Improvement of awareness of citizens about of e-government in Saudi Arabia

With increased use of information technology, e-governance is becoming an important aspect in delivery of government services and information. E-governance mainly entails delivery of government services through electronic means. However, the modern e-government services extends beyond citizens accessing information from the government to citizen engagement in running the government. Saudi Arabia has taken bold steps towards implementing e-governance plan that would become the best in the world. In 2007, Saudi Arabia government set aside SR3 billion to fund the YESSER program that was aimed at increasing use of e-governance to access government services and information. However, there are many challenges that are facing the program and it is feared that the program will not achieve its goals and objectives. This study was aimed at looking at the rate of adoption of e-governance in Saudi Arabia in the backdrop of set 2010 objectives by YESSER programs and challenges that are faced by citizens in e-governance. The study will use survey research design and administer questionnaire to 70 respondents who will be randomly selected from the population. However, gender and age factors will be taken into consideration to ensure gender and age balance in the study sample. Data collected will be analyzed through simple analytical tools.

In the backdrop of growing use of internet technology in the world, e-government is becoming an important feature in delivery of services to citizens. E-government is a term that is used to describe using technologies in facilitation of government services and in disbursing government information and services. E-government means electronic government and mainly entails delivery of government services and information using electronic means (Brendan, 2010). E-government mainly relies on the application of internet services but also raises different non-internet concerns (Roucheleau, 2007).   In general consideration, e-government entails some mundane uses in government services like telephone services, faxing, surveillance systems, tracking systems, television, radios, and many others which are used in spreading government information (Cabello and Ravula, 2006).  This implies that e-government cannot be considered a new phenomenon by any means.  For example using radio waves in creation of disaster warnings is one form of e-government that has been used for a very long time (Meso, Checchi, Sevcik, Loch and Straub, 2006). State operated media is also a form of e-government that is used to spread pro-government messages.

However, the development of internet has created revolution in e-government services.  The internet has made it possible to offer services that were previous offered through physical means quite fast (West, 2005). Providing government information and services online is the new facet that is defining e-government (Daniel, 2006).  Delivery of government services through the internet has been revolutionized by creation of government website government website has become the center of communication between citizens and government and serves different purpose. Therefore e-government is defined by three facets which include

Using ICTs  and in particular the internet   for governance purposes
Using information and communication technologies in different facets of operation of government
Optimization of service delivery, constituency participation, and general governance using technology, internet, and the media.

E-government has traditionally been assumed to be centered on delivery of government services and information (Sandy, 2002). However, e-governance is taking a new dimension that goes beyond the normal government operations and extends to engagement of citizens and their participation in governance (Faisal, 2006).

Realizing the importance of e-governance, Saudi Arabia government introduced YESSER program which was the first national e-government strategy and action plan, which will be implemented within a period of five years (YESSER, 2010). The King allocated SR3 billion for the project (Ghafour, 2006). The program, which was launched in 2007, was aimed at ensuring that by 2010, users will be able to deal with the government electronically. With more than 80 of the population under the age of 25, Saudi Arabia government deemed it fit use interment and other IT technologies which are used by young generation (YESSER, 2010 Maher, Cropf, Higgs and Kelly, 2008). In addition, YESSER program estimated that it would lower cost of delivery of government services and increase efficiency. It projected that by 2010, the program would achieve 75  adoption rate and 80 user satisfaction with service delivered electronically (YESSER, 2010 Fredricks, 2007).

However, there are many challenges that have faced implementation of e-government in Saudi Arabia. YESSER was seen as a promise that has become a hard reality.  Critics have argued that the concept of e-government was not feasible since there were many issues that were unattended in formulation of the program (Fandy, 2009 Yarnani, 2009).  There are problems to do with security, staffing, internet usage, and others. This study will therefore look at the rate of adoption of e-governance in Saudi Arabia and the specific problems that citizens are facing in e-government systems.

Aims and objectives
Understanding challenges facing e-government in order to improve awareness of citizens about of e-government in Saudi Arabia
Review all relevant academic literature pertaining to e-governance in Saudi Arabia
Selected the appropriate study design to collect data from the citizens
Select study participants
Data gathering gather information from the selected sample using researcher administered questionnaires
Analyze collected data using SPSS
Write up the final draft
Submit the dissertation

Research design
This study will employ survey design. Survey design is important in research as it provides the research with an opportunity to collect data through interaction with the participants. Survey design is also suitable to collect data in a large sample of participants (Newman, 2000). Survey design is considered the most appropriate research design when dealing with human subjects since it does not require complex laboratory experiment. It is most suitable for conduction social sciences researchers and hence it has been found the most appropriate to be used in this study.

This study will employ simple random sampling. This means that participants will be randomly selected from the citizens but there are important inclusion exclusion considerations that will be made to ensure that the sample reflects the study population. Factors like sex, age, and others will be considered while selecting participants.  Simple random sampling will ensure that everyone in the population will have an equal chance of being selected to participate in the study (Newman, 2000).  The study will select a sample of 70 participants from the citizens.

Data gathering tools
Data gathering tool selected for a study must be appropriate for the study design chosen. It must be able to collect data with minimal errors. To collect most accurate data, the study will employ researcher administered questionnaires. A questionnaire is the most appropriate data gathering tool that can be used in survey research design.  A questionnaire will ensure that the research collects the most accurate data for the large population. Questionnaire have also been selected because they are easier to administer they are relatively cheap (Newman, 2000).

Administration of data collection tools
The study will use researcher administered questionnaires. The study will not assume that all selected participants understand how to read and write and therefore researcher administered questionnaire will be preferred to self administered questionnaires or phone administered interviews.  The initial step in conducting the research will be formulation of the questionnaire. Once completed, the questionnaire will be pre-tested in a population similar to the study population. After pre-testing the questionnaire, corrections will be made and final questionnaire prepared. The next step will be selection of the samples to participate in the study. Once the sample has been selected, questionnaires will be administered. Each questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to fill out.

Data analysis
Collected data will be analyzed using SPSS.  Any qualitative data will be coded first to make it easier to analyze. Results will be presented in tables and graphs.

Ethical consideration
In order to adhere to research ethic as outline in Nuremberg code, the researcher will seek consent of the participants to participate in the study. The researcher will explain to participants the study in details and then seek their consent to participate


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