Internet Addiction

People can enjoy the technological benefits of the internet as an indispensable tool. But too much use of the Internet leads to many problems known as Internet Addiction or Computer Addiction.
Using the internet for a long time shows physical and psychological effects on the individual. This paper deals with the internet addiction, its symptoms, causes, prevention and the statistics of the people suffering from the Internet Addiction.

The use of the internet has developed during recent years by providing entertainment and reliable source of information. People can be connected to each other by social networking sites such as Face book, twitter, MySpace and Orkut. But too much use of the Internet leads to many problems known as Internet Addiction or Computer Addiction. Internet addiction is the problematic use of the internet which consists of the different aspects of its technology like Electronic mail, excessive gaming and sexual preoccupations. (Jerald J. Block, 2008) Internet Addiction Disorder (IAC) is defined by the American Psychologist as a psych-physiological disorder containing withdrawal symptoms, tolerance, affective disturbances and disturbance of social relationships. People suffering from internet addiction are caught online in non-stop chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards and in the prison of fantasy disorders. The new technologies can create new problems. This technology has influence on the way which people live and love. These effects are not positive and they have many negative psychological effects.

The digital technologies and the Internet are very helpful in the improvement of the world but leads to many negative affects. Many technologies like Thalidomide, atomic power, PVCPCBs, fossil fuels and even the television seems to be helpful but on the excess use, it has many deleterious effects. Many of these negative effects are insidious and dangerous where some of this is tragic and obvious. Substances like mood altering drugs and alcohol can lead to psychological and physical dependence. Specific behaviors like eating, work, gambling, exercise and sex has more addictive nature. In the same way, according to a research, it has been found that the internet also has the same effects as the above substances. According to this study, it has revealed that internet can develop changes in mood. Nearly thirty percent of the people using internet admitted that they use internet to relieve the negative mood. In U.S, 8 to 12 percent of children are affected by the internet addiction. Researchers stated that the internet addiction is established and this disorder turns in to dependency and the users experience withdrawal and tolerance effects. (Maria Garcia Duran, 2003)

Symptoms of Computer Addiction
Internet addiction is nothing but using the computer for very long time. There may be many reasons like checking e-mail, spending more time in chat-rooms than to real friends, playing online games for more than 12 hours, fatigue, racing thoughts, apathy, neglecting the family members, health, hygiene and work. These are the symptoms of the internet addiction which have taken shape in the recent years. There are cases where the students failed in their courses because they could not take out the time for their studies and limit internet use. Internet addiction cannot be defined as a single term as it includes various spectrums of addiction.

Recognizing Computer Addiction
The concept of internet addiction can be understood by the research conducted on other addictions like gambling and alcohol addiction. Many danger signs have been identified by the psychologists. The signs mentioned below can be a red flag and if there are multiple signs, then there is a real problem. These signs are
Not noticing the passage of time while working on the computer and staying on the computer for longer time.
Putting efforts to lessen the use of the computer but could not succeed in doing so
Thinking about the computer even in the time when not using it and waiting for the opportunity to use the computer again.
Not telling the extent the time spent on the computer to family and friends
Using the computer in the stressed or depressed mood to overcome them
Missing opportunities and events because of the time spent on the computer and also missing out family activities.
Using the computer excessively despite of the negative affects of the computer like marital problems etc.

Causes of Internet Addiction
Though no one can understand the factors leading to the internet addiction, there are several factors which are proposed to cause internet addiction. Researchers study the concept of addictive personality to assess the causes of internet addiction. It is the psychological affect and the mood altering potential which pulls the user to the internet. From the biological point of view, combinational genes also make the person liable to addictive behaviors. Internet use is also strengthened by the pleasurable feelings and thoughts of the person using the internet. People suffering from mental disorders such as stress, depression, feeling of isolation and anxiety may feel that Internet usage may work as self-medication and they could be relieved from the said mental disorders as other people use alcohol or drugs to cop up with their problems.

Negative effects of Internet Addiction
A variety of negative effects can be noticed on a person who is suffering from internet addiction. The immediate effect is social as the user maintains distance from the family and friends because he spends excessive time on the computer. Researchers at the University of Maryland took the interview of 200 people to stop browsing for one day. Then they complained with the signs of withdrawal, anxiety and craving. (Walden Siew, 2010) Relationships become weaker as the user stops attending the meetings and social gatherings and the users may feel irritated when they stay away from the computer and causes more social harm. According to the researches, 6-11 of the people are addicted to the computer use. (Internet Addiction) The excessive use of the computer can also lead to emotional toll. The user lives in the artificial world and causes to place more emotional values. Viewing of internet pornography can change the persons ideas about sexuality. Computer addiction may also cause physical damage as the long term effect. Using the keyboard and mouse for long hours may lead to stress injuries. Some problems like back ache and obesity are common in people who use the internet for long time. Working on the computer in the late night cuts sleep time. (Kimberly S. Young, 1998) Lack of proper sleep causes difficulty in concentration, drowsiness and depression of the immune system. Overall physical condition of the users body will be poor due to the lack of physical exercise. The consequences of the internet addiction will affect the physical and psychological life of the user. It also leads to failed marriages and even affects job performance.

Internet Addiction linked with Depression
UK Psychologists say that there is a strong impact between excessive internet use and depression. According to the journal psychopathology, 1.2 percent of the people were considered as internet addicts and among them many people were depressed. This figure doubled the UKs rate of gambling addiction. Internet addiction is considered as 21st century crisis. According to the United Kingdom study, it has been found that the people who spent long time in surfing the net are likely to develop signs of depression. The research conducted by the University of Leed concluded that the users spent more time on the internet opening sexually gratifying websites, online communities and online gaming sites. Lead author Dr. Catriona Morrison said that the unusual use of the internet is the warning signal to develop depression. The study was conducted in the age group of 16 to 51 and the problem was seen in the age group of 21. (Townsville Bulletin, 2010)  He also said that the internet plays a vital role in the development and technology but the benefits are combined with the darker side. The depression score was five times higher in the internet addicts when compared with the non-addicted group. The internet addicted group experienced moderate to severe levels of depression. Using the internet for long time causes depression but we are not sure whether the depressed people are attracted towards the internet or the internet itself is causing depression. There is no enough evidence to say that internet only causes the depression. The problem could be vise versa. There is a close connection between the levels of depression and the amount of time spent on the internet.

Internet Addiction Controversy
There is a great debate about the validity of the internet addiction. We can also consider that the users look at internet pornography, play games and chat online for their own good. There are also people who ruin their life with the excessive computer use. Many psychologists opine that the internet addiction is the uncontrollable behavior which is related with the other conditions but it could not be sorted as addiction. According to them, people suffering from the internet addiction are those people who cannot have the control over their impulses. As part of the social reinforcement process, some people can identify themselves as having Internet Addiction Disorder. The American Medical Association in 2007 has decided that video-game addiction could not be confirmed as a disease and further research is pending.

Internet addiction disorder is the new phenomenon as it developed recently, much of the research is going on the effectiveness of treatment. It is impossible for the people to end the internet usage completely. As society has become more and more dependable on the usage of the internet in each and every aspect like educational programs, business transactions, entertainment and also interpersonal communication, a computer literate finds it difficult to stop using the internet. The treatment can be in the form of therapy with the help of support groups. If the addiction has the biological dimension, then anti depressant or anti depressant drug can be used as the medication. Psychological interventions need to change the environment and limit the excessive use of the internet. Interpersonal interventions need coaching in communication skills and social skills training. Couple and family therapy is required when the user is planning to escape from the problems in his life by turning to the internet. The situations should be identified and dealt to reduce the possibility of total destruction.

Help for Internet Addiction
For each and every person, excessive use of computer is a problem. If someone thinks that they have computer addiction same as alcoholism, there is a guide containing several steps to curb internet addiction. Some of them are
Specific timings should be maintained and alarm should be set to go offline.
Softwares should be installed to restrict the view of the sites which are accessed compulsively.
Make a list of lists which need to be accomplished instead of wasting time on the internet.
It might be difficult for the user to stop the addiction by his own, so friends and family members should help and encourage limiting the use of the computer.
Computer should be kept in high-traffic areas of the house so that the user may be aware of the overuse and also beware of the sites which he uses. (Ed Grabianowski, 2010)

The Stanford University School of Medicine in Silicon Valley conducted a survey on internet addiction in 2006 and found out that among every eight Americans, one suffered from this addiction. The other facts from this research is 5.9 of the people said that excessive use of internet has vulnerable impact on their relationship, 8.2  considered that it is the means to escape from the real world, 14  of people said that it is difficult for them to stop using the internet and 3.7  of the people opined that they think of the internet even when they are offline. Internet addiction is a serious problem in China and the government is taking several steps to control it. According to the Chinas Internet Addiction Treatment Centre (IATC), there are more than two million teenage addicts in China. According to the South Korean Government, two million people are addicts of internet use and they show same behaviors as those people who are dependent on drugs. (Martyn Warwick, 2010) In the use of internet, India takes the place among the top five in the world. The use of internet by the students is very risky. The Indian Colleges are planning to cut the time spent on the internet in the school dormitories. Due to the excessive use of the internet by the students, the social and cultural activities of the students are diminished. Internet is an excellent technology which brings the people together from the world altogether and helps in bringing secure source of information and e-commerce transactions. (Martha L. Arias, 2007).

The internet is not an enemy just because it has some negative effects. It has many key features and it is very important to connect the world. It is ecologically sound, fast, informative and convenient. The internet provides a way to escape from the everyday world. Though it has many benefits, the internet also leads to addictions, crimes and concerns which the educational institutions and the governments are planning to take action to protect the citizens.


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