Significant Invention

This study gathered information on what can be considered the most significant invention in our world. The computer has been identified as the best the information will provide readers on the benefits of the computer and its impact on peoples lives.

Inventions have been one of the most important creations in human development. Some inventions like the railroad have led to connection of transportation of people and goods from one place to another. Electricity from an electrical power station and its distribution line is also another marvelous creation which provides practical solution to our daily appliance needs. The Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, which is also another amazing important invention in which hastens not only the communication of  society but the overall advancement in operation of commerce.

There are more important inventions that have impacted society and Global development, but among all of these what can be considered as the most significant invention of our time

This study will attempt to consider that the invention of the Computer can be considered the most significant invention of our time. A brief overview of the computer will also be included in the first part of this essay. Then, this research will also cite the reasons behind that statement and will provide discussion on the numerous benefits of the computer in the progression of human society and the impact it has made for our World. All of this information will validate that the computer is the most significant invention of all time.

History of the Computer
The fundamental function of the computer can be defined as a machine which is used for automatic calculations (WordNet Princeton 2010).

The background of the creation of the computer can be traced way back on the year 1837, when the first stored- program mechanical computer called the Analytical Engine was invented by the British mathematics professor Charles Babbage (Big Site of Amazing Facts 2010). After this invention, a series of development occurred that has conceptualized original computers by the use of relay technology (Allan 1931, p. 20). And then came forth on the 1940s the application of the Vacuum Tube Technology, when John Atanasoff developed and used it for its electric computers (Allan 1931, p.21). Purpose of this technology is to mechanize large systems calculations of linear algebraic equations this computer was called the ABC computer (Allan 1931, p.22).This computer already has somehow what we now called the memory, which has the capacity for storage of almost 200 bytes (Allan 1931, p.25).And from that time continuous improvement on memory was being experimented and done by other inventors and developers, transistors and integrated circuits were also used for increased utilization and power of the computer, however it was the software and graphics that facilitated the practical application of the computer (Allan 1931, p.29).

Benefits of the Computer
Turning Other Inventions Obsolete by its Enhanced Abilities
Aside from its basic calculating features from the early times, computers now have developed into an impressive machine that can almost do anything. Its numerous benefits range from the most basic to the most sophisticated of an activity, and with the advent of Internet in this information age, the computers power and capability has been boundless. The computer also compliments other machines and made them more usable and relevant.

Nowadays computers have turned earlier machines obsolete. One of its basic functions for example is typing. Before computers, the typewriter has been the only machine that can do this task, and if you commit a mistake during typing on a typewriter you still need a liquid paper to cover the error and type it again, with the computer it is just a matter of pressing backspace on the computers keyboard and then retype again, without the fuss and loud mechanical noise.

Storage for Data
Nowadays, computers have massive bytes intended for storage of almost any soft documents and files. People can save their work or assignments in the computer to be printed out later, audiophiles can download, ripcopy from an existing CD, burn a blank CD, save and transfer music on their mp3 players.

Instead of bulky photo albums and picture frames, people can transfer and save their photographs from their digital cameras on to their computers easily. And even if its already a developed picture, equipment such as a scanner attached to the computer can easily convert those to files to be saved on their PCs, and theres a lot more you can store movies or videos, programs, etc.

An area on where computer also improve is in communications, with the use of the computer and the internet the world has become small. Instead of the regular snail mail, there is now email and combined with the internet people can send letter across the globe easily and fast without the use of a stamp and an envelope. And it does not end there, with another new technology the voice over internet protocol or commonly known as VoIP people with a computer and access with the internet now can do computer to computer voice calls and even video calls to any person they want around the Globe for free and if you opt for a Computer of PC to phone conversation this comes with relatively minimal fees compared to the regular rates of a phone service (Federal Communications Commission 2010). Individuals benefit by engaging in the conversations not from only people they know but connecting with others as well through vast social media of the internet.

Another area, on which the computer dominated, is how people now are doing business. Apart from the normal communication benefit, computers now most of the time operates machines in factories, a good example is in the manufacturing of cars in which a series of computer program are being utilized to control robots that assemble cars, Also the application of computer diagnostics have helped owners realize engine problems or other problems before any damage is done, this is because their cars are now built with computer-on board help, the absence of this technology have made mechanics endure trial and error method just to analyze what was the problem of a car (The People History 2010).

Now we also have ATMs on where we can get our money fast and easy, we can pay our utility bills with the online 247 banking account, we can also shop online for some of the products we need or desire using the computer. Managers and executives always use their computers and its programs to analyze sales reports, expenses and monitor overall operations of a business with the help of the computer. This has really helped a lot of businesses to grow rapidly since managers can make accurate and quick decisions base on what the computer and its program calculation results.

People does not need to go door to door to companies looking for a job, with their computer and access to the internet they can create an outstanding looking resume, even get their photo taken and edit it via a webcam installed on their own computer and just send it to companies websites for application.

The computer also have a big impact on this field alone, with the advancement of machine designs, diagnosis of illness from the doctors using computer has never been better and precise, not only by diagnosis of illness but also on curing diseases and surgical operations (ScienceDaily 2010), which have been beneficial to a lot of people.

There is no single invention that has made the most significant impact to our world than the computer. It has turned other machines obsolete by having an improve system. It has touch and has an effect almost all the surfaces of our society. From the way it enhanced our communication, The world become small now anyone with a computer and an internet access can download a software to make either PC to PC or PC to phone calls, not even limited to communicate with the people we are familiar with but we can connect with others as well with the help of online social sites.

Business has never been efficient today as well, because of all the advance computer technology being applied. Companies can now quickly know what the status of their overall operation is and can decide and act quickly based on the information provided by the computer. People can now enjoy staying at their home, applying for a job, doing bank transactions, shopping, paying bills with just a PC and their online access.

The computer has improved the quality of life due to its importance in the medical field people get diagnosed and get cured much better.

There are still a lot of other benefits of the computer that have not been discussed in this study however the main points are stated according to its overall impact and importance to our society. The computer indeed is the most significant, and the best invention ever, and the thing is, with more advance technology to be discovered and innovated through, its performance and capabilities will still get even better.


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