Effects of technology on peoples lives

Technology has been changing very rapidly as time goes by. This makes it very hard to predict much about the future for example the kind of products which would be produced in a few years time. Every kind of technology impacts peoples lives in one way or another. It is not easy to know the specific kind of technology which is responsible for the numerous changes in peoples lives since the changes might come from other areas of life. This paper will in detail cover on how technology development has changed the world today both in positive and negative ways.

Technology refers to the utilization of tools, techniques and crafts. Its advances in this case may refer to motor vehicles, mobile phones, computers, televisions, and other electronics. The developers of these electronics are open to the changes of their original products so as to ensure its continued survival. Furthermore, the inventors are not necessarily the ones to improve the product but encourage further creativity which results to invention and innovation. The continued changes carry along with them the advantages and disadvantages that have greatly had an impact today in the world Lee, Lee  Schumann, 2002).

Among the positive effects of technology includes better transport facilities. With the changes occurring daily to the transport sector, people are able to get to their intended destinations on time after traveling very long distances. For example, customers of various airlines are able to book their tickets online, pay their transport fares as well as reschedule in case of changes. The use of the electronic trains has equally enabled people to reach their destinations on time no matter the distance (Lee, Lee  Schumann, 2002).

Improved communication to give efficient and effective deliveries of information is another positive effect. After the development of the telephone booths to mobile phones, this has resulted to instant communication with the intended people. We are able to reach directly the people we want through their mobile phones. If they are not available, then the cell phone is designed in a way to enable the caller leave an invoice message unlike in earlier days when we had to leave messages with secretaries (Schmidt, 2002).

Business can now be conducted online as a result of technology. With the advanced technology of e-commerce, we are able to do online shopping. Enquiries on any product and their catalogues are enabled on the internet. This has also enabled the customers of the products to make orders and have their deliveries as requested without actual movement to the sellers premises (Lee, Lee  Schumann, 2002). Information has also become readily available. With the help of sites like Google among others, information search has been made a lot easier and readily available. This availability of information has also been enhanced by the global media groups which broadcast information and breaking news from and to all over the world.  For instance this helps potential investors to establish business opportunities as well as know which economies are best for investment.

Through technology, there is availability of better medical facilities. Hospitals have installed better machines in their hospitals thus enabling better treatment of patients. Diagnosis has also been made a lot easier and faster for instance patients with cancer undergo chemotherapy which involves the use of machines to eliminate the cancer causing cells in the body. Pregnant mothers also undergo tests like ultra sound so as to detect any problems with the developing fetus (Schmidt, 2002).

There are now greater employment opportunities.  Job seekers are able to advertise their skills as well as abilities over the internet. This makes it easy for employers looking for persons with those similar qualifications to connect irrespective of the distance between them. It has also created employment opportunities to entrepreneurs who advertise their products over the internet and once a potential customer identifies them, then he purchases the product thus creating employment (Lee, Lee  Schumann, 2002).

There is also enhancement of globalization. Upon advancement of technology, the world has proven to be a global market. Trading within nations has been made possible since transport is well improved and information on various markets, business opportunities, finance sources, human capital sources and any business related information, global media has also made it possible to critically analyze various economies which have helped organizations to go global (Schmidt, 2002).

Technology has availed education to most people. The internet has enabled people to obtain great learning opportunities with the introduction of online learning. This has ensured the education institutions are able to provide education to all who want it as long as they can afford the finances. This has also made it possible to access a variety of books online thus adding value to the education level and knowledge acquisition.

There is increased socialization all over the world. With the improvement of technology, people have used sites like face book, twitter and my gamma to meet new friends, re-unite with old friends as well as maintain the friendship irrespective of the distance, race, tribe or nationality. Couples have also met their spouses on these sites, established relationships and eventually get married (Schmidt, 2002).
It has also resulted to industrialization within nations. Increased technology has caused many nations to increase their production of various products. For example, Africa nations import various car parts and join them in their nations. This joining is enabled by various machines hence resulting to industrialization.

Advancement in technology has also become source of entertainment. With the use of technology like televisions people are able to view different programs and movies as aired by the broad casting stations. This is through the help of advances technology. People are also able to connect to other entertainment providers like various pay TVs around the world and get the desired entertainment (Schmidt, 2002).

There is also efficiency and effectiveness at work. With the help of the internet, people use technology such as laptops to perform their tasks. The employees do not necessarily have to report to their work stations but can work from anywhere as long as they are connected to the internet. This helps people to do things right as well as do many things.  Employees have been liberated from having to have their bosses around them for them to perform as expected (Behreandt, 2006)

On the other hand, advancement in technology has had negative effects as discussed below unemployment has resulted. With the advancement of technology, robots have resulted. These are able to multi task as well as work for long hours without getting tired. They have in return been used to replace the human capital hence resulting to great levels of unemployment. It has also affected us since there is increased production of counter feint products. Products like music have been greatly affected by piracy which is as a result of the improved technology which enables the copying of the original product and having it without necessarily having purchased the original product (Behreandt, 2006)

Moral decadence has also resulted.  With the increased technology, people have great and free access to the internet. This has increased and encouraged most people even those underage to access pornography sites which have resulted to increased sexual immorality especially among the youths. There are also increased wars amongst nations. Due to advanced technology, nations are able to manufacture and produce nuclear bombs. These are used to attack other nations even on slight misunderstandings which could be solved by simple talks among the involved leaders of the disagreeing nations (Behreandt, 2006). Increased crime levels have resulted. Due to the advanced technology, feudalism has resulted and is on the increase. Hacking has also resulted and the hackers may use their hacking techniques to fraud peoples accounts and access their bank accounts. Computer viruses have also been produced by people so as to make money after making the anti-viruses.
In conclusion, advanced technology has both positive and negative impacts. The challenge here is how to keep up with the increasingly advancement in technology as well as maintain minimal negative effect. It is technology which has moved the world and it will continue doing so. The companies and organizations which are lagging behind technology wise will also lag behind and may be rendered obsolete.


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