Network Routing Protocols

Network routing protocols, either static or dynamic is a matter of choice and both underscore the process of transmission of information from a point source to another and being affected by host of factors before effective delivery. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the major differences and similarities that may exist between the two Routing protocols.

In routing protocols certain terms are quite important because they influence effective transmission. One of these terms or factor is the packets, others include network layer or path destination. All denote certain features which must be in place before effective network transmission through available routers. important consideration as regards to routing protocols are the presence of specific algorithm for each routing protocols and have different design objectives such as optimality, simplicity and low overhead, robustness and stability (Levchenko, Voelker, Paturi  Savage, 2008).

Path determination helps identify the best path for a packet to travel while routing algorithms are designed for specific goals and protocols to be used for hence different routing algorithm possess different characters and impact on the network. Packet switching describes a process whereby information failed to be transmitted is dropped while destination is changed until there is effective transmission. This paper clearly establishes the reasons why a user tends to prefer a specific type of routing protocols. This was found to be dependent on various requirements of the network and the preference of the user even though each protocols has its merits and demerits.

From the study, one important factor that usually determines and influences the use of static routing is the issue of manual manipulation of the protocol requirement in that most of the input is done manually while algorithm is calculated manually. This characteristic of static routing makes it highly demanding and less fault tolerant and lack the ability to dynamically or automatically select the best available alternative route for packet transmission. This property will directly and indirectly limit it use in situation where there are recurrent fluctuations and the demand of dynamic network being developed in recent times. In contrast, dynamic routing protocols, process information continuously hence able to choose another path which could be better than the former.

 This feature present in the dynamic routing protocols balance between multiple available links. Considering the two routing protocols, what distinguishes them are the CPU or RAM usage. CPU or RAM usage is more in the dynamic routing protocol making it more intensive resource intensive compared to the static routing protocols. Path determination, related metrics, convergence and load balancing all create certain issues that need more clarification. Metrics serve an important purpose in the determination of destination especially when there are multiple routes (Cain, 2000).

Considering some of the features highlighted as regards to dynamic and static routing protocols, users tend to believe more on the actions of dynamic routing protocols compared to static protocols but it very important that there are various networks demands or requirement for various scenario and routing protocols fits into different category depending on the features network and expectation of the user as regards to the size of the networks. It is clear that the technology also plays an essential role in the choice of routing protocols but others are also very important.


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