Hydrogen Fuel

Generally, energy can be defined as quantity that can be physically measured in a scale. Considering the law of conservation, force does work whose amount contributes to the energy. To meet energy demands, various ways of acquiring it have been implemented. Some of them include oil, geothermal, hydrogen fuel among others. Hydrogen, being one of the most Earths occurring gas elements, is an alternative that can appropriately contribute to energy production so as to meet this increasing demand. This type of energy has various desirable characteristics and some of them include it is renewable and rarely produces pollution, Peter Hoffmann, (2002), it is used in lighting, cooking and even in locomotives. Decomposition of dead and buried organisms by anaerobic bacteria is a natural resource kind of energy generation known as fossil fuel.

The major disadvantage of this kind of energy is that, it is not renewable unlike the hydrogen form of energy which is renewable. The main source of hydrogen gas is the natural gas which is readily available and free of impurities and can easily be convertible to hydrogen, a major component of hydrogen fuel. Mainly, it is generated using chemical reactions, one of the experimented ways of hydrogen generation. The most commonly used  methods are the steaming of methanol over a catalyst of a copper metal. The amount of energy produced through this method is usually directly proportional to the amount of methanol used, reactiveness of the metal (copper in this case) and the rate of reaction. The interchangeability property on energy from one form to another has made hydrogen type of energy widely preferred compared to fossil type of energy.

Thermodynamics, a terminology used to descried heat and power in context of energy conversion has a variety of applications in the generation of hydrogen type of energy. There are various laws that try to describe what the Thermodynamics is all about, Lery et al., (1998). Some of these laws are those that states the heat flow is an energy conversion that is in the transformation mode and energy transformation occurs only in one direction due to irreversibility of natural processes. Both are similar in sense that, they describe the movement of energy from one point to another but the main difference is that the former describes the kinetic property of energy while the latter elaborates the irreversibility property.

The various advantages of hydrogen fuel mentioned above are in no doubts reflecting the need to increase the generation of this type of energy. It has an overall advantage in the conservation of environment, improvement in lifestyle of human beings, less harmful to animals and has a continued renewable property (the fact that energy can only change from one form to another since neither can it be created nor destroyed). The output of this type of energy is also commendable. For these reasons, I consider this form of energy not only essential and applicable but also cheaper in terms of acquisition.

Since any material that contains hydrogen acts as its server (hydrogen) and can potentially serve as its source in this technological development. This makes generation of this form of energy uncomplicated. Though hydrogen is the smallest of all the elements, it is the most common among all the other elements in the universe, Romm J. Joseph (2004).  Besides, hydrogen can be produced using various ways such as electrolysis, steam reformation from hydrocarbons and thermolysis among others. Considering all these benefits, hydrogen fuel has an overall advantage compared to fossil fuel type of energy.


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