Internet Filter Issues
1.0 Introduction
In the modern world, the way of communication has changed as compared to the old methods. In the ancient days, the main mode of communication was letter writing and fixed landline telephones, however this changed with the introduction of the internet.

The internet as a tool of communication has fastened the way business is conducted as well as improved social interaction of the people. There is however some limitation to the internet as a mode of communication. There are some websites that show pornographic and other demonic materials which might have some negative effects on some members of the community, especially children and other young people. As a result there is need to regulate and control such sites especially in places where most people who access the internet as young people. This is referred to as Internet Filtering.

There have been different internet filtering approached that have been adapted to regulate the internet content however most of them have failed. For many years internet filtering has been believed to be the solution to the regulation of the content viewed by the internet users, however this has not been successful. The purpose of this paper therefore is to try and provide new solutions that can be applied to control the content that can be accessed by the public.

In conclusion, the paper will give a brief overview of the key points that would have been discussed in the papers are what the future holds for the millions of youths who are mostly targeted by this obscene websites.

2.0 Negative Effects of Unfiltered Internet Contents
The topic of pornography is hardly ever discussed in a positive light, despite the fact that most people (both young and old) have been affected by pornographic materials that is easily accessible on the internet. According to (Lauer  Lauer, 2008) there are people who defend it however these pornographic defenders have no solid point to put forward apart enjoying their freedom of expression. There are many negative effects of pornography, some of which are violent tendencies, strained marriages, and troubled childhoods.

Pornography and Violence It has been observed that most people who watch pornography especially men tend to be violent and rough. According to Rogers (1990), most men who are exposed to pornographic develop some weird behaviors like sadomasochism and some end up being rapists because most of the times they struggle to fulfill their fantasies and sexual desires.
Pornography and Family Life As discussed above, too much exposure to pornographic material makes someone be violent and rough. For married people, over exposure to porn makes them be violent against their wives as well as children, this can lead to divorce or strained marriages. To the kids also, some may have access to the parents (fathers) pornographic content as a result it will affect them for years to come (Gao, 2010).

Feldman (2010) has given the importance of regulating the internet content being accessed by the public and especially the underage groups. Some of the advantages of internet filtering it that it helps in the national security (instructions on bomb-making, illegal drug production, terrorist activities), it guarantees the safety of minors (abusive forms of marketing, violence, pornography), protection of human dignity (incitement to racial hatred or racial discrimination), it helps in providing economic security (fraud, instructions on pirating credit cards) as well as information security (malicious hacking). In addition to that, internet regulations help in protection of privacy, reputation and intellectual property. These are some efforts that have made the government regulate this area that greatly contributes to the economic growth and development of many nations.

3.0 Solutions to the Problem
Filtering the internet as applied by most organizations has its pros and cons, ContentWatch (2010), states that the use of the filtering software provides comprehensive filtering and blocking of the sites it can also block or filter social media sites such as Facebook or MySpace. In addition to that the software is affordable for multiple computers. The program can be programmed to regulate time spent on individual websites or playing PC games. On the contrary the software can block harmless news sites or forums which require parental override to access. This however is not the ultimate solution to this problem.

3.1 Governments Role in Regulating the Internet Content
Music and entertainment is a power and influential tool that can be accessed by millions of people, some music have been classified as not suitable for certain age category. Dom (2010) sites a case in which parents took their children for concert only for them to realize that it was meant to be an adults only concert yet it has been advertised as an open concert. As a result they urged the government to classify and regulate concerts that are being performed.

The government of the day can take advantage of such a scenario to regulate the content in terms music concerts that the children can attend. This will ensure that as parents struggle to deal with internet filter content, the government helps in controlling the music and entertainment content. The social networks have been blamed to be cause of most obscene contents, however blocking them is not the ultimate solution, the government and other stakeholder can sign an agreement with the management of the accused sites to regulate the content that they will be releasing for public viewing, this will help to monitor the content viewed by underage kids. For example (acma, 2010) states like Australia is one of the countries in Europe that has attracted the most attention regarding its filtering practices. The Australian government passed legislation in 2000 requiring Australian ISPs to delete content that was found to be disturbing or harmful to people under the age of 18 years from their servers. In addition, the government suggested that private companies add certain content to their filters, though Australian citizens are not required to use any blocking software.

3.2 National Policy
Many nations have come up with national polices that aimed at controlling the internet operators on the content they release to the public however this hasnt been easy.  According to Rao (1999), Issues relating to the Internet economy (E  commerce) automatically involve inputs from the departments of trade  commerce, broadcast and print media, the telecommunications and electronics industries, education departments, national security and policing, consumer groups, and the private sector. Therefore Incorporating and addressing all their concerns within a comprehensive economic framework is a challenge for many societies, particularly when faced with pressures of investing in more basic citizen and social services.

According to Cheng (2010), most firms are weary of the effects the social networks have on their employees and their families however they can not regulate this all the time. The web content designers should also help in the regulating the content viewed by the public for websites that deal with X-rated contents, they should ensure that only authorized persons are allowed to access them. They can do this by creating a log in box that requires that the user provides his  her social security number  passport number to indicate the age of the person. This will be another way of filtering the content but in relation to human filtering.

3.3 Fines and Jail Sentence
Another method that has been applied by most European nations to control the internet content by hefty fines imposed to persons who are found accessing prohibited sites. The fines are also imposed on companies that knowing breach the rules that were implemented by the communication commission of the respective nations, for instance in china breaching these regulations attracts a fine of more that 2,000 or a jail term of up to three years (Rao 1999). This has made most companies regulate the internet content and as such there is no need for the use of internet filtering programs.

4.0 Summation
If not regulated  filtered the internet can destroy the lives of millions and millions of innocent people. the various strategies that have been adapted by various governments in internet filtering is a sure sign of how committed they are in ensuring that the content that is accessed by its young generation is not obscene and harmful to their well being.

The paper has extensively looked at how some obscene internet sites (pornographic) can have a negative effect on both an individual as well as the society. In addition to that, the paper has discussed how various nations have adapted to the internet filtering as a way of curbing bad content from being accessed by its population this has had some positive effect especially in school.

With the rapid growth and development of the internet communication technology sector, the governments and the private sector should be at per with the changing technology to ensure that they are able to deal with even the most complicated scenarios. This way the society will be a better place and the role of ICT will be greatly appreciated.

Compare and Contrast JSP with CGI

JSP i.e. Java Server Pages is basically a programming technology which is server-side and it enables the development of completely dynamic applications and web pages. This is done with the help of Java code being embedded in the HTML, DHTML and XML. The page which is static at first is converted and viewed as dynamic if the client (web browser) sends a request to web server (Wise geek, 2010).

On the other hand CGI i.e. Common Gateway Interface is basically a standard that specifies the way in which the generation of web pages is delegated to console application by the web server software. Scripting languages are used commonly but all the programming languages can be used for these CGI scripts. The requests from the clients are identified by these scripts which are then used to make the application function and provide the client with results. So CGI basically provides an interface between the clients and the web server.

In JSP when the Servlet is requested for the first time by the client it is transferred to the memory and cached. This then helps to retrieve the same Servlet instance when there are various requests from different threads. While in CGI every time a new request is sent a new process is spawned. In JSP Servlet classes are developed by the developer which are compiled and placed in where the server can find them. These Java Servlets basically work in the Servlet engine. Whereas in CGI creating of a new process requires an overhead and so the process is external to the web server. In JSP there is very easy transfer of the Servlet classes from one web server to another. On the other hand in CGI they have to be recompiled as they are basically they are dependent on the platform (Naomi, 2001).

Compare and Contrast JSP with ASP
ASP i.e. Active Server Pages is basically a technology that helps to enable the development of interactive and dynamic web pages. In ASP the kind of browser the user is using does not matter as server side scripting is used to produce web pages dynamically. A number of scripting languages can be used but the most commonly used language is VBScript. In ASP the Java script is used as the client side and the VBScript as the server side language.

The main similarity between JSP and ASP is that both of them support the creation of web pages that are dynamic. For this they use scripting codes, HTML templates and basic business logic components. Both of these use the similar object oriented programming scripting. Web server information and functionality is provided access to JSP and ASP by server side scripting. Although JSP is associated with ASP but it must be clear that these are both different technologies. The major difference between the two is that JSP which is developed by the Sun Microsystems is considered an object oriented language while ASP which is developed by Microsoft is considered as a framework because of the fact that it can support a wide number of programming languages from Microsoft.
In JSP extensions can be done with custom tab libraries while in ASP extensions are not possible as custom tab libraries cannot be used. In JSP database access is provided by using JDBC where as in ASP data access is given by used active data objects. In JSP scripting is done with the help of Java programming language. On the other hand in ASP scripting is done by use of VBScript and Jscript. JSP can easily run on all java enabled platforms and is platform independent. While ASP has a complete support in Windows and running it on other platforms is burdensome task as it relies on Win32 based component model (Day site, 2010).

District Technology - School Wide Email

Integrating school district technology as a part of the teacher communication experience, with the shared educators and the rest of the academic community is an effective way of using technology within a region.

This paper will highlight how such technology will be implemented at the Gavilan View Middle School. It will first give an overview of how email registration and usage by the faculty will be ensured followed by a guideline for faculty as to how they can register.

Technology Plan
Under this plan, all teachers of Gavilan View Middle School are required to have a personal school email ID. That all teachers have a school email ID and use it will need to be ensured. Basically, each teacher will be given an email ID by the district office based on the information they provide to the admin.

Each teacher has a unique teacher identification number or TID number. When registering or when required to enter information, teachers will be required to type this in as a mandatory requirement in the user registration form. The registration form will ask for a TID number, name and surname. On the back end, the teacher identification number or the TID that a teacher entered will be matched with the actual TID in the Teacher Table of the school database. If the match is successful (if the entered TID is the same as the actual TID), and other requirements are met, the teacher will be allowed an email ID.

In simpler words, there will be a web page where teachers can sign in to their email. On the same page, there will be a sign up option for those teachers who havent registered yet. This sign up option will take the teachers to the user registration form that will be linked to the school database, like in hotmail, or any other email system. In this registration form, teachers will be required to enter their TID number, along with other information, name and surname. Whatever information they give will be entered in the database. Based on this information, the district office will provide them with an email id and password.

Entering of the teacher identification number will allow the system to see which teachers have registered and which ones havent. For example, teachers who have signed up have been marked in the database as teachers who have an email id. Those who have not can be sent automatically generated notifications by the system as a reminder to register for an email ID. This same method will also be used to ensure usage of the email, in addition to registration. For our purpose, usage of the email ID is the same as registering for an email ID because why then a teacher would register for an email ID if she does not wish to use it.

The way teachers can register for the school email ID is simple. The instructional guide is as follows
2. Click on Staff Information
3. Click on Remote Email
4. Find and type in username. Each username is the first letter of a teachers name followed by the surname.
5. Find and typee in password.

The username, together with password, will be provided by the district office. This cannot be changed or altered. If teachers cannot seem to locate them, or have a problem of another kind, they can call up the district office and ask for Mr. Mark Young for further assistance.

Moreover, the interface is illustrated in Figure 1.
Please enter your username and passwordfor the Sendmail Mobile Message Server. Username Password

The influence of Quick Response Manufacturing

Today, organizations use computers for complex yet routine business tasks (Schragenheim  Ptak, 2004). Examples of such systems are ERP, APS and Shop Floor Data Collection. All these software have separate modules to assist companies with specific business functions. However, they can be integrated together to provide even greater benefits in the form of efficiency, accuracy and performance enhancement.

Moreover, if a methodology to reduce lead times such as QRM is applied in an organization, these software can play a major role to complement it.

This paper will discuss the three mentioned technologies separately and identify their respective modules. Following this, the paper would analyze how they can be integrated together to gain maximum benefit. Moreover, this paper will highlight what Quick Response Manufacturing is, how it can be implemented and how it can be integrated with the three technologies. The potential benefits and roadblocks are also mentioned.

Enterprise Resource Planning Software  JD Edwards World A9.1
Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is a software solution for organizations that allow them to integrate all the departments of the company so as to make information exchange and communication easy. It is different than software that were used earlier such as MRP in that it had relational databases, fourth generation languages, integrated computer aided engineering tools and open-system portability to integrate systems such as Advanced Planning and Schedule (APS) (Schragenheim  Ptak, 2004) software (as will be discussed in a later section). Organizations who adopt such solutions early on gain operational wnhancement, a competitive edge and new upgrade tools allows a lower overall cost.One such ERP system is by Oracle, introduced in 2007 as Oracles JD Edwards World A9.1. This system provides over 1250 upgrades to gain operational excellence, enhance customers upgrade activities and minimize the cost and complexity that goes into integrations (TechNews, 2007).

Any ERP system has a number of modules that can be combined together considering the needs of the particular organization where it is being implemented. One module could be used for one functionality whereas another for a different functionality. These are then combined together to give an integrated package and hence, benefit. Some of these modules include (Glenn, 2008 pp. 74)
Production Planning  Includes planning productions, capacity, forecasting and the availability of materials

Inventory Control  Provides functions such as stock maintenance, moving finished goods and raw materials

Sales Module  Facilitates with quotations, order entry, generating invoices, shipping, etc.
Marketing Module  Generates leads, assists with marketing and maintains customer relationships
An example of module integration is that Production Planning can be integrated with Inventory Control. For instance, production planning will be carried out using information about the stock available.

Oracles JD Edwards World A9.1 solution additionally, in exception to existing modules, provides clients with Service and Warranty Management. This facilitates managing, identifying and implementing service and warranty contracts, enabling users to keep record of service contracts, take in returns for repair, carry out back or repair orders and effortlessly calculate the cost of these repairs and send it to the customer (TechNews, 2007). There are some customers who wish to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA) as an integration approach so that integration can be improved to create an adaptable Information Technology infrastructure. For such customers, Oracles JD Edwards A9.1 provides better extensibility and higher performance. Using this software, customers have a higher control over moving data between the solution itself and the many spreadsheets that an organization uses from sources such as APS or SDFC software.

The functionality mentioned above is especially useful in this scenario where this ERP solution by Oracle is to be integrated with two other software and ultimately with a Quick Response Manufacturing solution.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Software  Preactor International

Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software are solutions, as the name suggests, that facilitate planning tasks in all departments and devising production schedules. Such a solution typically comes with a number of software modules such as (Stadtler, 2008 pp. 110)
Strategic Network Design  Assists with plant locations, new markets, etc
Demand Planning  Allows estimations such as long-term demands or mid-term sales planning
Demand Fulfillment  Allows short-term sales planning
Master Planning  Synchronizes planning from all departments such as procurement, manufacturing, logistics on a mid-term planning level
Production Planning  This may contain two different modules where one assists with lot-sizing and the second with manufacturing scheduling and shop floor control.
Transport and Distribution Planning  Assists with short-term logistics planning
Purchasing and Materials Requirements Planning  Helps with short-term procurement planning

All these modules are responsible for non-probabilistic planning. Planning tasks for different organizations may vary and according to their needs, specific modules are provided to them.

These modules may be called different names by different solution providers. Preactor International is the World Leader in Production Planning and Scheduling software used by a wide range of businesses. Case Studies show that the benefits that can be obtained after installation offer a return in investment measured in months, sometimes weeks (Preactor, 2010).

Preactors APS software called 400 APS has the added functionality to handle even more intricate scheduling issues and consider the restrictions that materials impose.  Orders for BoM (Bill of Material) will be created by most ERP systems.  It includes production orders and the bought-in materials.  These can be connected together using dedicated tools for it.  These connections are then used in the scheduling process in such a way that manufacturing orders that are dependent on certain materials are not scheduled till eery material they need acquired by the producing orders. For every material, there are plots available so that the timing of shortages that halt the manufacturing process can be identified (Preactor, 2010).

Preactor 400 APS provides other enhancements also that can be customized in the form of rules. For example, regular dispatching rules include rules that reduce the time to setup, minimize delayed orders, allow a desirable sequence, schedules bottlenecks and helps with campaigns (Preactor, 2010).

Preactor is created in such a way that it cam be easily integrated with other solutions such as ERP and Data Collections, etc.

Shop Floor Data Collection Software  RFgen Wireless Data Collection
A Shop Floor Data Collection software is responsible for collecting data regarding employees and products right off the shops. It requires lesser input than a manual system and helps with real time prioritization, correct job costing, real time status of the job and gathering information regarding payroll hours.

Specific to RFgen, the Relevant RF Data Collection Module makes use of the DataMAXs RFgen program to collect data from both RF and non-RF devices and send to Relevant rapidly and flexibly through wireless communication. Moreover, the accuracy of the data is that of bar-code scanners. This module provides all the necessary support to validate order numbers, status and quantities. It formats records, and gives warning messages such as confirmation or error to the distant device.

The functions provided by this technology include Data Collection of Inventory, Purchase Order Receipts and Back Orders, Radio-frequency Input to maximize speed and flexibility, Bar-code Input for accuracy and Output (TechTarget, 2010) .

This product has some general features of Shop Floor Data Collection. In addition to this wireless Radio Frequency devices are provided by the software. It allows online updating of the databases, background processing, RF collection continuous during down time, validating data during import, provision of error and logic for reversals (TechTarget, 2010).

The RFgens Connectivity Suite allows easy integration with software such as World and Preactor.

Integration of Software

The modules for all the three technologies identified above can and should be integrated to make the most of them. They can be integrated so that they meet their clients requirements and organizational needs in the best possible fashion. All three World, Preactor and RFgen can be integrated to provide customized support for the client in question.
ERP and APS can be integrated so that users have the ability of working simultaneously using both solutions via two separate interfaces and a single database (Perrson  Olhager, 2007 pp. 181). When both these solutions are combined, the architecture in Figure 1 is what the integration of ERP and APS would look like.

Figure  SEQ Figure  ARABIC 1 Integration of ERP planning and transaction modules with APS (Source Perrson  Olhager, 2007 )

This Figure shows that ERP planning and transaction modules can be integrated with the APS for improved planning techniques.  There are two separate interfaces, one for transaction and one for planning. The ERP planning module is linked with the APS planning module.

On the other hand, ERP integrated with the RFegn wireless Data Collection software is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure  SEQ Figure  ARABIC 2 RFgen integrated with ERP (Source DataMAX, 2009)

RFgen takes advantage of the strong networking procedures and tools of JD Edwards to integrate technologies in such a way that they are most competent, dependable, and cost-effective solutions for JD Edwards data collection. It is built using JDENet and JDEFat Client components, supports all data types, tables and structures. No additional third party middleware or server side code is required to integrate them (DataMAX, 2009).

Data collected regarding inventory from RFgen on the shop floor can be integrated with Worlds Inventory Module to provide that module with real time information on how inventory data is changing on the shop floor. Sales, procurement and other decisions may be made according to this updated information available due to connection of the two software. On the other hand, data collected through RFgen regarding sales order shipments may be used to send information to the Transportation Module of APS to plan logistics of the goods.

Some may think that the functionality provided by Preactor or even RFgenn may overlap with that of an ERP system. This is not the case  the aim of integration is to further enhance performance. Generally ERP systems such as JD Edwards World provide functionality to facilitate the production process for MRP or material planning in the long run. In contrast and integration, Preactor is responsible for organizing production cycles thoroughly by planning the productionfactory work load on a routine basis. As a result, production plans are spawned keeping in mind the limitations so that production efficiency can be maximized whereas re-order lead time can be minimized (Open Data, n.d.).

Moreover, many ERP systems wish to collaborate with a powerful and flexible tool like Preactor instead of developing their own APS solution (Open Data, n.d.). However, this is not the case for a powerful ERP system such as JD Edwards. It has its own Planning module available. However, it can be integrated with Preactor to enhance the planning tasks and other related processes.

APS Integration with products such as Preactor also supports real-time transactions between the APS products and other J.D. Edwards via the extended Process Integration (XPI) architecture (Klee Associates, 2004). This kind of integration is critical for ensuring that APS contains updated and dynamic data elements and that World is updated with planning task messages while they are being accepted and published in APS (Klee Associates, 2004).

One kind of integration is Outbound Integration (Klee Assciates, 2004). This flows from JDE World to the APS such as Preactor capturing data elements such as Sales orders, Purchase orders, Work orders, Inventory balance adjustments, etc.
World sends a notification in real time when one of the ERP processes generates a transaction by, lets say, changing a sales order. When integrated with APS, this ultimately results in the Preactor software receiving this new information.

Another kind of integration is Inbound Integration (Klee Associates, 2004). In this, integration goes from APS to World and flows are managed through the progress of planning messages (Klee Associates, 2004). In general, the adapter at Preactor end send these messages to the XPI Broker, which then sends it forward to the World adapter. These events are then translated into business function calls by the adapter (Klee Associates, 2004).

Quick Response Manufacturing
QRM or Quick response manufacturing is a company-wide approach that attempts to minimize lead times (Suri, 1998). It modifies the basic structure of an organizations manufacturing work in significant procedures to reduce the inefficient use of time. Quick response manufacturing supports a persistent and constant focus on lead-time reduction. It meets and answers customers needs by quicker designs and manufacturing processes and products specialized for those customers and their needs, and minimizing lead-times in every aspect of a company by eliminating waste (Stalk and Hout, 1990 and Suri, 1998). The purpose of QRM is to get the right product to the right place at the right time  and at the right price (Epicor, 2004).

In order to reduce lead time reductions, a number of activities are carried out namely developing product-oriented work cells that contain cross-trained workers responsible for controlling cell activity. Moreover, production must be done in smaller lot sizes of product and smaller batches of information also. A thorough analysis of processes from time-to-time must be carried out to identify any waste in the processe. Also, the time taken to carry out activities must be shortened in all the other departments also except manufacturing. A detailed bill-of-materials (BOMs) must be developed for better material requirements planning. Reduced variability in manufacturing processes also leads to shorter lead times. A combination of push and pull strategies for production must be utilized to the maximum. Most important, the mind-set of the entire company needs to be changed of lead times are to be managed.

Implementation Process of QRM
There are a number of principles according to Suri (1998) that would lead to the successful implementation of QRM. Some of these principles, as taken from his book, are as follows
MRP must be used to plan and organize materials. The manufacturing organization must be rescheduled into less complex product-oriented cells. This should be complemented with a new materials control approach that gives the best combination of push and pull strategies.

Most ERP solutions today come with a Materials Module which plays the same role as an MRP. Therefore, QRM can be easily integrated with ERP, and in this case, with JDE World to take advantages of the planning and coordination of materials that such modules provide. It can also be integrated with an APS software such as Preactor for better planning tasks of materials and procurement.

Also when cells are created for separate teams, communication and integration will be needed between them of some sort. This is where integration with ERP will play a critical role. Shop Floor Data Collection by RfGen will also provide these teams with the accurate and speedy data they require to make decisions.
Suppliers must be motivated to implement the technique. This will ultimately lead to better quality and shorter lead times.

Items must be purchased in larger amounts to motivate suppliers. Placing such critical purchase orders can be achieved through better planning. Modules from an APS software such as Master Planning, Purchasing and Materials Requirements Planning will be useful.

Customers must also be informed and educated about the QRM program. They must be informed that they will receive smaller lot sizes at better prices.

Strategic partnerships need to be developed with partners in the supply chain to put this principle into effect. This will show them how they will get smaller orders at reasonable prices. This could be done through better communication with key partners by using the communication and information exchange tools that JDE World provides.

Functional boundaries must be crossed by creating a response office cell which will be responsible for taking feedback. Therefore, this should be closed-loop, multifunctional and must have a well-trained team in multiple areas. It should also have decision making powers.

In order to allow these office cells greater decision making power, they must be equipped with effective planning tools. This is when Data Collection and APS come in the picture to provide them with relevant data and powerful planning tools.

The reason for implementing QRM must be kept in mind to come to a lean and mean company with a secure future.

A lean and a mean company can be achieved by eliminating waste by using methods such as JIT and the like. These methods can be applied only when forecasting is reliable and demand planning is effective. Therefore, in this respect, QRM could benefit from the APS software that will provide it with the necessary modules.

The biggest challenge in implementation would be reluctance of people to adopt this technique. Therefore, this mind-set must be fought with to create a new one. Companies must be engaged in lead time reductions. This could be done by adopting new technologies such as CADCAM and rapid prototyping.

However, the education and awareness of employees must precede such technologies. Their minds need to be changed about the implementation of something new and efficient. This could be done through training.

Benefits from implementation of QRM together with the existing software are as follows
 Overall lead-times will be reduced
 Speed to market will be higher meaning that newer products will be brought to the market relatively more rapidly
 Those who implement this technique together with effective technologies would have a competitive edge over their competitors
 Rework and scrap on reversals or back orders will be reduced and made easier
 Total costs of ownership of software will be lowered
 It could put the company in a position to price their products using premium pricing since they will be of higher quality with shorter lead times
 As mentioned earlier, quality of the manufactured goods will be improved also.
 All of this would ultimately lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Potential roadblocks to implementing QRM with effective technologies would be the increased upfront cost in the form of initial investment. Moreover, reluctance of the company people would be a major obstacle which would need to be fought with smartly. All in all, the benefits that the customers and the organizations experience will be greater than the challenges.

In conclusion, the purpose of integration between software is to provide out of the box (Klee Associates, 2004) support to different business processes that cover the APS, ERP and SFDC systems. Integration configuration may require heavy initial investments but it leads to a lower total cost of ownership for organizations. For the purpose of achieving this goal, JD Edwards has developed a variety of integration components that allow clients to increase their process efficiencies, complementary solutions, speed up implementations and reduce the maintenance and continuous firefighting (Klee Associates, 2004). To get the most out of software investments, it is best to configure these technologies to the best of their utilization.


Computer networking is the connecting of many computers to share data and resources. The first and earliest development of computer networking was the local area network (LAN), which connected computers but in the same room. It also only allows one user at a time to access any resource on the network. By the late 1980s there was need for a network which can support many users, and this is how wide area network was born. Wide area network enabled businesses with far offices to easily communicate as if they were under the same roof, It enhanced the way business was been done globally and todays famous worldwide web is the largest known WAN. (Kurose J.F., 2008)

A computer network allows a group of computers to connect to each other for the purpose of sharing resources hence saving money and time. Clients on a network can send emails to many recipients and print documents without leaving their desks. Local area network- in its earlier development, LAN involved connecting all computers in a single office only. It is a network in one building and allows just one user at a time to access any resource on the network. By the late 1980s, there was high demand for network to support many users and cover a large geographical area. This demand ushered in a more reliable type of network called wide area network. Wide area network supports many users and enabled businesses with offices near and far to communicate as if under one roof and share resources like printers when they are distance apart. WAN is the foundation of how the whole globe does business and even today it is the largest best and known  WAN the world wide web(www) which connect the whole world o one global village.(Kurose J.F. 2008)

Components of a network all networks consists of three primary components servers, workstations and resources.1. Servers-they are the main component of a network and their main purpose is to link resources necessary to perform a task as well as directing client computers to perform their tasks. 2. Workstations- these are computers connected in a network, they perform computer related tasks like word processing and e-mails. 3. Resources-are any component that can be used and shared on a network, for instance printers, files. Applications and disk storage. A server on a network can only handle a particular function hence it can be assigned to store large files that are more frequently used thus freeing up disk space on client computers. (Kurose J.F.2008)

The Internet Filter Debate

The decision of the Australian government to implement Internet filtering in the country was brought about by various concerns regarding Internet use and web content that place the privacy and security of the nations people at risk. The primary concerns of the Australian government include offensive and illegal material online and the protection of children from exposure to material that is unsuitable for them (ACMA, 2009a). The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for regulating content of broadcasting, the Internet, radio transmissions, and telecommunications (ACMA, 2009b). The regulation decisions of ACMA are based on the standards of the Office of Film and Literature Classification represented by the levels of prohibited content
R-18  Contains content that is likely to be disturbing to those under eighteen. This content is not prohibited on domestic hosting sites if there is an age-verification system certified by the ACMA in place.

X18  Contains nonviolent sexually explicit content between consenting adults. This content may be subject to ACMA takedown provisions if hosted on domestic servers.

RC  Contains content that is Refused Classification (child pornography, fetish, detailed instruction on crime, and so on) and is prohibited on Australian-hosted sites.

Source Deibert, 2008, p. 167
Based on standards and guidelines for censorship of Internet content, the Australian government regulates access by implementing Internet filtering systems. The governments efforts for Internet filtering started in 1996 and have progressed since then (Morris  Waisbord, 2001), and so in 2009, a third version of an Internet filtering system for blocking Internet Service Providers (ISP). The Internet filtering system was designed to prevent adults from accessing inappropriate and malicious websites that are blacklisted by the Australian Federal Labor Government. (Graham, 2009) Although the Australian government has been continually improving and lobbying for Internet filtering, some scholars, critics, concerned citizens, and interest groups have expressed the problems concerning the existing Internet filtering system, especially in terms of cost in setting up the system and efficiency in addressing the planned goals, which is primarily to protect children against pornography, exploitation, and abuse online. (Cussen, 2010 Fenley, 2010)

In light of the problems that are challenging the effectiveness of the existing Internet filtering system and the Australian governments capability and good judgment to handle the issues, a new workable solution should be developed in order to address the shortcomings of the Internet filtering system. As a representative of Super Awesome Consulting, a proposal for a new management scheme to regulate access to harmful and malicious Internet content to protect the privacy and security of the people have been developed and will be discussed shortly.

Policy Proposal for Regulating Access to Internet Content
The primary issue is the inefficiency of the current Internet filtering system in Australia. Not only is the system costly, but it is also ineffective in protecting the privacy and security of children and not to mention that the standards and guidelines for censorship do not require restriction to adult sites especially since Internet speed is being considered, and blocking all sites with violent, malicious, and harmful content will also block other sites that provide important news and information (Colgan  Elliott, 2010). Another problem is that the Internet filtering system places children at risk at some levels (Livingstone  Bober, 2006). Due to these problems, it might be the right time to introduce a new solution that does not require Internet filtering.

The primary objective of the new proposal is to focus on increasing awareness and making parents, schools, and stakeholders responsible and accountable for educating children about the dangers of irresponsible Internet use and introducing non-mandatory end user software or programs that will give individuals, especially parents, the option of which sites to filter or block. The participation of the government may be in subsidizing the cost of such softwares and programs to make them accessible to all populations. Furthermore, since the Australian government is concerned with eradicating child pornography online and other similar problems that places the privacy and security of people at risk, but without the liberty of Internet filtering, the government may as well address the problem on a grander scale, and that is to participate in international efforts against child pornography, etc. in partnership with Internet watchdogs that record complains, create lists of sites that are potentially harmful or abusive, and are in partnership with the authorities and governments to monitor individuals or institutions who are suspected of being involved in illegal online activity. Within the legal context, the Australian government should implement heavy sanctions for individuals who violate laws through Internet-related crimes such as child pornography.

Increasing awareness of harmful and abusive online content is very important in resolving Internet privacy and security related problems. The users themselves must be responsible in using the Internet and parents must be able to guide their children on how to use the Internet conscientiously. The primary reason why the Australian government endorsed the Internet filtering plan in the first place is open access to child pornography and children at risk for being exploited and abused online. Since children are the primary concern of the government, we might as well build a partnership with the people who are responsible for the children, their parents and guardians. Scholars and analysts agree that the lack of supervision from parents and lack of judgment and guidance on the part of the children who sometimes willingly post private information online places young Internet users at risk for online exploitation and abuse by child pornographers and pedophiles. (Knox  Schact, 2007)

If parents and guardians themselves are involved in the cause, the problem may be addressed directly without having to implement Internet filtering. Consequently, if children themselves were taught to be responsible in using the Internet, then they would know which sites to avoid, who to contact or communicate with online, and what kind of information is allowable to post online. The key idea to consider is that parents and guardians are influence their children and how they make decisions. (International Debate Education Association, 2004 Briggs, McVeity,  Love, 2001) Thus, addressing Internet-related problems may as well begin at home since it allows people to become responsible in using the Internet.

In order to increase awareness about the dangers of the Internet and make parents and guardians accountable for their childrens use of the Internet, the Australian government may implement policies and practices and take them to local communities by building partnership with schools, religious institutions, and other groups that may teach and influence people about the disadvantages of Internet use and how they may be addressed by becoming vigilant and responsible. Thus, parents, guardians, and stakeholders in the community, such as those in academic and religious institutions, should build partnerships in order to effectively resolve the mentioned problems. (Essex, 2002) Allowing members of one community to address the problem will be more effective since the people are familiar with specific problems in the community and may address them directly by helping one another develop and implement solutions. The role of the government is to facilitate awareness programs or policies, such as holding group discussions among members of the community about the Internet and its dangers to their children.

Similarly, the government may choose to endorse Internet filtering software or programs that end users may be able to use, especially parents and guardians. Organizations provide Internet solutions for filtering in the form of softwares and programs for individual or corporate users. The Australian government may endorse these products, without having to impose or implement mandatory Internet filtering systems, allowing the people to have options of existing solutions to address Internet privacy and security issues, especially for their children. The Australian government should be able to make these softwares or programs accessible to the people by subsidizing the cost. The proposal will help parents and guardians reinforce the control of Internet use at home at their own will, without the mandatory policy of the government.

On a grander scale, the Australian government may be able to contribute to the resolution of Internet privacy and security problems by being involved in international efforts to determine monitor child pornography, presence of violent, harmful, and abusive content online, reports about violations against men and women, and children online, and so on. Internet watchdogs, such as the UK-based organization Internet Watch Foundation, support the cause endorsed by the Australian government. It is one of the most efficient ways of resolving the issues without having to implement Internet filtering, but at the same time being able to solve them by eradicating the root or source of the problems.

Internet watchdogs also provide information on what sites are potentially harmful to people, especially children, and news about child pornography, and other crimes that are made possible through the Internet such as human trafficking, prostitution, sexual abuse against teens, and so on. (Koops, Lips,  Prins, 2006 Tambini, Leonardi  Marsden, 2008 Arnaldo, 2001) The involvement of the Australian government with Internet watchdog organizations will strengthen the influence and force of these institutions and enhance capabilities in eradicating Internet-related criminal activities. The detection of Internet-related crimes may become more efficient and there will also be an increase in available sources for addressing or resolving the problems with Australias involvement. Furthermore, the Australian governments announcement of its support to these institutions will radiate it as a responsible and dependable government that respects democracy, but at the same time is sensitive and vigilant of existing problems and issues concerning Internet privacy and security.

The last proposal is for the Australian government to implement heavy sanctions for individuals or organizations who will violate legal laws by harboring Internet-related crimes such as child pornography, posting violent content or dangerous information such as how to build bombs or explosives, and so on. The laws may include increased jail sentence or high penalties for violators. Australias involvement with Internet watchdogs and its implementation of heavy sanctions for law violators will more likely resolve the problem. By becoming involved as an Internet watchdog, the Australian government will help augment the likelihood of detecting and catching cybercriminals such as those who support child pornography. Consequently, the Australian governments implementation of heavy sanctions will not only teach caught cybercriminals a lesson but also send a perceptible warning to other violators or potential violators about the punishments they are facing with the crimes they committed or about to commit. (Ost, 2009 Ruyver, Vermeulen,  Beken, 2002)

The proposal, if granted, will then address social, technical, political, and legal aspect of addressing Internet-related problems in privacy and security, especially the protection of children from cybercrimes and violent content. The involvement of parents, guardians, and institutions in the community such as schools and religious groups, are important in developing socially responsible Internet users, especially children. The Australian governments endorsement and subsidy of Internet filtering programs and softwares will provide parents and guardians, and home users in general, an option on how to regulate Internet access based on their will or choice. Furthermore, the Australian governments partnership with Internet watchdogs will contribute to the resolution of Internet-related problems and crimes by eradicating the root or direct sources of these problems. The implementation of heavy sanctions will intensify the plan serving as a means to teach cybercriminals a lesson and warn other criminals and potential criminals about the punishments waiting for them if they attempt to violate legal laws.

Water Pump World

The risk management Strategy is a very important tool for identifying all risks associated within a project. It plays a very important role in the success of any project. ERP implementation is gaining wide recognition and acceptance in the evolving technological world. The Water Pump World case has considered implementing SAP for its major operations through an evaluation of multiple vendors. The ERP implementation involves internal, costs and schedule risks for the Water Pump World.

This strategy is designed to identify all risks associated with the implementation, so that all anticipated benefits attached can be achieved. Once all critical risk factors are recognized, we have further categorized the risks according to their severity through the risk assessment Matrix. The matrix will provide a basis to understand, control and thus monitor all such risks to nullify their impact. Once all such strategies are defined, the company can easily make the implementation a success and gain the maximum benefits.

A risk Management Strategy helps an organization to evaluate the potential risks associated with the implementation of a system. It further helps in mitigation and control of all such risks to an extent so that their overall impact on the organization and its current and potential business is minimal. Risk Management helps in identifying, assessing and prioritizing risks that may occur in any form and organizations should devise strategies to get a 360 degree view of all such factors.
In the strategy all such risks are relative to the performance of a system i.e. risks affect the components as well as the overall structure, where the impact may be small or large. This is important for the overall success of any implementation taking place within the organization to achieve its goals.

Management of risks
Risk Management is the most important tool for identifying and controlling risks that take place during system implementation. This strategy is planned and devised for managing all kinds of these risks from all aspects. The following are the identified benefits that an organization can gain form an effective risk Management Strategy

Utilization of resources- The organization can identify the risk and thus use its resources accordingly
Organizational Reputation  The strategy helps in protecting the image of the organization
Stability of operations  All operations can be protected after the detection of risks
Pre-planning  Enables the firm to be prepared for upcoming circumstances
Assistance  Assists the organization in devising plans for controlling risks

The purpose of the document is to devise a risk Management Strategy for the Water Pump world where the company is looking forward to ERP implementation for it major business functions. This document identifies and assesses major risks associated with the implementation. This document helps in planning control mechanisms for the identified risks.

The scope of this document is limited to identifying the risks associated with the successful implementation of the ERP system. The scope also includes devising plans for monitoring and controlling all such risks.

This strategy is devised for use by the all the key stakeholders involved in the Water Pump World Case to identify, control and monitor all risks associated with the ERP Implementation.

Limitations and Constraints
Measuring the risk assessment components is a challenging task. Error can be huge in this case.
ERP is very wide subject. Our literature review is limited to a few articles and books.

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is the objective evaluation of risk along with its two major components the first being the loss that will be incurred and its occurrence probability (Foster 2010). The major risks associated with the system implementation are as discussed below

Internal Risks
Internal Risks identifies the critical risk factors (CRFs) that impact an implementation and might be present within the organization, where the monitoring and control lies within (Anderson 2003). The literature review helps in identifying risk factors from risk management perspectives in order to gain an insight into the critical factors that directly or indirectly affect the successful implementation of any system.

Literature Review
ERP systems have gained much recognition over time and many organizations are considering on implementing the modules of a re-known ERP system in order to access its benefits and therefore reduce cost and maximize profits. In order to gain full advantage of all such systems it is very important to analyze the risks associated with the successful usage of an ERP system and what Critical factors should be taken into consideration (Barki, Rivard  Talbot 1993). For this purpose, we have collected and analyzed cases and articles on ERP implementation and the risks involved.

Case Summary
The case study in literature review is based on SAP R3 in the Water Corporation of Western Australia. This case identifies that SAP has it own implementation structure and therefore the approach should be defined appropriately to gain its maximum benefits. SAP requires a BPR strategy for organizations who adopt it. Thus, it is really important to assess all critical risk and success factors. The Water Corporation adopted a realization Strategy and Realization process for successful implementation of the ERP (ERP Studies). To put it into a nutshell, it is very important to analyze all such factors that influence and impact the use of a new system within the organization. This helps in gaining maximum benefits.

Presentation of the Review - Critical Risk Factors Identified
Goals Alignment  Failure to identify a system that fits to the organizational requirements and meets its long term objectives
Organizational Resistance- Resistance to change the Organizational Structure to enhance business through the use of ERP (Quinn 2005)
Skill Matrix  Lack of Human Resource Skills that have functional and business knowledge (Iskanius 2003)
Management support  This may include (Thomas 2002)
Lack of Managerial Support
Choosing the right vendor
Inefficiency in making appropriate communications to explain requirements
Integration  Failure to integrate with the existing applications (if any) for data centralization and sharing (Lam 2003)
Customization  Standard system failure to completely adhere to the organizational requirements
End users Resistance  This includes
End users reluctance to switch to the new system
Insufficient training to end  users
Lack of documentation to support the system
Lack of System support managers from the vendors
Technological Infrastructure  Inadequate Technological Infrastructure that would result in failure to meet the specs of the system
Project Planning  inappropriate allocation of resources especially time and budget allocation
Scope Creep  In ERP projects, there is always a threat of scope creep and deviation.
Risk Matrix  Water Pump World Case
ConsequenceLikelihoodInsignificant (1)Minor (2)Moderate (3)Major (4)Extreme (5)Rare (1)Unlikely (2)Possible (3)Scope CreepLikely (4)Goals Alignment
Management Support
End-users Resistance
Project PlanningTechnological Infrastructure
Organizational ResistanceAlmost Certain(5)Skills Matrix
Schedule Risks
Implementation Approach

The implementation methodology for the SAP modules is Accelerated SAP (ASAP), where a phased approach will be used in the water pump world case. We will be implementing the important main modules required for the business during the first release and the rest in further releases.

Risks with the Phased Approach
The following are the risks associated with a phased approach in ERP (Doane  Guzman 2006)
RisksWill incur additional Time Will incur additional Cost Will lead to problems in the ScopeDependency on other modulesaClose co-ordination Amongst StakeholdersaaIntegration between legacy and new systemaLonger time to implementaaCost Risks
Cost Estimates   Cost Risks with the case may be the inaccuracy in measuring all the cost associated with the implementation (Thamhain 2005).
Project Execution Failure  The project may be prolonged or delayed due to failure in part or whole of the execution
Risk of Phased Approach  The phased approach takes longer time to implement which might incur additional unseen costs (Reed  Doane 2002).
Risk Mitigation
Identified Risks

ImpactActionsGoals AlignmentHighA complete feasibility study is carried out for the ERP implementation to meet organizational goals.Organizational ResistanceHighSince Water Pump World is adopting an ERP solution to increase competitiveness, the organization and the analyst will work in conjunction to redesign SOPs.Skills MatrixHighProper training to all the HR involvedManagement SupportHighTo meet its goals, Management will ensure to provide complete support to the vendor. Also, thorough vendor assessment is done to select the best vendor.IntegrationHighAll integration points will be identified and studied before the start of the project to support system and data integration at all levels.CustomizationHighIn-depth requirement analysis will support all customization requirements of the Water Pump World.End-users ResistanceHighAn agreement on full co-operation from all the concerned departments of the client will be attained.Technological InfrastructureHighSystem study also covers infrastructural requirements study.Project PlanningHighProject Planning will be done by involving all key stakeholdersScope CreepMediumProject Managers are responsible to take care of deviating form the scope and additional requirements.Dependency on other modulesHighAll such dependencies will be identified in the beginning of the projectClose co-ordination Amongst StakeholdersHighA full time project coordinator will be provided by the Water Pump World to ensure timely delivery of required information.Longer time to implementHighTimelines are defined in the Gantt chart and will be strictly followed.Cost EstimatesHighCost Estimates are made keeping in view the requirements and key components of the systemProject Execution FailureHighProject should have a check and QA procedure at each level of the phased approach.Risk Monitoring
The following risk monitoring Strategies will help in further looking into the risks identified

Identified Risks
ImpactStrategyGoals AlignmentHighFeasibility StudyOrganizational ResistanceHighROI Study and Cost Benefit AnalysisSkills MatrixHighSufficient training to all key people involvedManagement SupportHighPlenty of Managerial SupportIntegrationHighComplete System PlanningCustomizationHighThorough Requirements AnalysisEnd-users ResistanceHighThorough Managerial and IT SupportTechnological InfrastructureHighPlenty of IT SupportProject PlanningHighThorough Requirements AnalysisScope CreepMediumHigh Project Management InvolvementDependency on other modulesHighThorough Requirements AnalysisClose co-ordination Amongst StakeholdersHighHigh Project Management InvolvementLonger time to implementHighGantt Chart preparationCost EstimatesHighAccurate calculation of licensing , implementing and training costs of SAP modulesProject Execution FailureHighDevelopment of Contingency Plan

Summary of Risks
The risk Management Strategy is useful in evaluating, assessing and controlling all the risks associated with the ERP implementation. The strategy focuses on pre-implementation plans and control mechanisms which will further prevent from new risks. Also, all identified risks can be taken care of at the beginning and this can save from disastrous outcomes like complete system failure. The risks identified and rated according to the risk assessment matrix shows that all anticipated risks of the Water pump World case have high value and therefore are very important to control for the successful implementation.

Self Analysis Letter Revising the DSL Technology Paper

Sometimes, reviewing at our past work can be a surprising thing. It could be that our work was so good that we cannot believe that we were able to produce such a thing, or maybe we were so harried by requirements at the time that we made it that we looking our past work over, we realize that we did not make it to the level of quality we thought we did. Many of us, I think, sadly, experience the latter much more often than the first. Sometimes it is a subtle thing, we realize that we missed a few typos here and there, or misspelled a few words, but sometimes we realize that what we made (wrote) did not make much sense at all. Fortunately, though I had many instances of the former, it was not as bad as the latter for me when I revised this paper.

What I did notice when I saw it again though, was how cluttered the paper was, it was hard to tell one paragraph from another, and the headings seemed to just blend into the paragraphs. The first thing I changed in my paper was the format I realized it is so hard to understand a paper when all the words and ideas seem to just blend together. I looked up the basics of MLA formatting and followed them. I added indentations to the start of the paragraphs and added a little space inbetween them, updated my citation styles, and added an outline type of numbering for my headings so the reader can see the flow of the idea and which topics fall under another topic. Only after that did I proceed to comb out the content.

I was rather satisfied with what I had written content-wise though, as I know how hard I worked on gathering the information and putting them to paper in a coherent manner. Thus, I decided not to change the content much at all, except to enhance or elaborate on a point here and there. I did have a few problems with my sentences though, I never noticed that before. They lacked conviction and authenticity, somehow even to me some of them seemed awkward and just not compelling enough. I think, at the time, I was too absorbed in getting relevant information and arranging them in way that was simple and logical that it did not matter much to me how something sounded. Since then though, I have learned that how you present your ideas, even though they are technical facts and figures, can greatly influence how your readily your audience accepts your information. After all, how will they learn anything from you when they cannot understand the way that you are trying to put your point across, or when what you are saying is totally unconvincing

Fortunately, the website where I found the MLA style guide had many other writing tips, including grammar and punctuation use. I realized that I made many mistakes I did not even know were mistakes. One hint that I had learned a little while ago was to read the sentences out loud, and to revise them if they sounded wrong or awkward. This way, I rephrased many of my sentences, to make the ideas more clear and give the sentences more impact, to make the entire paper more dynamic.

Importance of Interactivity and Customization in Online Learning

Summary of the article
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is slowly becoming the trend of modern day learning in response to the varying needs of todays highly dynamic generation. While others may argue that CMC is a diversion from traditional method of instructions, the advantages from this manner of learning cannot be undermined and must seriously be considered. In fact, CMC is considered to portray models of efficiency, quality, and high-quality interactivity, which is achieved through the manipulation of control and message (Lee et al., 2002).

Interactivity is defined as the real-time exchange of thoughts and interplay of roles between sender and receiver. Control and message, on the other hand, characterize the two dimensions of interactivity. It is emphasized by the authors that such kind of dimensions can be conceptualized and manipulated in order to create a customized online learning process that will undeniably aid the child to better absorb the lessons presented to them (Lee et al., 2002). Control describes the entity that controls the majority of the commands during an online event while message is composed of the form by which communication is delivered (form-oriented) and the content of the communication that is made available (content-oriented) (Lee et al., 2002). Manipulations of these elements will eventually result to four combinations that are described in Table 1.

In general, it can be inferred that this article has emphasized the importance of interactivity in online learning. It was able to illustrate possible methods of combination in order to facilitate the said manipulation that will lead to increased interactivity and subsequent positive learning outcomes.
Table 1. Possible combinations for the customization of online learning (Lee et al.,2002).

BlackBerry and the iPhone

An iPhone is a device that combines a web terminal and the features of a regular phone.
The iPhone is usually both multimedia and internet designed. The figure shows an iPhone.
Source Anand Lal Shimpi
The blackberry is a line that consists of wireless mobile devices that was brought in the market in 1999 and functions as a two way pager (Cunningham  Turner, 2009). The figure shows the outlook of a blackberry.
Fig. 2

Source Zack Whittaker
There are several differences and similarities that are depicted by the blackberry and the iPhone. With this background, this paper will compare and contrast the blackberry and the iPhone.

The Blackberry has an LCD clickable touch-screen (Whittaker, 2009) on the other hand the iPhone equally has a click and touch-screen. The main difference is that the iPhone screen has been specially made to be scratch resistant and has an enhanced visibility. In addition to this the iPhone screen is itself is 3.5-inch with a touch-sensitive display with a resolution of about 320-by-480 pixels. Another distinguishing factor with the screens is that in the iPhone an Apple branded component which is the Broadcom BCM5973A that mainly provides the IO controller that is used for the video interface is linked to the touch-screen. With the blackberry the screen is detached from this feature (Cunningham  Turner, 2009).

The blackberry has a memory that is predominantly flash and RAM-random access memory while the iPhone equally has a flash memory. The distinguishing fact is that the iPhone memory is in a position to accommodate several chips but the blackberry is custom made especially for execution of codes. For instance the chips that can be found in the iPhone include the 64Gbit Samsung MLC NAND flash, the Intel 32MB Wireless Flash Memory, Wolfson audio chip and the Infineon multimedia chip. The Intel wireless flash has 32MB neither of NOR together with 16MB of SRAM that is used for the execution of codes. In addition to this, the iPhone has a greater capacity in terms of memory than the blackberry for the same reason. This is bent on the fact that the iPhone has the MLC NAND flash (K9MCG08U5M) (My-Digital-Life, 2010) memory that is vital in the storage of items like videos, songs and pictures. In the case of the 4GB version of the iPhone Samsung provides the K9HBG08U1M. The figure illustrates some of the internal features of the iPhone.

Source My Digital Life
The blackberry has a Bluetooth GPS (Whittaker, 2009), Bluetooth Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth Headsets, Bluetooth Keyboards and Bluetooth transmitters in some of the models, whereas the iPhone has slightly different Bluetooth applications and features. A case in point is the Marvell chip 88W8686 is a 90nm WLAN device that is meant for the wireless protocol 802.11bg support (, 2010). This chip is found in the Wi2Wi 802.11  Bluetooth System that is located in the Package Solution for the iPhone. However the CSR BlueCore is a Bluetooth chip 4 ROM device. This device is used by the iPhone and the BlackBerry Pearl 8100 as well (, 2010).

The processor used by the blackberry is a 32-bit microprocessor conversely the iPhone uses an ARM processor that has a core speed of at least 620MHz thus it is very sufficient. In addition to this the processor has ample CPU headroom left even with multiple applications being run on it. Further more the iPhone Samsung processor is a three stacked die package with an S5L8900 alongside two 512Mbit SRAM dice. Other features that are evident in the iPhone is that it has GPS Transceiver-Infineon which is also a feature that can be found in the blackberry as well. Further more the blackberry has an application that allows for camera functions to be easily displayed, on the other hand the iPhone has a Camera Module which is specifically manufactured by Altus-Tech, Primax, Lite for this iPhone.

The iPhone has the IBooks function which is a new version of the e-book platform within the iPad.  IBooks are able to sync a users place within a book when the user is switching from a given mobile Apple device to another, whilst the Kindle for the Blackberry has software that gives instant access to a collection of eBooks. The distinction comes in the fact that the iPhone uses a feature that is more advanced when compared to the blackberry.

Email is a feature that is found in the iPhone. The email here has a merged inbox view, it enables that user to switch between inboxes very fast and to sync within more than one Exchange accounts. It also has a threaded messaging. Further to this there is an in-app attachment viewing. On the other hand the black berry has the email (Whittaker, 2009) function but the distinctive feature about the email feature in the blackberry is that it uses a push technology which constantly monitors e-mail giving information if a new mail has arrived and has a filtering engine in its software which helps the user to avoid spam messages. In addition to this the blackberry allows its users to make use of other programs that allow it to be used in getting and acquiring updates from updates from e-mail messages through which they can view data, make a phone call or log in to a service.

Calendar Access is part of the organizer applications that come with a blackberry. The organizer facilitates the management of all information and communications from the device thus sufficient management of all activities. On the contrary, much as the iPhone has the calendar access within its organizer applications, the activities that can be done with the calendar access are more. For instance the user is able to create and even edit events that are in the calendar directly with its Event Kit. In addition to this it is able to set up start and end times, create recurring events and also assign the same to any calendar on the device.

The BlackBerry components usually remain behind the corporate firewall and all the application as well as mail servers as it communicates with the handheld units via the firewall through the BlackBerry infrastructure. This ensures total organizational information security. On the other hand the iPhone is at the discretion of the user. This is the main reason why organizations prefer to employ the services of the blackberry more than those of the iPhone. In addition to this the structural differences also make the blackberry more preferred for business and corporate functions.

There is a huge difference in the way the iPhone operates in relation to the blackberry. The iPhone mainly relies on the CPU and the GPU while the blackberry relies heavily on its enterprise server.  A case in point the CPU is based on the ARM1176JZF-S core (Shimpi, 2009). The CPU of the iPhone runs at 412MHz in order to save power, much as the core is in a position to run at 667MHz. The CPU of the ARM11 is a single-issue in-order microprocessor that has an 8-stage integer pipeline. In addition to this it has a 32KB L1 cache in which there is 16KB for instructions and 16KB for data but there is no L2 cache. The ARM11 CPU within the iPhone equally has a vector floating point unit but the SoC contains a separate GPU that is meant for 3D acceleration. The figure illustrates the SoC housing of the GPU.

Source Anand Lal Shimpi
This core is high clocked and advanced 486 with extremely low power. With normal load this CPU core consumes about 100mW. A PowerVR MBX-Lite GPU is the core that is paired with this CPU and is a form of DirectX 67 class GPU. The figure shows a power VR.
Fig. 3

Source Anand Lal Shimpi
The GPU is very simple and is built on a 90nm process but does support hardware lighting and transform. The MBX-Lite within the iPhone is structured like the MBX but it is optimized for power efficiency making if significantly slower about 60MHz. when the MBX-Lite is on the same chip as the GPU and CPU in the iPhone, the SoC occupies 128MB of DDR memory so in the real sense all items are ion a single package which is physically smaller than the Atom of an Intel (Shimpi, 2009).
Considering the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, there are several server components that enable the black berry to function as required. There is the BlackBerry Router which is designed to specifically route data like the intranet data, email messages, browser data and organizer data. It connects the BlackBerry Infrastructure using SRP to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server through the wireless network. The router is able to reach the BlackBerry Infrastructure via Port 3101 on the firewall. There is also the BlackBerry Dispatcher which is a medium through which all communication between the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the components of passes. The BlackBerry Dispatcher usually decrypts and then compresses all the BlackBerry data. Others include the BlackBerry Controller, BlackBerry Policy Service (, n.d), BlackBerry Messaging Agent, BlackBerry Attachment Service, BlackBerry MDS Services and the BlackBerry Manager.

As depicted, the blackberry and the iPhone have several similarities when it comes to their structure but there are slight differences in the features that make up the two gadgets. It is upon the users to know exactly what they need and the financial implication before endeavoring to purchase any specific gadget. It is however important to note that the manufactures of these two gadgets are still developing and including new features to meet the needs of the clients and demands.

Internet Addiction

People can enjoy the technological benefits of the internet as an indispensable tool. But too much use of the Internet leads to many problems known as Internet Addiction or Computer Addiction.
Using the internet for a long time shows physical and psychological effects on the individual. This paper deals with the internet addiction, its symptoms, causes, prevention and the statistics of the people suffering from the Internet Addiction.

The use of the internet has developed during recent years by providing entertainment and reliable source of information. People can be connected to each other by social networking sites such as Face book, twitter, MySpace and Orkut. But too much use of the Internet leads to many problems known as Internet Addiction or Computer Addiction. Internet addiction is the problematic use of the internet which consists of the different aspects of its technology like Electronic mail, excessive gaming and sexual preoccupations. (Jerald J. Block, 2008) Internet Addiction Disorder (IAC) is defined by the American Psychologist as a psych-physiological disorder containing withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, affective disturbances and disturbance of social relationships. People suffering from internet addiction are caught online in non-stop chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards and in the prison of fantasy disorders. The new technologies can create new problems. This technology has influence on the way which people live and love. These effects are not positive and they have many negative psychological effects.

The digital technologies and the Internet are very helpful in the improvement of the world but leads to many negative affects. Many technologies like Thalidomide, atomic power, PVCPCBs, fossil fuels and even the television seems to be helpful but on the excess use, it has many deleterious effects. Many of these negative effects are insidious and dangerous where some of this is tragic and obvious. Substances like mood altering drugs and alcohol can lead to psychological and physical dependence. Specific behaviors like eating, work, gambling, exercise and sex has more addictive nature. In the same way, according to a research, it has been found that the internet also has the same effects as the above substances. According to this study, it has revealed that internet can develop changes in mood. Nearly thirty percent of the people using internet admitted that they use internet to relieve the negative mood. In U.S, 8 to 12 percent of children are affected by the internet addiction. Researchers stated that the internet addiction is established and this disorder turns in to dependency and the users experience withdrawal and tolerance effects. (Maria Garcia Duran, 2003)

Symptoms of Computer Addiction
Internet addiction is nothing but using the computer for very long time. There may be many reasons like checking e-mail, spending more time in chat-rooms than to real friends, playing online games for more than 12 hours, fatigue, racing thoughts, apathy, neglecting the family members, health, hygiene and work. These are the symptoms of the internet addiction which have taken shape in the recent years. There are cases where the students failed in their courses because they could not take out the time for their studies and limit internet use. Internet addiction cannot be defined as a single term as it includes various spectrums of addiction.

Recognizing Computer Addiction
The concept of internet addiction can be understood by the research conducted on other addictions like gambling and alcohol addiction. Many danger signs have been identified by the psychologists. The signs mentioned below can be a red flag and if there are multiple signs, then there is a real problem. These signs are
Not noticing the passage of time while working on the computer and staying on the computer for longer time.
Putting efforts to lessen the use of the computer but could not succeed in doing so
Thinking about the computer even in the time when not using it and waiting for the opportunity to use the computer again.
Not telling the extent the time spent on the computer to family and friends
Using the computer in the stressed or depressed mood to overcome them
Missing opportunities and events because of the time spent on the computer and also missing out family activities.
Using the computer excessively despite of the negative affects of the computer like marital problems etc.

Causes of Internet Addiction
Though no one can understand the factors leading to the internet addiction, there are several factors which are proposed to cause internet addiction. Researchers study the concept of addictive personality to assess the causes of internet addiction. It is the psychological affect and the mood altering potential which pulls the user to the internet. From the biological point of view, combinational genes also make the person liable to addictive behaviors. Internet use is also strengthened by the pleasurable feelings and thoughts of the person using the internet. People suffering from mental disorders such as stress, depression, feeling of isolation and anxiety may feel that Internet usage may work as self-medication and they could be relieved from the said mental disorders as other people use alcohol or drugs to cop up with their problems.

Negative effects of Internet Addiction
A variety of negative effects can be noticed on a person who is suffering from internet addiction. The immediate effect is social as the user maintains distance from the family and friends because he spends excessive time on the computer. Researchers at the University of Maryland took the interview of 200 people to stop browsing for one day. Then they complained with the signs of withdrawal, anxiety and craving. (Walden Siew, 2010) Relationships become weaker as the user stops attending the meetings and social gatherings and the users may feel irritated when they stay away from the computer and causes more social harm. According to the researches, 6-11 of the people are addicted to the computer use. (Internet Addiction) The excessive use of the computer can also lead to emotional toll. The user lives in the artificial world and causes to place more emotional values. Viewing of internet pornography can change the persons ideas about sexuality. Computer addiction may also cause physical damage as the long term effect. Using the keyboard and mouse for long hours may lead to stress injuries. Some problems like back ache and obesity are common in people who use the internet for long time. Working on the computer in the late night cuts sleep time. (Kimberly S. Young, 1998) Lack of proper sleep causes difficulty in concentration, drowsiness and depression of the immune system. Overall physical condition of the users body will be poor due to the lack of physical exercise. The consequences of the internet addiction will affect the physical and psychological life of the user. It also leads to failed marriages and even affects job performance.

Internet Addiction linked with Depression
UK Psychologists say that there is a strong impact between excessive internet use and depression. According to the journal psychopathology, 1.2 percent of the people were considered as internet addicts and among them many people were depressed. This figure doubled the UKs rate of gambling addiction. Internet addiction is considered as 21st century crisis. According to the United Kingdom study, it has been found that the people who spent long time in surfing the net are likely to develop signs of depression. The research conducted by the University of Leed concluded that the users spent more time on the internet opening sexually gratifying websites, online communities and online gaming sites. Lead author Dr. Catriona Morrison said that the unusual use of the internet is the warning signal to develop depression. The study was conducted in the age group of 16 to 51 and the problem was seen in the age group of 21. (Townsville Bulletin, 2010)  He also said that the internet plays a vital role in the development and technology but the benefits are combined with the darker side. The depression score was five times higher in the internet addicts when compared with the non-addicted group. The internet addicted group experienced moderate to severe levels of depression. Using the internet for long time causes depression but we are not sure whether the depressed people are attracted towards the internet or the internet itself is causing depression. There is no enough evidence to say that internet only causes the depression. The problem could be vise versa. There is a close connection between the levels of depression and the amount of time spent on the internet.

Internet Addiction Controversy
There is a great debate about the validity of the internet addiction. We can also consider that the users look at internet pornography, play games and chat online for their own good. There are also people who ruin their life with the excessive computer use. Many psychologists opine that the internet addiction is the uncontrollable behavior which is related with the other conditions but it could not be sorted as addiction. According to them, people suffering from the internet addiction are those people who cannot have the control over their impulses. As part of the social reinforcement process, some people can identify themselves as having Internet Addiction Disorder. The American Medical Association in 2007 has decided that video-game addiction could not be confirmed as a disease and further research is pending.

Internet addiction disorder is the new phenomenon as it developed recently, much of the research is going on the effectiveness of treatment. It is impossible for the people to end the internet usage completely. As society has become more and more dependable on the usage of the internet in each and every aspect like educational programs, business transactions, entertainment and also interpersonal communication, a computer literate finds it difficult to stop using the internet. The treatment can be in the form of therapy with the help of support groups. If the addiction has the biological dimension, then anti depressant or anti depressant drug can be used as the medication. Psychological interventions need to change the environment and limit the excessive use of the internet. Interpersonal interventions need coaching in communication skills and social skills training. Couple and family therapy is required when the user is planning to escape from the problems in his life by turning to the internet. The situations should be identified and dealt to reduce the possibility of total destruction.

Help for Internet Addiction
For each and every person, excessive use of computer is a problem. If someone thinks that they have computer addiction same as alcoholism, there is a guide containing several steps to curb internet addiction. Some of them are
Specific timings should be maintained and alarm should be set to go offline.
Softwares should be installed to restrict the view of the sites which are accessed compulsively.
Make a list of lists which need to be accomplished instead of wasting time on the internet.
It might be difficult for the user to stop the addiction by his own, so friends and family members should help and encourage limiting the use of the computer.
Computer should be kept in high-traffic areas of the house so that the user may be aware of the overuse and also beware of the sites which he uses. (Ed Grabianowski, 2010)

The Stanford University School of Medicine in Silicon Valley conducted a survey on internet addiction in 2006 and found out that among every eight Americans, one suffered from this addiction. The other facts from this research is 5.9 of the people said that excessive use of internet has vulnerable impact on their relationship, 8.2  considered that it is the means to escape from the real world, 14  of people said that it is difficult for them to stop using the internet and 3.7  of the people opined that they think of the internet even when they are offline. Internet addiction is a serious problem in China and the government is taking several steps to control it. According to the Chinas Internet Addiction Treatment Centre (IATC), there are more than two million teenage addicts in China. According to the South Korean Government, two million people are addicts of internet use and they show same behaviors as those people who are dependent on drugs. (Martyn Warwick, 2010) In the use of internet, India takes the place among the top five in the world. The use of internet by the students is very risky. The Indian Colleges are planning to cut the time spent on the internet in the school dormitories. Due to the excessive use of the internet by the students, the social and cultural activities of the students are diminished. Internet is an excellent technology which brings the people together from the world altogether and helps in bringing secure source of information and e-commerce transactions. (Martha L. Arias, 2007).

The internet is not an enemy just because it has some negative effects. It has many key features and it is very important to connect the world. It is ecologically sound, fast, informative and convenient. The internet provides a way to escape from the everyday world. Though it has many benefits, the internet also leads to addictions, crimes and concerns which the educational institutions and the governments are planning to take action to protect the citizens.

Trends in Smartcard Fraud

Research findings of the European ATM Security Team (EAST) indicate that Fraud-related ATM crimes in Europe jumped 149 percent in 2008, compared to the year prior, and resulted in  485 million (709 million) in losses  (Berrong, 2009). This has raised an overwhelming concern, both in Europe and across the globe. Various groups of information security experts are advising consumers on how to recognize some of the most popular ATM fraud schemes and how to avoid becoming victims. Among the security weaknesses identified include storing information on magnetic stripe, which is simple to copy and counterfeit. To address this problem, smartcard technology has been adopted. Smartcards, also known as Chip and PIN cards or Chip cards, have a microchip embedded in the card. A microchip (also called an integrated circuit) is a unit of packaged computer circuitry (Berrong, 2009). They are made such that they have both logic and memory. This has seen a significant reduction on the incidences of card fraud in the UK, but still losses from fraudulent card use are witnessed (Burns  Weir, 2008).In this paper, I will explore in detail the context of smartcard introduction and describe the types of fraud that remain a threat to cardholders and other stakeholders in the card system.

In Great Britain, nearly 20 of the adult population has been targeted as part of a credit or debit card scam, (Burns  Weir, 2008). Comparing UK with the whole of Europe, a research by European Security Transport Association (ESTA) shows that UK citizens are twice likely to become victims of card fraud. Even according to the media, introduction of smartcard technology in the UK is flawed and has failed to reduce levels of card fraud. These reports call for stern measures to end card fraud as it not only costs the banking industry but also the cardholder, who experiences loss of time, inconvenience, worry and frustration while a fraudulent incident is being investigated.

The UK Payments Association (APACS) has identified five different categories of card fraud (Burns  Weir, 2008). These include counterfeit card fraud, where counterfeitcloned cards are made by altering and re-coding validly issued cards or by printing and encoding cards without permission from the card issuing company. In this kind of fraud, the cardholder is unaware whether the details of the card are being skimmed, and only notices upon seeing illicit transactions in hisher statement.
An employee in a retail outlet may use a skimming device to copy data from the cards magnetic stripe so it can be used to encode a counterfeit card. This is known as skimming. It can also occur at the machine where a skimming machine has been fitted.

The other form of fraud occurs when fraudsters steal a card from a cardholder or use a lost card to obtain goods and services. This takes place if the cardholder takes time to report the loss or theft of card to the card issuer.

Mail non receipt fraud is the other type of fraud. It occurs if card is stolen when it is in transit from the issuing bank or building society to the cardholder. This is because it takes time for the cardholder to realise that a card has not arrived.

If a cardholder is not present, fraudsters may obtain the details of the cardholder and can use these to pay for goods or services over the internet, phone, fax or mail order. This is referred to as Card Not Present (CNP) fraud.

Card ID theft is another form of fraud which occurs when a criminal obtains an individuals personal information and uses this to open or access card accounts in that individuals name.

Among the main factors contributing to the high card fraud levels in the UK is cardholder complacency (Burns  Weir, 2008). This may be described as a situation where the card holders are satisfied but unaware of the possible card fraud mechanisms. As such, increased cardholder awareness of the risks and impacts will enable them to take all practical security precautions when undertaking a card payment.

Burns  Weir, 2008 indicate that large variety of card terminals makes it difficult for a cardholder to identify one that has been tampered with. There is need to inform the cardholder of other ways to notice fraudulent actions, such as familiarizing them with merchant best practices. This will enable the cardholder to easily notice suspicious behavior (Burns  Weir, 2008) such as swiping a card prior to inserting it into a card terminal or watching a PIN being entered. The cardholders will also be able to look their current account statements to notice any illegal transactions as a result of card fraud.
It is also advisable for merchants to be vigilant and to monitor transactions and any suspicious staff activities. This is because they are the prime target (Berrong, 2009) for fraudsters. The banking industry must also take stern measures to protect their merchants. Burns  Weir, 2008 identifies those measures as checking references when hiring new staff, adequate protection of systems which hold customer and transaction data and careful investigation of all customer concerns about staff undertakings on card transactions.

For online transactions, merchants should employ the use of AVS- Address Verification System, (Burns  Weir, 2008). This is a system that allows retailers to compare the billing address supplied with that associated with the cardholder and Card Security Code (CSC). Using AVS, merchants can hence cross check a special security code held on the back of the card. This is an effective measure in controlling card fraud especially where the cardholder is not physically present i.e. CNP frauds.
The merchant acquirer refers to the bank retained by the retailer to process payment card transactions on their behalf (Burns  Weir, 2008). They are responsible for paying the merchant for the transactions they process. To minimize smartcard fraud, they have adopted the use of fraud detection software that detects patterns that could be due to fraudulent activity. This can be useful in investigating unusual patterns of transactions.

Owing to these increased cases of magnetic stripe credit and debit card fraud, the success of card technology must heavily rely on smartcards. However, since fraudsters will continue getting creative to exploit technology and social conditioning to devise attacks on chip technology, proper security measures on the use of smartcards should be put in place.

At times the chip technology may fail to function, which calls for the use of a magnetic strip as a fallback. This permits fraudsters to circumvent a number of the safeguards provided by smart card technology (Burns  Weir, 2008). In this case, the Chip and PIN does not fully address counterfeit card fraud- fraud made possible through the theft of card details in transit or from loststolen scenarios. With the implementation of these measures, a significant reduction in card counterfeiting is likely to occur, but as long as magnetic stripes are in use counterfeiting will remain a viable option for fraudsters.