Technology Cyber Shockwave Response Paper

This simulation produced by CNN of a possible Cyber attack was definitely worthwhile in its production and set up. Technology has greatly benefited the world around us particularly in the areas of communication through landlines, cell phones and other mobile devices, computers, and more. For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction meaning there is always a risk involved. Opening our minds to a greater technology also increases our vulnerability to attacks on a cyber level. When the Internet opened its gates and became easily available to the public there was great celebration among many especially those in the field of technology. At the same time, with the new freedom came a new kind of attack on everyday individuals as well as corporate companies and even the Nations defense systems. Hackers stole personal information, caused chaos among multi-million dollar companies, interfered with day to day operations at the Pentagon, and ultimately progressed into more and more complex attacks. Before long identities were stolen and lives were destroyed in a matter of seconds. The CNN simulation of what would happen if something like this actually took place is a great eye opener and reminder that we are not immune to such attacks and there must be a system in place to combat and prevent them from actually shutting down the country and even the world.

The simulation was very realistic in the reality of how a cyber attack beginning with the wireless devices and spreading to the Internet and electronic devices could actually happen. We have brilliant technologically advanced individuals working to improve communications across a vast amount of mediums and just the same we have equally brilliant individuals waiting to destroy all of that. Weve seen it happen already as mentioned above through simple identity theft, worldwide viruses, etc. It was a very realistic attack that could easily happen at any time. However, was the way it was handled realistic I believe that the presentation of the media coverage was realistic. The Nation especially CNN and other news companies would indeed cover the situation in the same way. Yet, I dont believe the response from the Security Council to be realistic. Im not entirely sure the Security Council would be so prepared and calm in handling such a situation. I believe that the simulation of what went on from the council is a great attempt to say, Hey, you better be ready and heres a few things you might want to consider, because I dont believe they will be as prepared. Too many times the simple Internet viruses have been able to shutdown key areas within the Nations government and even defense. It has taken hours, days, and even longer to overcome such simple attacks and Im afraid an attack on this scale would be even more catastrophic.

If I were in a position to make decisions such as that of a president or king or queen, I would definitely develop a plan of preparedness, defense, and retaliation ahead of time. Obviously this is something that could happen at anytime especially with the small scale attacks that already happen on a daily basis. Given the GNN scenario, say we werent prepared, then the first steps of action would be to shut down the cell phones without choice to the user. Companies would be ordered to shut their services down. Theres no time to sit and discuss while the attack jumps from communication and mobile devices on the wireless servers to the Internet servers. Shut it down at the source while trying to figure out where it came from, how far it can go, how to contain it, and how to retaliate. In addition, there would be a great need to pull in outside help and team up with fellow countries who are also experiencing the same thing. There needs to be action taken immediately by one group while another discusses the implications of the attack and what it means for the people, the Nation, and the world. Joe Lockhart, Counselor to the President nailed it when he asked the question, Do we have the ability, does our military have the ability, if we know where the server is to shut it down And if we have that ability, why arent we using itthat ought to be central (YouTube 2010). Action must be taken to create some type of secure perimeter. This comment of course brought up the question of what legal abilities were in place in the cyber realm. Obviously action can be taken in relation to a nuclear attack, so action must be granted in case of a cyber attack and as ruling official I would pass it immediately to allow it. There is no time to sit back and watch what happens just so it can be discussed around the table and given great thought by those in high places.

The simulation presented by CNN should be passed around and viewed by everyone. The possibility of such cyber attacks are highly probable, but I dont believe it is being taken as seriously as a threat of nuclear war or dirty bomb warfare, etc. It is a very real danger and Im afraid that its one we are not prepared for. The Security Council in the simulation obviously did their research to prepare for the assignment and it is hoped that the actual members in the council today would take the cue and prepare themselves before it happens. This was a highly useful and realistic (for the most part) exercise well worth the time to be viewed and processed on every level.


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