Computer Information

The computer is a simple machine that is programmed according to our needs and requirements. The user provides the input, which the machine stores and operates, and then gives an output. All these concepts, the way they are done, and the impacts they have on the overall machine are discussed below.

Data Input
Input is the information that is fed into the computer. The computer uses this data to perform different tasks. Input can be done by several different methods. The method of input that would best suit the following situations is explained as follows.

Printed questionnaires
The input data for printed questionnaires that will be most appropriate would be an optical marker reader. This type of device could directly scan and input the answers that the user is inserting through the questionnaire (Reynolds, 2006).

Telephone survey
A telephone survey is a way of gathering information from different people having different views. This type of survey requires a number of different sources and voices. The best way to input data would be a voice recognition device. This device interprets what the user is saying and converts it into a language that is usable by the computer application. (Reynolds, 2006).

Bank checks
The most appropriate method of inputting data in a check is by a scanning device that can interpret magnetic bar codes. Such a device is called MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition). Checks contain magnetic codes. The device scans the check and will perform the necessary changes required on the concerned accounts. The user can then easily attain account information, or perform any other transaction (Reynolds, 2006).

Retail tags
Retails tags are best read by a bar code reader. Such a device is called an optical scanning input device. This aids the shop keepers in inputting bar codes and retail tags on items. It also fastens the process of checkouts by avoiding to type in code numbers (Reynolds, 2006).

Long documents
Long documents are best input in a computer through a scanner. It enables the input of text as well as images. The user can then easily edit their documents.

Data Output
Output is the information that the computer provides after carrying out our instructions. There are many ways to display the result of an instruction. The method of output that would best suit the following situations is explained as follows.

Hand held computer
The output of a hand held computer is best viewed on a LCD display screen or a simple monitor. LCD displays use polarizers and back lit light to display text and images (Reynolds, 2006).

Color photograph
A color photograph can be viewed on a photo paper. The photo paper is printed by special color printers. It can also be best viewed on the monitor. By viewing the photograph on a monitor, the user may easily edit and enhance the picture according to his desire. (Reynolds, 2006)

A resume is also viewed best on a simple paper printed by any simple inkjet or laser printer. . It can also be viewed on the computer monitor. All the necessary changes can be done and viewed through the monitor (Reynolds, 2006).

A memorandum is a document that is used to point out the events or points of discussion. A memo is outputted and circulated around the organization through paper that can be printed by any inkjet or laser printer.  It can also be displayed on the bulletin board after it has been printed or through a computer screen by e-mail (Reynolds, 2006).

Statistical report
The statistical report of a company can be viewed on printed paper from an inkjet or laser printer. A statistical report is usually needed in a meeting. Therefore, it would be best to view it through a projector (Reynolds, 2006).

Company annual reports
Annual reports can also be displayed by a projector. This way all employees will be able to view and discuss reports together. Annual reports are also needed individually for analysis. To attain individual copies, annual reports are best displayed and understood on high quality paper. (Reynolds, 2006).

Storage Options
Storage devices are computer components that are used to store data. The following storage devices are most appropriate for the below mentioned purposes and situations.

Hard disk
Hard drive is best used for saving our daily work. Software and data that the user feels is needed regularly is saved on the hard disk. The hard disk makes access to data directly. Only frequently used programs should be stored on the hard disk because too much data will cause it to slow down the computer.

Floppy disk
Floppy disks are handy for storing data that needs to be transferred as well. The disadvantage is that they have a small capacity. They are only used to store small business documents and reports.

RAM is the abbreviation of Random Access Memory. It is a temporary storage place. It stores the programs and their data that are currently being used by the computer. The computer stores the data required by a certain program in RAM so that it does not need to go back to the hard disk each time a command or instruction is sent. The disadvantage of RAM is that its data cannot be accessed once the computer has been shut down. All its data is erased and lost.  

The usability and portability of CDs are the same as compared to floppy disks. The difference is that CD ROMs have a much greater capacity for storing programs. The drawback in this situation is that CD ROMs cannot be deleted or edited once they are created.

Tape disks are used generally for backup purposes. Tape is usually used to backup programs and files in case of a system crash.  They are cheaper than other disks and have slower access time. Another drawback of tape drives is that they are sequential. This means that to read a particular piece of data, the computer needs to scan through the whole drive (Media Storage Devices, 2009).

FlashJump Drive
Flash drives are smaller in size, bigger in capacity. They can hold up to 63GB of data. They are like a portable hard drive. They are most favorable in case of transporting large amounts of data. A flash drive can also be used as any normal hard drive (Media Storage Devices, 2009).

Computer Speed and Performance
The computer speed is measured in Mega-Hertz (MHz). Even though the speed of the computer is not necessarily the benchmark of measuring the performance of the computer, it does have an impact on it. The computer speed is itself dependent on various components. The role of each of the following components in determining the speed and performance of the computer are explained below.

RAM is the place where instructions are stored. The computer speed is influenced by the speed of the transfer of data between RAM and microprocessor. A larger RAM means that we can store more programs on it and the processor does not have to go back to the hard disk each time. This process is called caching. This speeds up the process. The idea behind having a cache memory is that frequently used data is stored on a faster memory (Panther Products, 2009). A faster RAM also ensures that we can compute more instructions and applications in a certain time (Computer Memory Upgrade, 2003).

Clock speed
The clock speed is the number of instructions executed per second. It is measured in Mega-Hertz. The computer requires a number of clock cycles to complete each request. The faster the clock speed of the computer, the more instructions will be performed per second. (KTC,2009)

Data on hard disk
The faster the data is accessed from the hard disk, the faster the computer speed and performance will be. This is calculated by how fast the disk is spinning. It is measured in milliseconds. The hard disks space is not a major factor affecting the CPU speed.

Data on CD ROM
The access time of the disk determines the speed of the computer. The lesser the access time, the faster the computer fetches data from the disk. The access time is the calculation of the time it takes to access a storage device until the time that another access can be made (, 2001).

Data on floppy disk
The floppy disk contains magnetic material disk which is similar to the tape drive. The data is stored on this magnetic disk. The data is accessed from the floppy by rotating it at a speed of 300 RPM. The faster the disk spins, the faster the data is fetched from the disk. This determines the speed of the computer (Media Storage Devices, 2009).

The computer has now become a necessity of life and is being used in every field. Each business and individual makes use of computers or its technology in some way or the other. It is therefore important to understand the importance of the different concepts of computer science and become familiarized with the various components used in the assembly of a single machine. The purpose of this paper is to understand how the hardware requirements are matched with the input and output.


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