Internet, a Medium for Western Culture

Internet technology has played a great role in the sector of communication and technology. Since internet is being used in all sectors, economic, social, political among others, it has affected human life a great deal. Therefore, internet can be referred to as a medium of western culture. The paper shall describe how internet has affected different aspects of western culture.

Main body
Use of internet has led to a lot of changes in the western culture, and also the transfer of western culture to other parts of the world

In almost all aspects internet has caused considerable number of changes. In the education sector it has led to the emergence of a want to know culture among the students. The globalization of culture is also a good example to show how communication technology and more so internet is a medium of culture. Western culture is virtually everywhere in the world as a result of the spread in communication technology. In the family set up, children are recorded to be learning more from the internet that from their parents. People are also socializing through the internet like. For instance online games and dating have become more popular and indeed this has changed peoples habits.

It is clear that through the use of internet western culture has changed. Moreover, Western culture has gone to all the other parts of the world. Therefore Internet is a medium for western culture.
The sector of communication technology is one of the fastest growing sectors everywhere in the whole world. This has been enhanced by many factors especially after the onset of computer technology. Through the use of computers, internet technology followed closely and it is now possible to access information from any part of the world. This has a lot of advantages as well as many disadvantages. Internet, being one of the latest advancements in the sector of communication and technology, affects the change and the growth of any culture. This paper shall analyze critically how internet is a medium for Western culture and explore how internet has affected the attitude, values, goals, and beliefs of people in the Western world.

Culture, which can be defined as shared beliefs, goals and attitudes, grows very fast and is prone to change. In the Western World according to Athena (2000), internet is viewed to be a result of highly cherished values of western civilization namely the freedom of association and the freedom of speech.

Globalization of culture is clear evidence that internet technology is playing a great role in cultural exchanges. This results when many parts of the world share similar aspects of culture. Western culture is virtually everywhere in all parts of the world. Almost all countries are making an attempt to learn the English language because most materials in the internet are written originally in English. Most of the books have also been translated to English language. The globalization of culture can be attributed to the internet usage because it is through the internet that people learn about other cultures and borrow some attributes from the same (Global Policy Forum, n.d). In addition, as Albright (2009) reports, all other cultures in the world have adapted even the Western diet as well as the styles of eating and cooking. With internet, one only needs to be connected so as to get the information he or she wants.

Internet has also affected the education culture. Attwood (2009) argues that, despite the fact that internet is promoting a want to know culture among the students it has also made them to develop a poor casual approach to evaluation. Due to this, they prefer quick answers which are not applicable to all sectors. She continues to argue that, use of the internet technology makes people to prefer instant information which is always available in the World Wide Web. The continued use of the internet information by students with little or no extensive research may eventually kill the analytical skills of the students. However, even with those few shortcomings Attwood further notes that, internet is encouraging networking and collaboration through the use of web pages like Wikipendia and facebook not only among the  students but also among other scholars as well (2009).

Internet has changed social life to such a great extent. Initially people would only establish network relationships at clubs or in other recreation facilities. Internet has changed this a great deal such that nowadays, people are able to establish relationships through the internet. Dating sites provide people with an opportunity to look for their life partners and even establish lasting relationships. Young (2007) reports that, even though internet dating in UK became popular from 2005 it has become a hobby because new dating sites are being opened every month. The habit of using dating clubs for matchmaking has been outdated and more and more people prefer online dating. Moreover, the fact that chat services are available increases the convenience. Online dating is not only popular in U K but also in other countries in the west and other parts of the world and through it people have adapted to new way of life.

In the Western countries, there are some games that are played through the internet. Through playing of such internet games, people are able to socialize as well as well exchange values and beliefs and this provides a medium not only to change but also for growth. Price (2009) cites one online game known as Bingo that is popular in the Western countries. His studies reveal that the game was initially played by women but it later changed to be a mens game. The players of Bingo are supposed to be loyal to the group meaning that it encourages healthy human relationships. Social values are also enhanced like honesty. All this describes how internet is medium of culture.

In this era of internet, studies reveal that children are spending a lot of their time in the internet. They tend to learn more from the internet than they do from their parents and other people in the society. Dick notes that since about 20 of children have computers, they tend to withdraw from the family activities as they always spend their time in the internet (2007). Through the internet, they not only play games, but also watch movies, listen to music and interact with others from different parts of the world. This reveals that internet is a medium of culture, because through its use, children are able to acquire some values and pass those values to others as well.

Religious beliefs are also being shared through the internet. Preachers are posting sermons in the internet and any one with internet connection can access such materials. It is also possible to listen to radio programs as well as watch television programs even those from other countries. However, this is more common in western countries than in other parts of the world due to the fact that western technology is more advanced.

In conclusion, it is apparent that internet is a medium of culture because it affects almost all aspects of peoples life. It has been used in all sectors ranging from economic, social, political, and religious among others. Through it, people have been able to air their opinions as well as associate with others. Internet is not only educative but also a means of entertainment. Therefore it has all the characteristics of a medium of any culture because it allows the exchange and growth of any culture.


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