Technology and Culture Diversity

Globalization is a process that was developed to capitalize on trade and investment between different countries with the aid of technology. Although its introduction and implementation brought nations together, the attainment of its purpose has not always been successful due to cultural diversity.

Globalization plays an important role in paving the way for other nations to open their doors to international business relationships and accept world standards in information and technology.  Also, it led  to technologys creation of the Internet that  links millions of people all over by providing access to the similar data and products. This scenario more or less presents a world that behaves homogeneously. However, because of pre-existing values or cultural system, people from various parts of the globe exhibit differences in responses and comprehension. Hence, technology do not rule over culture.

The context of globalization involves the diffusion of information technology (IT). It is defined as  a collective process involving introduction, assimilation, and permeation of information systems technology throughout an organization.  This process has undergone a system of change. According to Lewin s model, the steps included are Unfreezing   prepares the system for change Moving   learns and assesses the behavioral patterns and incorporates them in its application of change and lastly, Refreezing   makes these changes permanent.

Every nation has its own unique set of values and culture that affects how a person thinks, feels, or responds. Although technological advancement via the Internet became instrumental in bridging people together from all walks of  life, organizational diversity still has a hand in completely and effectively realizing diffusion in IT.  The outcome can either work favorably for technology or against it.


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