Implementing Technology in the Work Place

As technology advances, the emerging technology especially in the applications of computers continue to directly impact on the modern employees by enhancing or inhibiting their performance. Modern technology has played a big role in enabling the workers to attain high levels of productivity and efficiency while on the other hand the implementation of the new technology has created room for diversion and distraction for the workers. Access to the internet and the data mining practices may expose the network system of the company to viruses and unauthorized access. The employers have responded in mitigating the effect of these risks by use of computer technology that allows them to effectively safeguard their properties and closely monitor the use of computer network to keep it away from intruders.

Changes in Technology use at the Work Place
A recent survey carried out in USA revealed that the number of workers that were being disciplined for misuse of technology at the place of work was in the increase. The study revealed that 25 of the participants had terminated the services of their employees for misuse of the internet and 6 for misuse of phones. Many employers continue to face discrimination due to the inappropriate information that is transmitted by their employees from the companys computer network.

Considering this worrying trend the employers are adopting into this changing technological realities by issuing policies that curb inappropriate use of the technology especially emailing and other internet services. Despite all this efforts technology has continued to affect employees and employers differently at the working places.

New Technology and the Employees
Blogs is one of the new technologies that have affected the performance of the employees who are connected to the internet. It has been found that many workers are spending a lot of working time researching for blog comments to post in the internet. While the posting of blogs and reading other blogs consumes a lot of time for the employees, it is also an avenue through which confidential data of the company can be leaked to undesired readers. While the blogging practices have continued to take a lot of time at the work places very few policies have been enacted to address the issue.

Facebook is another social internet application that has recently become very popular. Facebook allows instant messaging services and may cause serious distraction to employees especially when a group of them from various offices engage in chat services. While a number of employers have successfully maintained policies on the use of e-mail services, the control on the use of facebook services and other instant messaging services has not been effectively controlled. The use of cell phones has also emerged to raise mixed reaction in the work place. The drivers are the most affected workers in the controversy of the use of the cell phones during working hours for the practice expose them and their employers to additional risks. The cell phones with inbuilt cameras have become another avenue where employees are being used to gather confidential information on companys operations by competitors. Due to these risks some companies have banned the use of camera phones by workers while on duty in some of the sensitive sites.

New Technology and the Employers
Due to the challenges that come by the use of technology and considering the fact that modern companies can not operate without the use of these technologies, many employers are utilizing blocking software to ensure that their employees do not access the sites that they consider inappropriate. Companies are currently blocking their networks to restrict access of email accounts, and instant messaging services that distract workers. Some companies have also employed the use of flagging software that monitors the emails of the employees to screen them for content that could disclose the companys trading secrets. The use of key stroke logging software has also become popular in monitoring the employees who have access to the companys database. The software records every command that the employee executes and saves it on a separate server. As an addition feature some employers are using more advanced global satellite positioning technology to monitor their employees. This technology uses micro-gadgets imbedded on an employees phone or companys vehicle that is tracked via a satellite link and reported to a companys computer. With this technology the employer can tell the exact location of the employee at any time and the speed of the companys vehicle.

Though the use of technology by employees has reformed the efficiency of the work place as a whole and has been the driving force of the economy, it is important that the challenges that it posses in the work place be addressed through appropriate company policies and state laws. While legal address of the misappropriation of technology lacks in most countries, it is advisable that the employees observe high ethical and moral standards in ensuring that technology implementation in the workplace enhances the general efficiency rather than inhibiting it.


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