain that through this, I will be able to equip myself with the necessary technical, practical, and theory-based aspects of Computer Science that are needed for my goals to be attained.

Despite of my young years, I believe I have made positive contributions for the society.  I had been successful in resisting the temptation to be a passive member of the community, and had in fact made significant strides that showed my inclination for leadership and my skills in Systems and Information Technology.  However, I am aware that life still finds me lacking of the expertise to truly make significant contributions that will benefit the greatest number of individuals.  Thus, in the purpose of fulfilling my destiny, I now offer my intent to be enriched and educated, and to be under the guidance of your esteemed academic institution.


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